MathGroup is a moderated email list and internet
newsgroup. The email list formed in the late 1980s shortly after the
introduction of Mathematica. Since 1994, messages to
the MathGroup email list have also appeared in the moderated
comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica .*
MathGroup members number in the many thousands from all over
the world and include most of the leading experts in the use
of Mathematica. The group is very active--currently averaging
about 30 to 40 messages a day--and growing.
MathGroup is not just a simple list server that forwards
mail. Rules governing its use are sent to each new member after
joining and can also be found at the
MathGroup web site.
MathGroup was founded and is moderated by Steve Christensen, one of the first Mathematica users, codeveloper of the MathTensor software,
and a consultant on Mathematica and other scientific computing issues to a number of computer hardware and software companies and university
To subscribe to MathGroup, send email to and
ask to be added to this mailing list. Make sure to send a valid email
address. To see the newsgroup, subscribe to it in the same way you
would to any newsgroup.
*This link will open only when a news reader and a news server are