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New in Version 1.2

  • Subject: New in Version 1.2
  • From: lisa at wri.UUCP
  • Date: Tue, 29 Aug 89 21:54:41 -0500
  • Apparently-to: mathgroup-out at

Mathematica--New in Version 1.2


Many minor problems have been fixed.  Many operations have 
been made much more efficient.  Various new features have 
been added.  The new features are compatible with Version 1.1.

Basic System Features

Responsiveness to interrupts has been improved throughout the 
system.  Hash tables have been introduced to allow lists of rules to 
be scanned more rapidly.  The function Dispatch allows 
explicit lists of rules to be optimized using hash tables.  
Hash tables are introduced automatically in assignments, 
making function definitions that involve dynamic programming 
much more efficient.  [S. Wolfram]

The main evaluator has been restructured so that many 
recursive operations have been made iterative.  This 
increases speed and saves stack space.  It does mean that 
some calculations which used to be stopped by 
$RecursionLimit now continue until interrupted.  [H. Cejtin]

Block[{vars}, body /; test] has been introduced, to allow 
local variables to be shared between tests and function 
bodies.  [S. Wolfram]

Operations that modify elements of lists and other structures 
have been made much more efficient.  Copying of internal data 
structures is now avoided in almost all cases.  [H.  Cejtin]

Certain pattern-matching operations involving commutative 
functions have been greatly speeded up.  [K. McIsaac and S. Wolfram]

Input and Output

The appearance and speed of OutputForm output has been 
improved.  Line breaks are more consistent, and exponents 
more compact.  MatrixForm now prints matrices more 
compactly, with dimensions distinguished by spacing.  
[B. Smith and S. Wolfram]

Encode has been added to allow external files to be stored 
in an encoded form.  Encode also allows files to be keyed, 
or to be accessible only on machines with particular ID's.  
[D. Ballman]

Definitions now print out with their formatting directives 
given verbatim.  [B. Smith]

The infix forms lhs === rhs and  lhs =!= rhs have been added 
for SameQ[lhs, rhs] and UnsameQ[lhs, rhs].  [H. Cejtin]

Mathematical Operations

Symbolic integration has been greatly enhanced.  A much 
larger class of integrals can now be done, and results are 
given in simpler and more useful forms.  [D. Withoff] 

Multivariate polynomial GCD and factorization has been made 
much more efficient.  [R. Maeder and I. Rivin]

Algebraic functions can now handle approximate real numbers 
in many more situations.  [R. Maeder]

Solve has been taught to solve transcendental and other 
equations that require explicit use of inverse functions.  [D. Grayson]

The linear programming functions LinearProgramming, 
ContrainedMax and ConstrainedMin have been added.  [I. Rivin]

Rudimentary differential equation solving capabilities have 
been introduced in the function DSolve.  [I. Rivin]

Power series have been speeded up, and have been extended to 
deal with many classes of special functions.  [J. Keiper and I. Rivin]

MatrixPower and MatrixExp have been added.  [I. Rivin]

The functions GCD for numbers, and PolynomialGCD for 
polynomials, have been separated.   [R. Maeder]

Modulus options have been added to Det, Inverse and 
LinearSolve.  [I. Rivin]

The function Residue, for finding residues at poles, has 
been added.  [D. Grayson]

The function GroebnerBasis, which gives explicit forms of 
Grbner bases, has been added.     [D. Grayson]

Numerical Operations

The granularity in numerical precision has been reduced.  
SetPrecision and Set-Accuracy have been added to provide 
additional control over the properties of approximate 
numbers.  [D. Grayson]

Matrix multiplication and related operations have been 
greatly speeded up.   [I. Rivin]

The function Digits, which gives lists of digits of numbers 
in particular bases, has been added.  [D. Grayson]

TheInterpolatingPolynomial  function has been added, to 
give exact interpolating polynomials. [I. Rivin]


Axes and labels can now be drawn on three-dimensional plots.  
[H. Cejtin]

Scaled has been enhanced to allow scaled offsets to be 
specified.  [H. Cejtin]

Circle and Disk primitives have been added for two-
dimensional graphics.  [H. Cejtin]

The Ticks option has been enhanced, to allow more flexible 
placement and labeling of tick marks.  [H. Cejtin]

New options Background, DefaultColor, Prolog,Epilog, 
AxesStyle, etc.  have been added to give more flexibility in 
the rendering of plots.  [S. Wolfram]

Graphics3D[SurfaceGraphics[...]] converts a surface into 
general 3D graphics representation.  [S. Wolfram]

The graphics primitive PostScript has been added, to allow 
verbatim PostScript code to be included in graphics output. 
[S. Wolfram]


Many new standard packages have been added, notably ones for 
statistics and graphics.  Packages are now organized into 
several directories.

Macintosh Front End


A number of new features have been added, and some aspects of 
the user interface have been reorganized.   Notebooks created 
under Version 1.1 are fully compatible with Version 1.2 
(though not vice versa). 

Basic System Features

Kernel computations can now run concurrently with front end 
opera-tions such as Notebook browsing and editing.  While 
Kernel compu-tations are occuring, Running... is displayed in 
the title bar of the current window.  Cells whose execution 
is pending are indicated with outlined cell brackets.  [T. Gray]

Kernel computations can now be run in the background under 
MultiFinder.  (It is also possible in this way to have 
multiple concurrent Mathematica processes.)
Kernel start up can now occur con-currently with front end 
opera-tions.  Starting... is displayed in the menu bar in 
this case.

Menus have been rearranged.  Graph has been added to themain 
menu bar, replacing the Special Effects submenu.  Preference 
settings have been collected in the Settings submenu of the 
Edit menu.  New commands include Divide Cell and Merge Cells.  
Cell styles are now given in the Cell Style submenu, rather 
than directly under the Style menu.  The Format submenu 
allows special formatting of individual cells, replacing the 
Formats menu that appeared when the Styles Window was in front.

User Interface Feature

A 3D ViewPoint Selector dialog box has been added.  It 
displays a cube that can be rotated in real time using the 
mouse, and whose orientation can be pasted into Mathematica 
input in several ways.  [T. Gray]

A Color Selector dialog box has been added, allowing RGBColor 
specifications to be chosen using the standard Macintosh 
color wheel.

New graphical controls for anima-tion have been added, 
mimicking those found on VCRs.

Real-time scrolling has been added as an option.
Various Command-Shift key equivalents have been added for 

Most dialog boxes are now modeless, so that they can remain 
visible while other operations are done.

Graphics Features

Adobe Illustrator 1.1 PostScript file format has been added 
as an option in the Convert Clipboard dialog box.  Various 
options for conversion from RGB (display) to CMYK (printing) 
colors are provided.  [T. Gray]

A Convert to InputForm command has been added to allow 
graphics stored in a Notebook in either PICT or PostScript 
form to be converted to Mathematica  input form.  This allows 
graphics and images from other programs to be imported into 
Mathematica and manipulated using Mathematica Kernel functions.

The Convert to PostScript command has been enhanced to 
include bitmaps as well as objects.  Also colorimage objects 
can be produced.

Rendering of density plots has been made faster, and there is 
no restriction on size.


Communication with the Mathematica Kernel via TCP/IP has been 
added.  It runs over both Ethernet and LocalTalk.  Standard 
Apple MacTCP drivers are used.  [R. Murtagh]

The Phone menu has been renamed Connections, and now has 
entries for both phone numbers and network hostnames.

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