Some questions on Mac II version 1.1
- To: mathgroup
- Subject: Some questions on Mac II version 1.1
- From: munnari!!tim at uunet.UU.NET (Tim Monks)
- Date: Fri, 24 Mar 89 15:54:54 CST
Steve, I have a couple of questions about the Mathematica, (Mac II version 1.1) which I hope either you or someone on the Mathematica mailing list can answer - Australia is rather isolated & there aren't any Mathematica experts here (yet !!) 1. Our copy of version 1.1 does not have the ODE.m package for solving differential equations. Is this package available yet, or is it to be released in a later version ? 2. How do we go about getting future updates to Mathematica ? News of any upgrades takes a bit of time to filter out to Oz, we have got electronic mail and a hook into Usenet news, but not a Portal account. Do you know if the Portal system is functional in Australia so we can get access to Mathematica on-line services ? 3. We have a network of Apollo's and a Silicon Graphics Iris at the labs as well as Macs. Once Apollo get their act together and release Mathematica we would like to run it on our DN10000. We have got both serial and ethernet links between the Mac and the Apollo - will future versions of Mathematica on the Mac support ethernet comms protocol or will it be limited to serial links ? Would there be any advantage in high speed communication between a remote kernel and the front end ? 4. I read a review in the 16th. Feb. edition of Nature for MathReader - a program for viewing Mathematica notebooks. Is this just a utility for those unfortunate sods who have not got Mathematica or does it do more tricks ? I hope you can provide a few answers. Many thanks for your time,