Complex.m --- a package for calculations with complex expressions
- To: stevec at
- Subject: Complex.m --- a package for calculations with complex expressions
- From: "Mark Phillips" <mbp at>
- Date: Thu, 18 May 89 11:24:50 EDT
Hello MathGroupers, Guess what!? This is not a bug report or a request to be removed from this list! [[ applause here ]] It's a package for dealing with complex expressions. Have you ever noticed that Mathematica doesn't evaluate Re[x], Conjugate[x], etc, unless x is a number? There are many situations, however, in which it is nice to be able to delcare a symbol to represent a real quantity, so that complex expressions involving that symbol and Re, Im, Conjugate, and so on can be simplified. This package defines the function DeclareReal which does just this. It also defines several other functions which are useful in the context of calculations with complex expressions. I would be interested in hearing what people think of it, plus suggestions for how to improve it. One thing that I have not been able to work out satisfactorily is how to tell Mathematica that Sqrt[x] is real when x is real an nonnegative. The package currently just checks for N[x]>=0, which works if x is a real number but not otherwise. Similar problems exist for other functions, most notably Power, of which Sqrt is just a special case. Any ideas? Mark Phillips mbp at (arpanet) Department of Mathematics (301) 454-2693 University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742 ---------snip snip------snip snip------snip snip------snip snip--------- (* * Complex.m: * Allows symbols to be declared to represent real numbers. * Expressions involving these symbols and Re,Im,Conjugate, etc, * then simplify nicely. Also defines some useful functions for * manipulating complex expressions. * * Author: Mark B. Phillips (mbp at * Dept. of Mathematics * University of Maryland * May 18, 1989 * * Typical usage: * * In[1]:= <<Complex.m * * In[2]:= DeclareReal[x,y] * * In[3]:= z = x + I y * * Out[3]= x + I y * * In[4]:= ComplexNormSquared[z] * * 2 2 * Out[4]= x + y * * In[5]:= z / Conjugate[z] * * x + I y * Out[5]= -------- * x + -I y * * In[6]:= ComplexCanonify[%] * * 2 2 * 2 I x y x - y * Out[6]= ------- + ------- * 2 2 2 2 * x + y x + y *) BeginPackage["Complex`"] RealQ::usage = "RealQ[x] yields true if x is a real expression or the name of a function which takes real numbers to real numbers." DeclareReal::usage = "DeclareReal[x, y, ...] declares x, y, ... to be real variables or functions which take real numbers to real numbers. The x, y,... must be atoms." RealValuedQ::usage = "RealValuedQ[f] yields true if f is the name of a real-valued function." DeclareRealValuedQ::usage = "DeclareRealValuedQ[f, g, ...] declares f, g, ... to be the names of real-valued functions. The f, g, ... must be atoms." ComplexNorm::usage = "ComplexNorm[z] gives the Euclidean norm of the complex quantity z. It is mathematically equal to Abs[z], but is immediately evaluated using the formula Sqrt[ComplexNormSquared[z]]." ComplexNormSquared::usage = "ComplexNormSquared[z] gives the square of the Euclidean norm of the complex quantity z." AbsReduce::usage = "AbsReduce[expr] writes expr as Sqrt[ Re[expr]^2 + Im[expr]^2 ]." ComplexParametricPlot::usage = "ComplexParametricPlot[f, args] plots the real and imaginary parts of f in a parametric plot; it is equivalent to ParametricPlot[{Re[f],Im[f]}, args ]." ComplexCanonify::usage = "ComplexCanonify[expr] gives the complex expression expr in the form a + I b, where a and b are real." Begin["`private`"] (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* This is ReIm.m as distributed with version 1.1 of Mathematica. It *) (* is specifically included here (rather than included indirectly) *) (* because the 1.2 beta version works differently. *) Unprotect[Re,Im] RealQ[Pi] := True RealQ[E] := True RealQ[EulerGamma] := True RealQ[Sin] := True RealQ[Cos] := True RealQ[Tan] := True RealQ[n_Integer] := True RealQ[n_Real] := True RealQ[n_Rational] := True Re[f_[x_]] := f[x] /; RealQ[f] && RealQ[x] Re[x_] := x /; RealQ[x] Im[x_] := 0 /; RealQ[x] Re[x_+y_] := Re[x] + Re[y] Im[x_+y_] := Im[x] + Im[y] Re[x_ y_] := Re[x] Re[y] - Im[x] Im[y] Im[x_ y_] := Re[x] Im[y] + Im[x] Re[y] Re[ 1 / x_ ] := Re[x] / (Re[x]^2 + Im[x]^2) Im[ 1 / x_ ] := -Im[x] / (Re[x]^2 + Im[x]^2) Re[E^x_] := Cos[Im[x]] Exp[Re[x]] Im[E^x_] := Sin[Im[x]] Exp[Re[x]] Im[x_ ^ 2] := 2 Re[x] Im[x] Re[ x_ ^ n_Integer ] := Block[{a, b}, a = Round[n/2]; b = n-a; Re[x^a] Re[x^b] - Im[x^a] Im[x^b] ] Im[ x_ ^ n_Integer ] := Block[{a, b}, a = Round[n/2]; b = n-a; Re[x^a] Im[x^b] + Im[x^a] Re[x^b] ] Re[x_Integer ^ n_Rational] := 0 /; IntegerQ[2n] && x<0 Im[x_Integer ^ n_Rational] := (-x) ^ n (-1) ^ ((Numerator[n]-1)/2) /; IntegerQ[2n] && x<0 Re[x_Integer ^ n_Rational] := x^n /; OddQ[Denominator[n]] || x>0 Im[x_Integer ^ n_Rational] := 0 /; OddQ[Denominator[n]] || x>0 Re[(-1) ^ n_Rational] := Cos[n Pi] Im[(-1) ^ n_Rational] := Sin[n Pi] Re[Sin[x_]] := Sin[Re[x]] Cosh[Im[x]] Im[Sin[x_]] := Cos[Re[x]] Sinh[Im[x]] Re[Cos[x_]] := Cos[Re[x]] Cosh[Im[x]] Im[Cos[x_]] := -Sin[Re[x]] Sinh[Im[x]] Re[Tan[x_]] := Re[Sin[x]/Cos[x]] Im[Tan[x_]] := Im[Sin[x]/Cos[x]] Protect[Re,Im] (* End of ReIm.m *) (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) RealQ[f_[x_]] := True /; RealValuedQ[f] RealValuedQ[Re] := True RealValuedQ[Im] := True RealValuedQ[Abs] := True RealValuedQ[Arg] := True (* NOTE: RealQ should have an option to specify how it does comparisons for <, >, ==, etc. Right now we just use N[#]. *) RealQ[Sqrt[x_]] := True /; (RealQ[x] && (N[x] >= 0)) RealQ[x_?RealQ + y_?RealQ] := True RealQ[x_?RealQ * y_?RealQ] := True RealQ[x_?RealQ ^ -1] := True Unprotect[Conjugate] Conjugate[x_] := x /; Re[x] == x Conjugate[x_ + y_] := Conjugate[x] + Conjugate[y] Conjugate[x_ * y_] := Conjugate[x] * Conjugate[y] Conjugate[Conjugate[x_]] := x Conjugate[Exp[y_]] := Exp[-y] /; Re[y] == 0 Protect[Conjugate] Unprotect[Arg] Arg[x_] := 0 /; (Im[x]==0 && N[x]>0) Arg[x_] := Pi /; (Im[x]==0 && N[x]<0) Arg[0] = 0 Protect[Arg] SetAttributes[DeclareReal, Listable] DeclareReal[x_,y__] := (DeclareReal[{x,y}] ; Null) DeclareReal[x_] := (x/: RealQ[x] = True ; Null) SetAttributes[DeclareRealValued, Listable] DeclareRealValued[f_,g__] := (DeclareRealValued[{f,g}] ; Null) DeclareRealValued[f_] := (f/: RealValuedQ[f] = True ; Null) ComplexNormSquared[z_] := Expand[ z Conjugate[z] ] ComplexNorm[z_] := Sqrt[ComplexNormSquared[z]] AbsReduce[e_] := e //. Abs[z_] -> Sqrt[ Re[z]^2 + Im[z]^2 ] ComplexParametricPlot[f_, args__] := ParametricPlot[ {Re[f],Im[f]}, args ] ComplexCanonify[z_] := Together[Expand[Re[z]]] + I Together[Expand[Im[z]]] End[] EndPackage[]