Prime bug
- Subject: Prime bug
- From: wheeler at
- Date: Tue, 19 Sep 89 23:56:17 -0500
- Apparently-to: mathgroup-out at
Here is a code fragment for computing the number of primes <= x for moderate values of x. PrimePi[x_?NumberQ] := Block[{n, m, avg, flrx = Floor[x]}, m = LogIntegral[N[flrx]]; n = Ceiling[m - LogIntegral[Sqrt[N[flrx]]]]; m = Floor[m]; While[ m != n+1, avg = Quotient[n+m,2]; Print[n," ", Prime[n]]; If[ flrx < Prime[avg], m = avg, n = avg] ]; n ] The thing to look at is the Print statement in the While loop. Watch this: Mathematica (sun3.68881) 1.2 (August 3, 1989) [With pre-loaded data] by S. Wolfram, D. Grayson, R. Maeder, H. Cejtin, S. Omohundro, D. Ballman and J. Keiper with I. Rivin and D. Withoff Copyright 1988,1989 Wolfram Research Inc. In[1]:= <<PrimePi.m 0.0666667 Second In[2]:= p = Prime[105096565] 0.283333 Second Out[2]= 2147462123 In[3]:= PrimePi[p] 105094402 2147415443 105094402 2147415443 105095608 2147417855 <-- Clearly not a prime!! 105096211 2147419061 105096513 2147419665 105096664 2147419967 105096739 2147420117 105096777 2147420193 105096796 2147420231 105096805 2147420249 105096810 2147420259 105096812 2147420263 105096813 2147420265 1.3 Second Out[3]= 105096814 <-- Not the right answer. In[4]:= Prime[105094402] 0.366667 Second Out[4]= 2147368919 <-- This is not what is given in the list! Why is there a difference in the Prime function within the program and the Prime function on the top level? Ferrell Wheeler Supercomputing Research Center wheeler at (301) 805-7360