Tick labels
- To: mathgroup at yoda.ncsa.uiuc.edu
- Subject: Tick labels
- From: uunet!cello.hpl.hp.com!jacobson
- Date: Wed, 29 Aug 90 09:20:29 PDT
In Plot[], the default tick labels for the Y axis have the trailing zeros chopped off, then are right justified. Here is a tty picture of one I just did: 0.0175 + | 0.015 + | 0.0125 + | 0.01 + | 0.0075 + | 0.005 + | 0.0025 + | +-------... I'd much prefer a constant number of places past the decimal point. Or if not that, at least line the decimal points up. Does any one know how to make this happen? Thank you, -- David Jacobson