PointSize Problem
- To: mathgroup at yoda.ncsa.uiuc.edu
- Subject: PointSize Problem
- From: Peter Horan <uunet!cm.deakin.OZ.AU!peter>
- Date: Thu, 16 Aug 90 17:26:39 +1000
I got no reaction to ERROR #2 last week: >Subject: Mathematica Errors 386 version 1.2 >ERROR #1: [ This one deleted. Referred to an error in hardcopy. ] >ERROR #2: >When I do ListPlot[] points are not displayed unless >PointSize -> 0.03 or larger. e.g. >ListPlot[Point[{{x1, y1},{x2, y2},....}]] does not appear. The >axes are correct if they are turned on. Similarly, >ListPlot[Line[......]] works. Peter Horan peter at aragorn.cm.deakin.oz