- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Archive5
- From: uunet!!mbp
- Date: Mon, 22 Jan 90 12:45:10 EST
Below is Archive 5. There are a few short programs which people submitted with their article, and I didn't bother to extract them so that they can be separately included in the archives, since they are not packages. --Mark Phillips [Thanks to Mark for his efforts. --smc] ---cut here------cut here------cut here------cut here------cut here--- Mathematica Notes from sci.math.symbolic, sci.math, and Archive 5: 20 November 1989 --- 22 January 1990 Editor: Mark Phillips mbp at Subjects: Mathematica Syntax Postscript output from mathematica Mathematica question Re: Mathematica question Re: Mathematica question Mathematica: Are They Crazy Or Am I? Re: Mathematica: Are They Crazy Or Am I? Re: Mathematica: Are They Crazy Or Am I Re: Mathematica: Are They Crazy Or Am I? Mathematica Wanted / MAC-SE/020/882 Re: Mathematica Wanted / MAC-SE/020/882 parser for Mathematica 3x+1 package for Mathematica "Do YOU still do these integrals by hand?" Re: non-commutative algebra in Mathematica? Questions about Mathematica Special Input Forms Re: non-commutative algebra in Mathematica? Re: non-commutative algebra in Mathematica? Simplification in Mathematica Making a postscript file from a composite plot in Mathematica factorizing polynomials Fast RLE routines Re: A request Re: non-commutative algebra in Mathematica? Re: A request Re: A request RunEncode competition (*======================================================================*) From: fateman at renoir.Berkeley.EDU (Richard Fateman) Subject: Mathematica Syntax Summary: How is Mathematica syntax defined? Date: 27 Dec 89 17:49:52 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic I find Mathematica grammar to be a hodge-podge, and I wonder if anyone else has found this to be bothersome. Because neither the manual (and Roman Maeder's additional book on programming in Mathematica) have a formal definition of the language (e.g. in Backus-Naur Form), it is difficult to predict the acceptability of certain (admittedly marginal) forms. It is sometimes difficult to predict the structure of those forms accepted by the system, as well. My question really is, Does anyone (presumably at WRI) actually have a complete formal grammar definition for Mathematica? (and can it be made public?) In case you think you think the answer is already in the manual: The list of "precedences" in the manual are inadequate because each operator must have left- and right- binding powers, and the notion that there are only "expressions" and "symbols" in the language is unsupported by the behavior of the system. Furthermore, there are just plain errors and omissions in the table. Reserving for a future time comments on the unpredictability of the semantics, let me give just a few examples of the grammar.. Input Output in FullForm -- comments 1 . 2 Dot[1,2] 1. 2 2.0 1 .2 0.2 1.2.3 --Error-- not Dot[1.2,3] a.!b.c Dot[a,Not[Dot[b,c]] -- not? Dot[a,Not[b],c] a**!b**c --Error-- not NonCommutativeMultiply[a,Not[NCM[b,c]]] a>b< c Inequality[a,Greater,b,Less,c] ... but a==b>c Equal[a,Greater[b,c]] not Inequality[a,Equal,b,Greater,c] a!*!b Times[Factorial[a],Not[b]] ... but a! !b Times [Factorial[Factorial[a]],b] a!!b Times [Factorial2[a],b] -- there are lots of oddities with "!" (a,b,c) --almost impossible to print out-- it is Segment[a,b,c] 16^^1a 26 ...but 16^^1 a a 16^^1x --Error-- not 1*x or x f[!b] F[Not[b]] .. but !b -- attempts to execute b as shell command There are many other oddities, some may be merely a lack of conventionality for someone familiar with Pascal or C, and some are fairly esoteric... So, to repeat the question: Does anyone have a BNF for Mathematica? (probably also required: a definition of the lexical structure...) If so, is it available for public consumption? By the way, I found some of the problems in the language in the process of writing a Mathematic scanner/parser, in Common Lisp. Though I am still tinkering with the program, my hope is to be able to parse Mathematica programs and libraries independently of Mathematica. (and to allow others to do so as well) Richard J. Fateman fateman at (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: jeremy at (Jeremy Teitelbaum) Subject: Postscript output from mathematica Date: 29 Dec 89 20:06:50 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic I would like to include postscript output from Mathematica into TeX files, using the \special command in TeX. Has anyone had any luck with this? -- jeremy at Jeremy Teitelbaum Math Dept. U. of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: jesperse at (Dennis C. Jespersen) Subject: Mathematica question Summary: NIntegrate of function defined with Which fails? Date: 30 Dec 89 00:02:27 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic This is Mathematica NeXT Release 1.0, Kernel version 1.2, Front end version 1.2, on a NeXT. With psi[x_] := Which[0<x && x<=1, 1, True, 0] I find Plot[psi[x], {x,-1,2}] works fine, but NIntegrate[psi[x], {x,-1,2}] returns 0; NIntegrate[psi[x], {x,0,1}] also returns 0. With PSI[x_] := Which[x<0,0,x>1,0,True,1] both Plot and NIntegrate are OK. With phooey[x_] := Which[x<0,0,x<1,x^2,x<2,-2*x^2+6*x-3,x<3,(3-x)^2,x>3,0], Plot[phooey[x[], {x,0,3}] is OK but NIntegrate[phooey[x], {x,0,3}] gives Integrand Null is not numerical at {2.94043}. So how should one go about defining a function in piecewise form so that NIntegrate can be successful? Dennis Jespersen MS 202A-1 NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035 (415)694-6742 jesperse at jesperse at (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: moler at simplicity.Stanford.EDU (Cleve Moler) Subject: Re: Mathematica question Date: 30 Dec 89 05:43:30 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic Dennis Jespersen asks about Mathematica: > So how should one go about defining a function in piecewise form so that > NIntegrate can be successful? One of his examples is: > phooey[x_] := Which[x<0,0,x<1,x^2,x<2,-2*x^2+6*x-3,x<3,(3-x)^2,x>3,0], The numerical integrators in MATLAB, "quad" and "quad8", can integrate this function reliably, but their behavior is interesting. Consider integration over the interval [-s, 3+s] for some s >= 0. This contains the support interval [0, 3] and so the result should be the same for all s . MATLAB does get the right answer (2.0) for any s, but the amount of work it does can vary considerably. The two integrators use adaptive methods based on Simpson's rule and the 8-panel Newton rule. They begin by dividing the interval into subintervals. If the subdivision points happen to fall at the break points of Jespersen's piecewise quadratic example, the rules get the exact answer immediately and terminate quickly. This happens, for example, with s = 0.5. But for "most" values of s, the break points fall within the subintervals, the discontinuities in the second derivative are "felt" and many levels of recursion and subdivision are required to get a specified accuracy. By the way, I expressed the function in a manner that allows it to be evaluated at many points in a vector x : function y = phi(x) y = (x.^2) .* (0<x) .* (x<=1) + ... (-2*x.^2+6*x-3) .* (1<x) .* (x<=2) + ... (3-x).^2 .* (2<x) .* (x<=3); The .* and .^ are MATLAB's notation for element-by-element operations on vectors. Although this is still a little cryptic, I find it easier to read than the Which notation. -- Cleve Moler The MathWorks moler at or, na.moler at (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: rivin at Gang-of-Four.Stanford.EDU (Igor Rivin) Subject: Re: Mathematica question Date: 30 Dec 89 19:09:58 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic In article <4365 at> jesperse at (Dennis C. Jespersen) writes: >This is Mathematica NeXT Release 1.0, Kernel version 1.2, Front end >version 1.2, on a NeXT. > >With psi[x_] := Which[0<x && x<=1, 1, True, 0] > >I find Plot[psi[x], {x,-1,2}] works fine, but > >NIntegrate[psi[x], {x,-1,2}] returns 0; > >NIntegrate[psi[x], {x,0,1}] also returns 0. > >With PSI[x_] := Which[x<0,0,x>1,0,True,1] both Plot and NIntegrate >are OK. > >With phooey[x_] := Which[x<0,0,x<1,x^2,x<2,-2*x^2+6*x-3,x<3,(3-x)^2,x>3,0], >Plot[phooey[x[], {x,0,3}] is OK but >NIntegrate[phooey[x], {x,0,3}] gives > Integrand Null is not numerical at {2.94043}. > >So how should one go about defining a function in piecewise form so that >NIntegrate can be successful? > >Dennis Jespersen >MS 202A-1 >NASA Ames Research Center >Moffett Field, CA 94035 >(415)694-6742 >jesperse at >jesperse at Here is a reply courtesy of Jerry Keiper (the designer of NIntegrate): The reason phooey[x_] := Which[x<0,0,x<1,x^2,x<2,-2*x^2+6*x-3,x<3,(3-x)^2,x>3,0] cannot be integrated with NIntegrate[] is that Which[] always evaluates. The way to fix this behavior is to allow phooey[] to evaluate only when x_ is a number. e.g. In[1]:= phooey[x_?NumberQ] := Which[ x<0, 0, x<1, x^2, x<2, -2*x^2+6*x-3, x<3, (3-x)^2, x>3, 0] Since it is clear where the singularities occur, we can tell NIntegrate[] to work between them rather than trying to resolve them: In[2]:= NIntegrate[phooey[x], {x,-5,0,1,2,3,7}] Out[2]= 2. In[3]:= %-2 -16 Out[3]= -8.88178 10 -- Igor Rivin Wolfram Research, Inc. rivin at Gang-of-Four.Stanford.EDU or rivin at (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: iphwk at TERRA.OSCS.MONTANA.EDU (Bill Kinnersley) Subject: Mathematica: Are They Crazy Or Am I? Date: 1 Jan 90 13:56:44 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic What am I doing wrong here? --------------- Mathematica 1.2 (August 30, 1989) [With pre-loaded data] by S. Wolfram, D. Grayson, R. Maeder, H. Cejtin, S. Omohundro, D. Ballman and J. Keiper with I. Rivin and D. Withoff Copyright 1988,1989 Wolfram Research Inc. In[1]:= m*z^2/(p^2+z^2)^(3/2) + z/(p^2+z^2) 2 m z z Out[1]= ------------ + ------- 2 2 3/2 2 2 (p + z ) p + z In[2]:= Together[%] 2 2 3 p z + m z + z Out[2]= ---------------- 2 2 3/2 (p + z ) -- --Bill Kinnersley Physics Department Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717 INTERNET: iphwk at BITNET: IPHWK at MTSUNIX1 226 Transfer complete. (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: rivin at Gang-of-Four.Stanford.EDU (Igor Rivin) Subject: Re: Mathematica: Are They Crazy Or Am I? Date: 2 Jan 90 20:35:22 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic In article <9001011356.AA13770 at> iphwk at TERRA.OSCS.MONTANA.EDU (Bill Kinnersley) writes: >What am I doing wrong here? > >--------------- > >Mathematica 1.2 (August 30, 1989) [With pre-loaded data] >by S. Wolfram, D. Grayson, R. Maeder, H. Cejtin, > S. Omohundro, D. Ballman and J. Keiper >with I. Rivin and D. Withoff >Copyright 1988,1989 Wolfram Research Inc. > >In[1]:= m*z^2/(p^2+z^2)^(3/2) + z/(p^2+z^2) > > 2 > m z z >Out[1]= ------------ + ------- > 2 2 3/2 2 2 > (p + z ) p + z > >In[2]:= Together[%] > > 2 2 3 > p z + m z + z >Out[2]= ---------------- > 2 2 3/2 > (p + z ) > > >-- >--Bill Kinnersley > Physics Department Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717 > INTERNET: iphwk at BITNET: IPHWK at MTSUNIX1 >226 Transfer complete. You are not doing anything wrong. This is a known bug in Mathematica 1.2. Together command. There was a maintenance upgrade (which you, apparently, have not received) which fixed this problem around two months ago. If you send me (or support at the relevant information (your machine type, registration #, etc) we will send you the upgrade. This also applies to any other Mathematica user reading this who can duplicate the behavior exhibited in the included message. -- Igor Rivin Wolfram Research, Inc. rivin at Gang-of-Four.Stanford.EDU or rivin at (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: chrstnsn at Subject: Re: Mathematica: Are They Crazy Or Am I Date: 3 Jan 90 01:40:52 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic Bill: I believe that you have run into a bug in an early version of 1.2 that was known and is now fixed: Mathematica (sun4) 1.2 (November 6, 1989) [With pre-loaded data] by S. Wolfram, D. Grayson, R. Maeder, H. Cejtin, S. Omohundro, D. Ballman and J. Keiper with I. Rivin and D. Withoff Copyright 1988,1989 Wolfram Research Inc. -- SunView graphics initialized -- In[1]:= m*z^2/(p^2+z^2)^(3/2) + z/(p^2+z^2) 2 m z z Out[1]= ------------ + ------- 2 2 3/2 2 2 (p + z ) p + z In[2]:= Together[%] 2 2 2 m z + z Sqrt[p + z ] Out[2]= ---------------------- 2 2 3/2 (p + z ) Steve Christensen University of Illinois steve at (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: flynn at (Patrick J. Flynn) Subject: Re: Mathematica: Are They Crazy Or Am I? Date: 3 Jan 90 12:32:54 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic In article <1990Jan2.203522.15261 at Neon.Stanford.EDU> rivin at Gang-of-Four.Stanford.EDU (Igor Rivin) writes: +In article <9001011356.AA13770 at> iphwk at TERRA.OSCS.MONTANA.EDU (Bill Kinnersley) writes: +>What am I doing wrong here? +> +> [description of bug in 1.2 version of Together[] omitted] + +You are not doing anything wrong. This is a known bug in Mathematica +1.2. Together command. +There was a maintenance upgrade (which you, apparently, have not +received) which fixed this problem around two months ago. If you send +me (or support at the relevant information (your machine type, +registration #, etc) we will send you the upgrade. This also applies to +any other Mathematica user reading this who can duplicate the behavior +exhibited in the included message. Does this upgrade policy apply to the 1.2 Mathematica shipped with the NeXT 1.0 system software? It does exhibit the bug. The Release notes for Mathematica on the NeXT state that registering your copy of Mathematica "... does not entitle you to free technical support, updates, or other services from Wolfram Research", and suggests that we contact NeXT about these issues. So- How is this upgrade handled? And by whom (NeXT or Wolfram)? -- Patrick Flynn, CS, Mich. State U., flynn at (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: bannon at (Ron Bannon) Subject: Mathematica Wanted / MAC-SE/020/882 Date: 4 Jan 90 17:39:23 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic MATHEMATICA ^^^^^^^^^^^ WANTED ^^^^^^ I'm thinking about purchasing Mathematica for my MAC but the price is a little steep. Is it worth the $700, or is there any way to get it cheaper? I plan to use Mathematica on my MAC-SE which has a 68020/68882 Radius accelerator and 4 MB of RAM. The 4 MB is the maximum configuration and I'm a little concerned that it may not be enough especially under MultiFinder. Suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Ron Bannon bannon at bannon at Ron Bannon bannon at :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Is George Bush a traitor? Read "October Surprise" by Honegger. Send for details. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: fateman at renoir.Berkeley.EDU (Richard Fateman) Subject: parser for Mathematica Date: 6 Jan 90 00:22:26 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic OK, its ready for a few brave souls. If you want to try a Mathematica (tm) parser written in Common Lisp, I can make it available to those who can ftp from some computer hereabouts. I'm not going to send it by tape anywhere. Respond to me (not to the whole net), and I'll tell you how to get it. There are 2 parts: a LaTeX article describing it, and a Lisp text file, about 30,000 characters. It would have been smaller, but I decided to expand out most of the macros so I could fiddle with borderline cases. It parses about 50 lines/CPU second on an IBM RT. Note that this is NOT a interpreter or a pattern matcher for the internal form that is produced. Example of input/output: f[x_]:=If[x==0,1,x f[x-1]] (SetDelayed (f (Pattern x (Blank))) (If (Equal x (Integer 0)) (Integer 1) (Times x (f (Plus x (Times (Integer -1) (Integer 1))))))) Here's another Mathematica puzzle. What do you get if you type in f(0,x) and why is it always equal to f(x,0)? If you have a Mathematica, try FullForm[Hold[f(x,0)]] for a hint. Richard Fateman fateman at (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: ilan at Gang-of-Four.Stanford.EDU (Ilan Vardi) Subject: 3x+1 package for Mathematica Date: 6 Jan 90 07:47:26 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic (* This Package is a new version of CollatzProblem.m (the "3x+1 problem"). I have used a slightly different definition of Collatz[n] than in the original CollatzProblem.m but it follows the discovery by R. Terras and C. Everett that you should really look at (3x + 1)/2 (see J. Lagarias, American Math. Monthly, January 1985). I have also allowed negative values of n. You should be able to check the conjecture for any value of n, n <= 2^(10^5). After that I started to run into memory problems. Also, the programs runs at least 4 times faster on the development version than in version 1.2. This is probably due to division of large numbers (1000 digits) by small numbers (3 digits) being speeded up. You have to create a table so it may take about 5 minutes to read in the file. -Ilan Vardi, January 5, 1990. *) Collatz[1] := {1} Collatz[-1] := {-1}; Collatz[-5] := {-5}; Collatz[-17] := {-17}; Collatz[n_Integer] := Prepend[Collatz[(3 n +1) / 2], n] /; OddQ[n] Collatz[n_Integer] := Prepend[Collatz[n / 2], n] /; EvenQ[n] (* The following is a faster version of Collatz[n] *) CollatzFaster[n_Integer] := Collatz[n] /; n < CollatzSmallRange CollatzFaster[n_Integer] := Block[{cr}, cr = Flatten[Map[NestList[If[EvenQ[#], #/2, (3# + 1)/2]&, #, CollatzIterateConstant - 1]&, CollatzIterate[n]]]; Join[cr, Rest[Collatz[Last[cr]]]]] (* CollatzFaster uses this function which lists the k'th Collatz iterates, where k = CollatzIterateConstant (default = 10). *) ColllatzIterate[n_Integer] := {} /; n < CollatzSmallRange CollatzIterate[n_Integer] := Prepend[CollatzIterate[{n, 1} . CollatzCoefficientListConstant [[1 + Mod[n, CollatzListLength]]]], n] (* The following is a more efficient method of computing how many steps it takes to reach 1 (total stopping time) *) CollatzTotalStoppingTime[n_Integer] := Length[Collatz[n]] - 1/; n < CollatzSmallRange CollatzTotalStoppingTime[n_Integer] := CollatzIterateConstant + CollatzTotalStoppingTime[{n, 1} . CollatzCoefficientListConstant [[1 + Mod[n, CollatzListLength]]]] CollatzTotalStoppingTime[n_Integer] := CollatzLargeIterateConstant + CollatzTotalStoppingTime[ NestList[Block[ {a = CollatzCoefficientListConstant[[1 + Mod[#[[2]], CollatzListLength] ]]}, {SemiProduct[#[[1]], a], Mod[{#[[2]], 1} . a, CollatzLargeListLength]}] &, {{1, 0}, Mod[n, CollatzLargeListLength]}, CollatzLargeFactor] [[-1, 1]] . {n, 1}] /; n > CollatzLargeRange SemiProduct[{a_, b_}, {c_, d_}] := {a c, b c + d} (* ******************************************************************* The above programs require a table that can be precomputed using the following program. **********************************************************************) CollatzCoefficientList[k_Integer] := RotateRight[ Map[Function[x, {3^Apply[Plus, x] / 2^Length[x], Reverse[x] . Accumulate[#1 #2 &, 1/2 Prepend[3^Reverse[Rest[x]],1]]}], Mod[Map[NestList[If[EvenQ[#], #/2, (3 # + 1)/2]&, #, k-1] &, Range[1, 2^k]], 2]]] (*********************************************************************** Constants: Default for iteration speedup is 10. This seems optimal so far. ************************************************************************) CollatzIterateConstant = 10 CollatzListLength = 2^CollatzIterateConstant CollatzCoefficientListConstant = CollatzCoefficientList[CollatzIterateConstant] CollatzSmallRange = 2^(CollatzIterateConstant + 1) + 2 CollatzLargeFactor = 100 CollatzLargeIterateConstant = CollatzIterateConstant CollatzLargeFactor CollatzLargeListLength = 2^(CollatzIterateConstant CollatzLargeFactor) CollatzLargeRange = Max[2^(CollatzIterateConstant CollatzLargeFactor +2), 2^1000] Off[General::recursion] $RecursionLimit = Infinity; (* Running Times of above on Dec 3100 lasso [11] collatz> math13 Mathematica (DECstation 3100) 1.3.beta (January 3, 1990) [With pre-loaded data] by S. Wolfram, D. Grayson, R. Maeder, H. Cejtin, S. Omohundro, D. Ballman, and J. Keiper with I. Rivin, D. Withoff, B. K. Smith, and H.-W. Tam Copyright 1988,1989,1990 Wolfram Research, Inc. -- Terminal graphics initialized -- In[1]:= Timing[<<CollatzProblemFaster.m] Out[1]= {55.5667 Second, Null} In[2]:= CollatzTotalStoppingTime[2^50 -1]//Timing Out[2]= {0.383333 Second, 383} In[3]:= CollatzTotalStoppingTime[2^500 - 1]//Timing Out[3]= {1.86667 Second, 4331} In[4]:= CollatzTotalStoppingTime[2^500 + 1]//Timing Out[4]= {0.983333 Second, 2204} In[5]:= CollatzTotalStoppingTime[2^5000 - 1]//Timing Out[5]= {44.8667 Second, 43247} In[6]:= CollatzTotalStoppingTime[2^50000 - 1]//Timing Out[6]= {622.767 Second, 428838} In[7]:= CollatzTotalStoppingTime[2^(10^5) - 1]//Timing Out[7]= {1563.97 Second, 863323} *) (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: t19 at (Geert J v Oldenborgh) Subject: "Do YOU still do these integrals by hand?" Date: 8 Jan 90 17:56:47 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic "Do YOU still do these intergals by hand?" it said in large letters on the Maple and Mathematica adds in our (physics) lab. I decided not to be caught old-fashioned, got myself an account on a machine with maple and mathematica and tried a few integrals which I needed and which take 20 min to 1 hr by hand. (plus some time to check numerically..) k = sqrt(x^2-a^2); int( log((p0*x - p*k)/(p0*x + p*k))/x,x=a..b,continuous); (I really only need lim(a->0)) Result: Maple thinks a long time, and finally gives back the integral. Mathematica the same. (The answer, in the limit a->0, is a set of 5 simple dilogs plus a divergent logarithm). OK, try again: int(int(1/(pDp*x^2 + pDq*x*y + qDq*y^2 + pDs*x + qDs*y + sDs - I*eps), y=0..x),x=0..1); in which the limit eps 0-> 0, eps > 0 is understood. Nothing. OK, let's put eps=0 and not care about the imaginary part (which is simple). Maple: nothing. Mathematica hangs up the machine. (The answer is a sum of six fairly simple dilogs). These are the kind of integrals I do daily. "Do YOU still do these integrals by hand?" YES! Geert Jan van Oldenborgh working at, but not representing, NIKHEF-H, Amsterdam (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: baez at (john baez) Subject: Re: non-commutative algebra in Mathematica? Date: 9 Jan 90 00:17:41 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic In article <PALMIERI.89Dec14155157 at> palmieri at (John H Palmieri) writes: >Does anyone out there know a good way to do non-commutative algebraic >calculations with, say, Mathematica (on a Sun, in case that matters)? >(I am particularly interested in the Steenrod algebra, by the way.) >Thanks. It's too bad I didn't run into you while I was at MIT over Xmas (helping Segal with his book on quantum field theory). I've used Mathematica to do some calculations in the Weyl algebra over a 2-dimensional symplectic space; the main trick is to use the ** (NonCommutativeMultiply) operator, and to put in relations in such a way that expressions will be reduced in the desired direction (taking care to avoid loops). I never got that far in algebraic topology but if the Steenrod algebra is associative and easily thought of in terms of generators and relations this should work. Here's all that was needed in my case: Unprotect[NonCommutativeMultiply] q1 ** p1 -> p1 ** q1 + I q2 ** p2 -> p2 ** q2 + I q1 ** p2 -> p2 ** q1 q2 ** p1 -> p1 ** q2 p2 ** p1 -> p1 ** p2 q2 ** q1 -> q1 ** q2 a_ ** (b_ + c_) -> (a ** b) + (a ** c) (a_ + b_) ** c_ -> (a ** c) + (b ** c) a_ ** b_ :> b a /; NumberQ[b] a_ ** b_ :> a b /; NumberQ[a] a_ ** (b_ c_) :> b (a ** c) /; NumberQ[b] (a_ b_) ** c_ :> a (b ** c) /; NumberQ[a] a_ ** (b_ + c_) -> (a ** b) + (a ** c) (a_ + b_) ** c_ -> (a ** c) + (b ** c) I could do calculations that were far too grungy to (want to) do by hand, but ran into long run times before I could do all I wanted to, probably because the above rules, while conceptually simple, ate up time unnecessarily. I was too lazy to figure out how to optimize things; I suspect calculations would go much faster in a well-written C program, but the point is that like many mathematicians I find such programming a tiresome distraction when trying to prove theorems. (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: stef at (Stephane Payrard) Subject: Questions about Mathematica Special Input Forms Date: 9 Jan 90 03:21:59 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic Is there a function which returns the precedence of a given operator (in its input form)? Is there a way for a user to extend the set of Input Forms? Disclaimers: I am a newcomer to this group, to Mathematica; and English is not ny mother tongue. -- -- Stephane Payrard -- stef at -- (415) 336 3726 Sun Microsystems -- 2550 Garcia Avenue -- M/S 16-40 -- Mountain View CA 94043 (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: t19 at (Geert J v Oldenborgh) Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic Subject: Re: non-commutative algebra in Mathematica? Date: 9 Jan 90 15:31:19 GMT In article <PALMIERI.89Dec14155157 at> palmieri at (John H Palmieri) writes: >>Does anyone out there know a good way to do non-commutative algebraic >>... >I've used Mathematica to do some calculations in the Weyl algebra >over a 2-dimensional symplectic space; ... You might want to try FORM, which is very good at these kind of things. Noncommuting objects and the linearity properties are built in and you can sweep out commutators with a loop like repeat; id, p*q = q*p + whatever; endrepeat; The program is free and the executables for a dozen computers (including sun4) and docs can be obtained by anonymous ftp from It is also quite a bit faster than anything else I have used. Geert Jan van Oldenborgh NIKHEF-H, Amsterdam. (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: t68 at (Jos Vermaseren) Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic Subject: Re: non-commutative algebra in Mathematica? Date: 10 Jan 90 10:37:45 GMT The program FORM can do most of these noncummutative things as multiplication of functions is default noncummutative. (You can define commuting functions though). So your objects happen to be functions without arguments and everything drops in place. You can make procedures that reduce your expressions when it suits you, or put some smart reductions at the proper locations (general reductions have a tendency to blow you out of the computer). You can pick up FORM (and a .dvi file of its manual) by means of anonymous ftp from (it works already for many places and the rest should follow rather soon). There are the following executables: Apollo DN3000, Apollo DN10000, SUN4/Sparc, Gould 9080, Gould NP1, DECstation 3100(ultrix), VMS5, ultrix (on regular VAX), Atari-ST, IBM-PC (had to be pruned a little), MAC, Alliant. There will be more. Read the instructions before you print the manual. Jos Vermaseren (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: desouza at (Paulo de Souza) Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic Subject: Simplification in Mathematica Date: 11 Jan 90 08:55:54 GMT A question on simplification: How can one make Mathematica perform simplifications of the type t^(2r) = -1, on a series of polynomials computed, where the value of "r" changes during the execution ? What I have done is to write the rule in a package, but everytime the value "r" changes I have to reread it, in order for it to accept the new value in the simplifications. I am doing this inside a package where the value of "r" is an input of one of the functions. Just for completeness here is the essential part of the code I am using: BeginPackage["KirMelInvariant`"] ................................. Unprotect[Power] Power/: t^(p_) := t^(Mod[p,4r]) /; p >= 4r Power/: t^(p_) := t^(-Mod[-p,4r]) /; p <= -4r Power/: t^(p_) := -t^(Mod[p,2r]) /; p >= 2r Power/: t^(p_) := -t^(-Mod[-p,2r]) /; p <= -2r Protect[Power] .................................... Begin["`Private`"] KM[p_,q_,r_] := Block[ { a, n, k, BigSum = 0 }, a = ContFract[p, q]; n = Length[a]; k = Table[1, {n}]; LoopFun[1,a,n,r,t]; BigSum = Expand[ BigSum ]; BigSum = Factor[ BigSum ]; BigSum ] End[] EndPackage[] Paulo Ney desouza at (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: yip at (Ken Yip) Subject: Making a postscript file from a composite plot in Mathematica Date: 18 Jan 90 07:47:38 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic On the sun4 version of Mathematica, it is easy to get a postscript file from a plot by DISPLAY and psfix. But what about a plot that consists of several plots superposed together? One reason I want to do this is to annotate a plot with several text strings (not just labels on axes). Maybe there are better ways to do this? Any help?? (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: arf at (Anthony Iano-Fletcher) Subject: factorizing polynomials Date: 17 Jan 90 12:06:05 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic Can anyone suggest good algorthms for (i) factorising polynomials (with integer or real coeficients) (ii) finding the hcf of 2 such polynomials. At the moment I am using Euclids algorthm for part (ii) but this is a little slow. Algorthms for (i) must exists since packages like Maple, Mathematica etc can do it. Also, does anyone know if Maple and Mathematica use efficient algorthms for handling multiple precision integers. Thanks in advance, Anthony Iano-Fletcher. -- UUCP: ...!ukc!warwick!arf Internet: arf at JANET: arf at PHONE: +44 203 523523 x2677 (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: perry at phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Kevin R. Perry) Subject: Fast RLE routines Summary: find the fastest mathematica RLE encoder! Date: 19 Jan 90 16:40:09 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic At the recent MATHEMATICA conference in beautiful Redwood City, CA, there was a programming competition; the challenge (for those of you who weren't there) was to construct "the best" Run-Length encoding and decoding routines in mathematica. For example, the RunEncode function, when given an argument of { 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 } should return { {1,2}, {2,3}, {3,2}, {4,1} }. The competition announcement stated "Entries will be judged on the basis of elegance, simplicity, and efficiency." The winning entry certainly deserves to be noted for it's elegant simplicity; as best I can remember, it was: RunEncode[{rest___, w:(x_)..}] := Append[ RunEncode[{rest}], {x, Length[{w}]} ] RunEncode[{}] := {} But this leaves something to be desired in efficiency, which is really the most important practical consideration to many of us. I have also re-constructed a few other competition entries, and decided to run some timing tests of my own. I found the results interesting. I have duplicated these tests on each of SGI 4D/20, NeXT, and MacII, and I used the built-in Timing[] function to determine speeds, on a variety of datasets from 1 to 10,000 datapoints in length. It turns out that the above function is the SLOWEST one I have yet tried! So much for the "efficiency" part of the contest! On *extremely* easy problems it does a little bit better than the most inane procedural definition I could think up, but it does horrendously worse on any reasonably realistic problem, presumably because of the awesome number of recursive calls it ends up doing. The speediest version I have been able to create so far is (oh happy surprise :-) the function I submitted as an entry to the contest. [And I didn't even get an honorable mention! :-( ] Indeed, though mine is not particularly *simple*, I think there is a certain practical elegance in it, and it IS extremely fast - checking it on data of increasing length and complexity, it quickly attains order-of-magnitude improvements over any other entry I've been able to re-create from my conference notes. There were some contenders that I haven't managed to test, and it's quite possible one of them is the fastest. I'd like to find out what the fastest possible routine is, so if you have any hints about methods of doing it faster, or if anybody out there had a good competition entry, send me a note so I can try it. Or compare it yourself first... For the record, here's my "Most Efficient" run-length encoder: RunEncode[list_] := ( Transpose[ { list[[#]], # - Drop[ Prepend[#, 0], -1] } ])& [ Flatten[ Append[ Position[ ((Apply[Unequal,#])& /@ Partition[list,2,1]), True ], Length[list] ] ] ] RunEncode[{}] := {} This guy processes the list Flatten[Table[Table[k, {100}], {k, 100}]] in about 9 seconds on a 4D/20, compared to 1000 seconds or more for most methods. Which says a lot about the care one must take in designing efficient routines in MATHEMATICA! A highly functional approach would appear to often work best, rather than procedural or even rule-based or syntactic approaches. This seems to mean applying a small number of functions directly to an entire list of data, often through judicious use of Map or Apply, rather than using formulas that iterate or recurse at a higher level. "Long Live MATHEMATICA!" Kevin Perry CIT-ICGL Princeton University <perry at> (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: wilkins at jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Mark Wilkins) Subject: Re: A request Date: 20 Jan 90 08:24:30 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic In article <34892 at mips.mips.COM> mark at mips.COM (Mark G. Johnson) writes: >I would dearly like to know the first 75 or so nonzero >digits of e to the -2500 power. 1.83567266916215689307725305187314756746974669626209549936356569265433541 * 10^(-1086) I got this using Mathematica 1.2 on a Macintosh II, using the command In[1]:= N[E^(-2500),75] -- Mark Wilkins wilkins at (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: seiford at Subject: Re: non-commutative algebra in Mathematica? Date: 18 Jan 90 13:01:25 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic In article <716 at>, t19 at (Geert J v Oldenborgh) writes: > In article <PALMIERI.89Dec14155157 at> palmieri at (John H Palmieri) writes: >>>Does anyone out there know a good way to do non-commutative algebraic >>>... > >>I've used Mathematica to do some calculations in the Weyl algebra >>over a 2-dimensional symplectic space; ... > > You might want to try FORM, which is very good at these kind of things. > Noncommuting objects and the linearity properties are built in and you can You should contact Eran Yehudai at Stanford (eran at slacvm.bitnet) who has implemented several non-commutative algebras in Mathematica and has developed some general tools. larry (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: stan at valley.UUCP (Stanley L. Kameny) Subject: Re: A request Date: 20 Jan 90 08:16:14 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic In article <3859 at jarthur.Claremont.EDU> wilkins at jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Mark Wilkins) writes: > In article <34892 at mips.mips.COM> mark at mips.COM (Mark G. Johnson) writes: > > >I would dearly like to know the first 75 or so nonzero > >digits of e to the -2500 power. > > 1.83567266916215689307725305187314756746974669626209549936356569265433541 > * 10^(-1086) > > I got this using Mathematica 1.2 on a Macintosh II, using the command > > In[1]:= > N[E^(-2500),75] > > -- Mark Wilkins > wilkins at Using REDUCE on a PC AT, and inputting precision 75; e^(-2500); results in 1.835 67266 91621 56893 07725 30518 73147 56746 97466 96262 09549 936 35 65692 65433 54141 4 E - 1086 which is clearly 75 places. (I wonder where Mathematica lost the last 3 places?) Stan Kameny stan_kameny at (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: wilkins at jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Mark Wilkins) Subject: Re: A request Date: 21 Jan 90 00:31:49 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic In article <101.UUL1.2#239 at valley.UUCP> stan at valley.UUCP (Stanley L. Kameny) writes: > >which is clearly 75 places. (I wonder where Mathematica lost the last 3 >places?) User error in cut-and-paste on my Mac. Oh, well. Those three digits may cause World War III or something but I hope not... -- Mark Wilkins wilkins at (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) From: ilan at Gang-of-Four.Stanford.EDU (Ilan Vardi) Subject: RunEncode competition Date: 22 Jan 90 13:04:57 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic I believe that I have discovered the simplest and most efficient RunEncode program: Attributes[times] = {Flat} times[{a_, m_}, {a_, n_}] := times[{a, m + n}] RunEncodeIlan[x_] := List @@ times @@ ({#, 1}& /@ x) The idea of the program is that, algebraically, RunEncode is a model of a free semigroup (it seemes that that the best approach is to convert the problem into an algebraic question). For example, if *** is a semigroup product then when you are not given any relations (i.e., it's a free semigroup) a *** b *** b *** a *** a => a *** b^2 *** a^2. So all you need to do is to program the associative law, but this is done for you by setting Attributes => {Flat}. I believe that most of the work done by the other programs is essentially spent reprogramming the associative law. Note that the "times" on the right hand side of the second line is need to get the right answer for input like {a, a}, i.e., of length > 1 but with only one element. You can use similar ideas to write weird programs that almost work: Unprotect[Times]; Attributes[Times] := {Flat, Listable} RunEncodeStrange[x_] := {1, -1} List @@ # & /@ List @@ Times @@ (1/x) Here is a comparison of running times on a Sun 3 of my program with the winning program and an unsubtle "C type" program RunEncodeWin[{rest___, w:(x_)..}] := Append[RunEncodeWin[{rest}], {x, Length[{w}]}] RunEncodeWin[{}] := {} RunEncodeC[list_List] := Block[{t = {}, i = j = 1, k = Length[list]}, While[i <= k, While[j <= k && list[[i]] == list[[j]], j++]; AppendTo[t, {list[[i]], j - i}]; i += j - i]; t] timing[x_] := Block[{t}, t = {Timing[RunEncodeWin[x]], Timing[RunEncodeIlan[x]], Timing[RunEncodeC[x]]}; {First /@ t, SameQ @@ Last /@ t}] Mathematica (sun3.68881) 1.2 (August 3, 1989) [With pre-loaded data] by S. Wolfram, D. Grayson, R. Maeder, H. Cejtin, S. Omohundro, D. Ballman and J. Keiper with I. Rivin and D. Withoff Copyright 1988,1989 Wolfram Research Inc. Temporary license: expiration date is 1 Jun 1990. -- Terminal graphics initialized -- In[1]:= <<RunEncode.m In[2]:= x = {a,a,b,b,a,a,b,c,c,a,a} Out[2]= {a, a, b, b, a, a, b, c, c, a, a} In[3]:= RunEncodeWin[x] Out[3]= {{a, 2}, {b, 2}, {a, 2}, {b, 1}, {c, 2}, {a, 2}} In[4]:= RunEncodeIlan[x] Out[4]= {{a, 2}, {b, 2}, {a, 2}, {b, 1}, {c, 2}, {a, 2}} In[5]:= RunEncodeStrange[x] Out[5]= {{a, 2}, {b, 2}, {a, 2}, {b, 1}, {c, 2}, {a, 2}} In[6]:= x = Digits[3^20, 2] Out[6]= {1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, > 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1} In[7]:= timing[x] Out[7]= {{0.283333 Second, 0.133333 Second, 0.25 Second}, True} In[8]:= timing[Digits[3^100, 2]] Out[8]= {{10.9 Second, 2.13333 Second, 2.4 Second}, True} In[9]:= timing[Flatten[{#,#,#}& /@ Range[100]]] Out[9]= {{37.0667 Second, 6.85 Second, 4.65 Second}, True} In[10]:= timing[Range[100]] Out[10]= {{6.5 Second, 0.116667 Second, 2.2 Second}, True} (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)