- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: debugPoint
- From: uunet!SLCS.SLB.COM!macg (Bill Macgregor)
- Date: Tue, 5 Jun 90 16:22:09 CDT
This message contains the definition of debugPoint, a small Mathematica function that we find useful for debugging. This function may be obsoleted by new tracing features in Mma 2.0, but meanwhile... The idea for debugPoint was mentioned by Elaine Kant at the Mathematica conference in January. There were enough positive comments at that meeting to justify distribution to the mailing list. How it works ------------ When debugPoint is called, it prints the String passed as its first argument, and then it prints the values of any expressions given as its 2nd or subsequent arguments. Values are printed in the form <unevaluated expression> == <evaluated expression> so you can tell what is being printed. debugPoint then enters an interactive evaluation loop. Any expression presented will be evaluated and printed in the usual way, except the input string "go" (without the quotes) which terminates the interaction sequence. Example: In[4]:= Block[{e}, e = Expand[(x + y)^4]; debugPoint["after Set[e, ...]", e]; ] debugPoint: after Set[e, ...] 4 3 2 2 3 4 e == y + 4 y x + 6 y x + 4 y x + x debugIn:= x + x debugOut= 2 x debugIn:= go In[5]:= The actions of debugPoint are controlled by two global symbols, debugPrint and debugPause. If either is True, debugPoint prints the label when it is evaluated. If debugPrint is True, debugPoint prints the unevaluated == evaluated forms. If debugPause is True, debugPoint enters the interactive evaluation loop. Hint for its use: if you work with multiple packages, it is a good idea to always include $Context in the debugPoint argument list. Definitions follow. - Bill MacGregor Schlumberger Laboratory for Computer Science ----------------- debugPrint = True; debugPause = True; debugPoint::usage = "debugPoint[s_String] prints the label s if debugPrint or debugPause is True, and pauses for interactive input if debugPause is True. debugPoint[s_String, x__] also prints the unevaluated and evaluated forms of the arguments x, if debugPrint is True."; Off[Hold::argct]; SetAttributes[debugPoint, HoldAll]; debugPoint[s_:"(unlabelled)", x___] := Block[{e}, If[TrueQ[debugPrint] || TrueQ[debugPause], Print["debugPoint: ", s]; ]; If[TrueQ[debugPrint], Scan[Print[" ", StringJoin @@ Drop[Drop[Characters[ToString[InputForm[#]]] ,5], -1], " == ", Release[#]]&, Map[Hold, Hold[x], 1] ] ]; If[TrueQ[debugPause], While[(e = InputString[" debugIn:= "]) != "go", Print[" debugOut= ", ToExpression[e]] ] ]; ];