Mathematica on a PC
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Mathematica on a PC
- From: murison at (Marc Murison)
- Date: Wed, 31 Oct 90 10:32:40 -0500
Hello, I am trying to get in touch with users of Mathematica on an IBM PC compatible. Our group just had a bad experience with another product, and we'd like some first-hand accounts before we take another financial plunge. Could you put me in touch with PC Mathematica users, or send my e-mail/FAX/phone info to them? Thanks very much, Marc A. Murison Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 60 Garden Street, Mail Stop 63 Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone: (617) 495-7079 FAX: (617) 495-7326 SPAN: cfarg3::murison bitnet: murison%cfacx2 at cfa.bitnet or pepmmu at cfaamp.bitnet