equation manipulation
- To: mathgroup at yoda.ncsa.uiuc.edu
- Subject: equation manipulation
- From: Alfy_N_Riddle at cup.portal.com
- Date: Mon, 24 Sep 90 01:25:03 PDT
Dear Mathematica users, I do a fair amount of manipulating equations and am always searching for tools to help me do this better. Since Solve can have problems at times I have found the following set of functions useful for manually solving an equation. All these functions do is allow one to operate on both sides of the equals mark at once, and format the result. This ensures a correct solution is obtained, and is useful for tutorials. If anyone out there has any comments on this, or has found better ways of doing this I would appreciate hearing from you. I will send a summary to the net if there are enough replies. Sincerely, -- Alfy ================================= EqnForm::usage= "EqnForm[x,y] returns an equation formatted as x=y. Mathematical operations can be performed directly on this form and are passed to each side of the equation. This is very useful for manual equation simplification and tutorials. Normal[EqnForm[x,y]] returns {x,y}." Format[EqnForm[x_,y_]] := SequenceForm[x," = ",y] Normal[EqnForm[x_,y_]] ^= {x,y} f_[ EqnForm[x_,y_]] ^= EqnForm[f[x],f[y]] Times[ a_, EqnForm[x_,y_]] ^= EqnForm[a x,a y] ======================== end of functions