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Re: Data Help

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: Re: Data Help
  • From: "Charles W. Fletcher" <cwf at>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 11:13:37 EST

I assume that you are using something like


and you want to obtain the associated data (ascii) file of x-y
values that were plotted. These data are in a list in the graphics.
You may see it by using


To get at the list you need to find it position and use the double
bracket [[ ]] to separate it (See docs on lists of lists and on

Thus if

		u = Plot[F[x]...]

then (if I remember correctly)


is the list of data. This varies from plot type to plot type,
so you may need to play around. For example, if

		u = Plot3D[...]


is the list of data. If you have problems, contact me and I'll pull
out some of my old notebooks were I did this. 

One other thing, I talked to one of the WRI people and he (Kevin 
McIssac) noted the following. Due to the algorithm M. uses to plot
the data values (ie, the x-values) may NOT (ie, are most likely not)
evenly spaced. If this is what you want, okay. If not, you should use
Table[] to generate the data.

Good luck,

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