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data structure equivalent ops

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: data structure equivalent ops
  • From: davidd at (David Doll)
  • Date: Wed, 20 Feb 91 09:00:02 -0800

Hello, quick question: I was wondering about how you would do data structure
operations like insert-sorted, delete, find, etc., double(single) link list, 
a priority queue, binary tree ops - insert, delete, traversal, etc., stack 
ops - pushd, pop, etc. I'm about to give a quick talk to a few people in my
research lab about the thought of using Mathematica  and one of them mentioned
it would helpfull to explain the difference between doing some of the above 
mentioned in "C" and in Mathematica. I've been swamped with things to do
lately and if any body has something I could look at , I'd appreciate it. 
Thanks for your time.

David Doll
Human Interface Technology Laboratory
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195  MS: FU-20
(206) 543-5075
davidd at

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