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A few questions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: A few questions
  • From: cabruen at ATHENA.MIT.EDU
  • Date: Thu, 28 Feb 91 04:12:50 EST

Hello. I am a couple of questions on Mathematica I would sure appreciate
being answered if anybody could out there.

1) Why does mathematica lose the font selection I have made for text
cells. I have a paragraph of text describing a function, and I dont want
it in chicago (the default). I am running a Macintosh front end.

2) Is it possible to a 3D plot only over certain sections (such as a
circle) instead of the boxed area that is the default. I want a pressure
plot of a circle with radius 2. I can plot it out, but I get the
pressure plot from {x,-2,2} {y,-2,2}, and the function is
meaningless outside of the range of the circle.

3) Are they taking student orders for 2.0 yet. I called 1 1/2 months
ago and they were still peddling 1.2?

4) Is it possible to label the Axes on a Plot3D graph. I tried the plot
parameter AxesLabel->{"xlabel", "ylabel"} but it did not work.

Thanks alot for your time and help.

-Charles Bruen
 Aero/Astro MIT
 cabruen at

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