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RE: Solve

  • To: "mathgroup" <mathgroup at>
  • Subject: RE: Solve
  • From: "JUNO::GOLDING" <golding%juno.decnet at>
  • Date: 11 Feb 91 01:09:00 EST

	Larry Cusick writes,

   >   MM on a MacIIcx refuses to

   >   Solve[{a x^2 + b y^2 == 1, a x + b y == 1}, {x, y}]

   >   What's the problem?

    I don't know what the problem is, but there is an interesting variation of
	this problem that Mathematica has no problem with. Simply interchange 
	the order of x and y in the variable list and instead of getting 
	stuck in a loop as in the first case, Mma appears to give to proper 
	solutions to the problem. That is why doesn't Mathematica have the
	same problem with

	Solve[{a x^2 + b y^2 == 1, a x + b y == 1}, {y,x}]   ?

					Mike Golding

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