Re: bug in Splice?
- Subject: Re: bug in Splice?
- From: Amaury FonsecaJunior <amaury at>
- Date: Fri, 3 Apr 92 17:04:52 -0500
Riccardo asked the following question: ------------------------------------------------------ Dear Mathgroupers, I have a program called GIUH which acting on a matrix of data produces a a big formula (something like ten lines) which I want to "splice" in a Fortran program. With my disappointment the whole formula is written ia a single line, while fortran needs it formatted as 7 blank spaces and no more than 80 characters for line. I have used: Splice["",PageWidth->72] for obtaining something useful but the result does not change. I tried to change the dafault global parameters but witout results. Any suggestion? Riccardo Rigon Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale Universita' di Trento -Italy rigon at ----------------------------------------------------- I prefer to use a plain writing format as follows: file = OpenWrite[ "fortran.out", FormatType -> FortranForm, PageWidth -> 72]; WriteString[file,"* \n" ]; (* this creates a comment line*) WriteString[file,StringForm[" expression = "] ]; (* this writes the header of the expression*) Write[file, expression[[1]] ]; (* this writes the expression *) WriteString[file,"* \n" ]; If you need a matrix you can put the Write ..WriteString in a do loop amaury