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wave eq. problem - Mathematica on the Mac quits!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: wave eq. problem - Mathematica on the Mac quits!
  • From: gaylord at
  • Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1992 04:38:07 -0500

Chris Haase writes:"
"Here is a short code that computes a numerical sulution to the wave
It is a modified version of a solution to the diffusion equation that was
sent to me.  Anyway, without the For-loop, Mathematica responds with a
$RecursionLimit exceeded error.  Is there a slick way to define the
function that will prevent such an error?

(* Waves by finite difference equation *)
Clear[i, n, u];


(* The finite difference form of the wave equation:
     the variable i represents the mesh position
	  the variable n represents the time step *)

u[i_, n_] := u[i, n] = u[i+1, n-1] + u[i-1,n-1] - u[i,n-2]; 
(* The boundary conditions and initializing profile *)

	For[j=-10, j<=0, j++, u[i,j]=0;]
	For[j=step,j<=step+10,j++, u[i,j]=0;]

u[14,-1] = 1.; u[14,0] = 1.;
u[15,-1] = 2.; u[15,0] = 2.;
u[16,-1] = 1.; u[16,0] = 1.;

(* Plot the initial and displaced profiles *)
plot1 = ListPlot[Table[u[i,0], {i, 1, step}],
                 PlotRange -> {{0,Step}, {-1,1}},
                 PlotJoined -> True,
                 AxesLabel -> {"x-position","amplitude"},
                 DisplayFunction -> Identity];

plot2 = ListPlot[Table[u[i, 4], {i, 1, step}],
                 PlotJoined -> True,
                 AxesLabel -> {"x-position","amplitude"},
                 DisplayFunction -> Identity];
     PlotRange -> {{1, step}, {0,2}},
     DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction];


eliminating the third For statement does not affect the program at all; it
seems to be unnecessary.

eliminating the second For statement produces the recursion depth
exceeded... message.

i then used the obvious bypass  (p. 309 in the bible) 

$RecursionLimit = X;

to get past the recusion limit and the following happened (using the
program given below)

for X = 2000 and 3000, the recursion depth message still occurred.
for X = 5000, I got a "application ' unknown' quit because of a type 28
error" message and Mathematica quit (the program causing this is given

additional information: i ran this on a IIfx Mac with 20 Mbytes of RAM and
Mathematica 2.0.0 partitioned for 15 Mb under system

(* Waves by finite difference equation *)
Clear[i, n, u];

$RecursionLimit = 5000;

(* The finite difference form of the wave equation:
     the variable i represents the mesh position
	  the variable n represents the time step *)

u[i_, n_] := u[i, n] = u[i+1, n-1] + u[i-1,n-1] - u[i,n-2]; 
(* The boundary conditions and initializing profile *)



u[14,-1] = 1.; u[14,0] = 1.;
u[15,-1] = 2.; u[15,0] = 2.;
u[16,-1] = 1.; u[16,0] = 1.;

(* Plot the initial and displaced profiles *)
plot1 = ListPlot[Table[u[i,0], {i, 1, step}],
                 PlotRange -> {{0,Step}, {-1,1}},
                 PlotJoined -> True,
                 AxesLabel -> {"x-position","amplitude"},
                 DisplayFunction -> Identity];

plot2 = ListPlot[Table[u[i, 4], {i, 1, step}],
                 PlotJoined -> True,
                 AxesLabel -> {"x-position","amplitude"},
                 DisplayFunction -> Identity];
     PlotRange -> {{1, step}, {0,2}},
     DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction];

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