Telescoping series
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Telescoping series
- From: kaufmana at (Alfred M Kaufman)
- Date: Tue, 8 Dec 92 23:31:17 PST
A colleague of mine asked me if I knew of a Mma package to telescope series. I told him that I didn't know of one but he could check Math Source to see if such a package existed. I was intrigued by the problem and would like to share the results my efforts. There are all kinds of examples of the use of telescoped series in Abramowitz and Stegun as polynomial approximations. Here's a package that does expansions on the interval [-1,1] Telescope and expansions on [0,1] ShiftedTelescope. BeginPackage["`Telescope`"]; Telescope::usage = "Telescope[series data object,n] = Approximating \ polynomial of order n < order of SeriesData object. \ Based on Chebyshev polynomial approximations on \ interval [-1,1]"; ShiftedTelescope::usage = "ShiftedTelescope[series data object,n] = Approximating \ polynomial of order n < order of series data object. \ Based on shifted Chebyshev polynomial approximations \ on interval [0,1]"; Begin["`Private`"]; (* rx[k] is the replacement rule in Chebyshev representation of x^k *) rx[0] := t[0]; rx[1] := t[1]; (* Use recurrence relation for Chebyshev polynomials as an operator to obtain new replacement rule*) rx[n_] := rx[n] = ((rx[n-1] /. t[k_] :> (t[k+1]+t[k-1])/2 ) /.t[k_?Negative] :> t[-k])//Expand; Telescope[ Literal[SeriesData[xx_,0,coefs_List,nmin_,nmax_,1]], n_Integer/;n>=0]:= Block[{nn=n,nterms,rxtab,obj}, If[nmax-nmin <= nn, Print["Approximation order ",nn," should \ be < ",nmax-nmin];Return[$Failed]]; nterms = Length[coefs]; rxtab = Table[rx[j],{j,0,nterms-1}]; obj = coefs.rxtab // Expand; obj = xx^nmin* (Plus@@Cases[obj,_.*t[l_]/;l<=nn] /. t[k_] :> ChebyshevT[k,xx])// Expand; Return[obj] ]; (* sx[k] is the replacement rule in Shifted Chebyshev representation of x^k *) sx[0] := st[0]; sx[1] := (st[0]+st[1])/2; (* Use recurrence relation for Shifted Chebyshev polynomials as an operator to obtain new replacement rule*) sx[n_] := sx[n] = ((sx[n-1] /. st[k_] :> (st[k+1]+2*st[k]+st[k-1])/4 ) /.st[k_?Negative] :> st[-k])//Expand; ShiftedTelescope[ Literal[SeriesData[xx_,0,coefs_List,nmin_,nmax_,1]], n_Integer/;n>=0]:= Block[{nn=n,nterms,sxtab,obj}, If[nmax-nmin <= nn, Print["Approximation order ",nn," should \ be < ",nmax-nmin];Return[$Failed]]; nterms = Length[coefs]; sxtab = Table[sx[j],{j,0,nterms-1}]; obj = coefs.sxtab // Expand; obj = xx^nmin* (Plus@@ Cases[obj,_.*st[l_]/;l<=nn] /. st[k_] :> ChebyshevT[k,2*xx-1])// Expand; Return[obj] ]; End[]; EndPackage[]; I'd welcome any comments.