Mathematica Literature Survey
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Mathematica Literature Survey
- From: Brian Evans <evans at>
- Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1992 12:49:30 EDT
------------------------ cut here ------------------------------------ L I T E R A T U R E S U R V E Y O F M A T H E M A T I C A (As of February 15, 1992) (does not include The Mathematica Journal) by Brian L. Evans Table Of Contents Section Line Artificial Intelligence (AI) .................................. 37 Biology ....................................................... 47 Computer Science .............................................. 55 Education ..................................................... 82 Engineering ................................................... 172 Geophysics .................................................... 230 Mathematics ................................................... 239 Nuclear ....................................................... 284 Physics ....................................................... 293 Psychology .................................................... 319 Reviews ....................................................... 328 Symbolic Mathematics .......................................... 445 :::::::::::::: AI :::::::::::::: TI TITLE: A constraint logic programming language for combinatorial optimization and linear programming. JN JOURNAL: Proceedings. Seventh IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications (Cat. No.91CH2967-8). VO VOLUME/PAGES: p.299-306. DA DATE/YEAR: 1991. ::::::::::::::: biology :::::::::::::: TI TITLE: NMR product-operator calculations in Mathematica. JN JOURNAL: Journal of Magnetic Resonance. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.94, no.3 p.612-16. DA DATE/YEAR: 1 Oct. 1991. :::::::::::::: comp_science :::::::::::::: TI TITLE: The formal derivation of distributed programs from systolic arrays. JN JOURNAL: Proceedings of the Second IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing 1990 (Cat. No.TH0328-5). VO VOLUME/PAGES: p.363-6. DA DATE/YEAR: 1990. TI TITLE: An interpersonal multimedia visualization system. JN JOURNAL: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.11, no.3 p.20-7. DA DATE/YEAR: May 1991. TI TITLE: A Lisp-language Mathematica-to-Lisp translator. JN JOURNAL: SIGSAM Bulletin. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.24, no.2 p.19-21. DA DATE/YEAR: April 1990. TI TITLE: Mathematica with applications to plans. JN JOURNAL: IEEE PLANS '90: Position Location and Navigation Symposium Record. 'The 1990's - A Decade of Excellence in the Navigation Sciences' (Cat. No.90CH2811-8). VO VOLUME/PAGES: p.143-5. DA DATE/YEAR: 1990. :::::::::::::: education :::::::::::::: TI TITLE: The desktop blackboard. (use of Macintoshes in education) JN JOURNAL: MacUser. VO VOLUME/PAGES: P41(2). DA DATE/YEAR: Oct, 1991. TI TITLE: Studying robot kinematics and dynamics with the aid of MATHEMATICA. JN JOURNAL TITLE: International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education. VO VOLUME/PAGES: Int J Mech Eng Educ v 19 n 3 Jul 1991 p 213-228. DA DATE/YEAR: 1991. TI TITLE: Implementation of a non-deterministic loop. JN JOURNAL: SIGCSE Bulletin. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.23, no.2 p.24-8. DA DATE/YEAR: June 1991. TI TITLE: Using LabVIEW and Mathematica in combination: data collection to graphical presentation in a single setting. JN JOURNAL: CoED. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.1, no.2 p.19-23. DA DATE/YEAR: April-June 1991. TI TITLE: Using computer symbolic algebra in applied engineering mathematics to teach Laplace transforms. JN JOURNAL: CoED. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.1, no.1 p.71-6. DA DATE/YEAR: Jan.-March 1991. TI TITLE: Mathematica in the classroom. JN JOURNAL: Computers in Physics. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.5, no.1 p.16-21. DA DATE/YEAR: Jan.-Feb. 1991. TI TITLE: Solving differential equations with computer algebra systems software. JN JOURNAL: Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.10, no.2 p.79-86. DA DATE/YEAR: Winter 1990-1991. TI TITLE: Visual electromagnetics using Mathematica and HyperCard. JN JOURNAL: 1990 International Symposium Digest. Antennas and Propagation. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Merging Technologies for the 90's (Cat. No. 90CH2776-3). VO VOLUME/PAGES: p.1671-4 vol.4. DA DATE/YEAR: 1990. TI TITLE: A multimedia digital signal processing tutoring system. JN JOURNAL: ICMC Glasgow 1990. Proceedings. VO VOLUME/PAGES: p.35-8. DA DATE/YEAR: 1990. TI TITLE: Potential of symbolic computation in engineering education. The opportunity and the challenge. JN JOURNAL TITLE: Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dallas, TX, USA, 19901125-19901130, on Symbolic Computations and Their Impact on Mechanics VO VOLUME/PAGES: v 205. p 339-360. DA DATE: 1990. TI TITLE: Partial fractions, theory and practice with Mathematica. JN JOURNAL: Mathematics and Computer Education. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.24, no.3 p.257-66. DA DATE/YEAR: Fall 1990. TI TITLE: Exploring conic sections with a computer algebra system. JN JOURNAL: Collegiate Microcomputer. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.8, no.3 p.215-19. DA DATE/YEAR: Aug. 1990. TI TITLE: Visualizing math. JN JOURNAL: Computer Graphics World. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.13, no.6 p.59-60, 63-4. DA DATE/YEAR: June 1990. TI TITLE: Computer symbolic algebra solutions of second order differential equations. JN JOURNAL: Collegiate Microcomputer. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.7, no.4 p.311-17. DA DATE/YEAR: Nov. 1989. TI TITLE: Using a computer algebra system to teach second order differential equations. JN JOURNAL: CoED. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.9, no.4 p.7-10. DA DATE/YEAR: Oct.-Dec. 1989. :::::::::::::: engineering :::::::::::::: TI TITLE: Symbolic z-transforms using DSP knowledge bases. JN JOURNAL: ICASSP 90. 1990 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (Cat. No.90CH2847-2). VO VOLUME/PAGES: p.1775-8 vol.3. DA DATE/YEAR: 1990. TI TITLE: Interactive signal processing documents. JN JOURNAL: IEEE ASSP Magazine. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.7, no.2 p.8-20. DA DATE/YEAR: April 1990. TI TITLE: A CAD program for the symbolic and numerical analysis of microwave electronic circui. JN JOURNAL: 1990 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (Cat. No.90CH2848-0). VO VOLUME/PAGES: p.355-8 vol.1. DA DATE/YEAR: 1990. TI TITLE: On the systematic construction of algebraic manipulation systems. JN JOURNAL TITLE: Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dallas, TX, USA, 19901125-19901130, on Symbolic Computations and Their Impact on Mechanics VO VOLUME/PAGES: v 205. p 3-13. DA DATE: 1990. TI TITLE: Current status and future directions of Mathematica. JN JOURNAL TITLE: Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dallas, TX, USA, 19901125-19901130, on Symbolic Computations and Their Impact on Mechanics VO VOLUME/PAGES: v 205. p 29-41. DA DATE: 1990. TI TITLE: Symbolic manipulation and supersonic transition. JN JOURNAL TITLE: Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dallas, TX, USA, 19901125-19901130, on Symbolic Computations and Their Impact on Mechanics VO VOLUME/PAGES: v 205. p 285-299. DA DATE: 1990. TI TITLE: Benefits of symbolic computations in mechano-electrical network analysis. JN JOURNAL TITLE: Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dallas, TX, USA, 19901125-19901130, on Symbolic Computations and Their Impact on Mechanics VO VOLUME/PAGES: v 205. p 327-337. DA DATE: 1990. TI TITLE: Direct variational solutions of the Hamiltonian state model of linear RLC circuits. Part I. Overdamped case. JN JOURNAL TITLE: Modeling and Simulation, Proceedings of the Annual Pittsburgh Conference. VO VOLUME/PAGES: v 21 pt part 4. p 1855-1863. DA DATE: 1990. :::::::::::::: geophysics :::::::::::::: TI TITLE: Dispersion dependence for Rayleigh-like vibrations in a low-density channel. JN JOURNAL: Journal of Geophysical Research. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.96, no.B12 p.20325-30. DA DATE/YEAR: 10 Nov. 1991. :::::::::::::: mathematics :::::::::::::: TI TITLE: Feyn-Calc-computer-algebraic calculation of Feynman amplitudes. JN JOURNAL: Computer Physics Communications. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.64, no.3 p.345-59. DA DATE/YEAR: June 1991. TI TITLE: Hilbert space and structure constants of descendant fields in two-dimensional conformal theories. JN JOURNAL: Computer Physics Communications. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.66, no.1 p.71-88. DA DATE/YEAR: July 1991. TI TITLE: Examples of automatic asymptotic expansions. JN JOURNAL: SIGSAM Bulletin. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.25, no.2 p.4-17. DA DATE/YEAR: April 1991. TI TITLE: Fast error-free algorithms for polynomial matrix computations. JN JOURNAL: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control VO VOLUME/PAGES: p.941-6 vol.2. DA DATE/YEAR: 1990. TI TITLE: Normal forms in function fields. JN JOURNAL: ISSAC '90. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. VO VOLUME/PAGES: p.1-7. DA DATE/YEAR: 1990. TI TITLE: Boundary modulation with MATHEMATICA. JN JOURNAL: Software for Engineering Workstations. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.6, no.1 p.2-10. DA DATE/YEAR: Jan. 1990. TI TITLE: Towards an integration of numerical and algebraic computations on computer. JN JOURNAL: Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. (JAPAN) VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.72, no.10 p.1066-73. DA DATE/YEAR: Oct. 1989. :::::::::::::: nuclear :::::::::::::: TI TITLE: Desktop calculation strategies for reactor analysis using Mathematica. JN JOURNAL: Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.64 p.742-3. DA DATE/YEAR: 1991. :::::::::::::: physics :::::::::::::: TI TITLE: Mean-field analysis on the Macintosh (magnetic ordering). JN JOURNAL: Computers in Physics. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.5, no.2 p.193-7. DA DATE/YEAR: March-April 1991. TI TITLE: Using MATHEMATICA to assist plasma stability analysis. JN JOURNAL: Conference Record - Abstracts. 1990 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (Cat. No.90CH2857-1). VO VOLUME/PAGES: p.112. DA DATE/YEAR: 1990. TI TITLE: A Mathematical package for computing operator product expansions. JN JOURNAL: International Journal of Modern Physics C (Physics and Computers). VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.2, no.3 p.787-98. DA DATE/YEAR: Sept. 1991. TI TITLE: The NeXT Computer as physics machine. JN JOURNAL: Computers in Physics. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.4, no.2 p.132-41. DA DATE/YEAR: March-April 1990. :::::::::::::: psychology :::::::::::::: TI TITLE: Implementation of global memory models with software that does symbolic computation. JN JOURNAL: Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.22, no.2 p.228-35. DA DATE/YEAR: April 1990. :::::::::::::: reviews :::::::::::::: TI TITLE: Advances and trends in the design and construction of algebraic manipulation systems. JN JOURNAL: ISSAC '90. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. VO VOLUME/PAGES: p.60-7. DA DATE/YEAR: 1990. TI TITLE: Mathematics on the computer. JN JOURNAL: Output. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.19, no.11 p.29-32. DA DATE/YEAR: 31 Oct. 1990. TI TITLE: Neural networks application Mathematica v.1.2. JN JOURNAL: AI Expert. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.5, no.5 p.61-5. DA DATE/YEAR: May 1990. TI TITLE: Mathematics by computer (Mathematica). JN JOURNAL: Conference on Computers in Physics Instruction. Proceedings. VO VOLUME/PAGES: p.338-46. DA DATE/YEAR: 1990. TI TITLE: Mathematica (software). JN JOURNAL: Mikrocomputer Zeitschrift. VO VOLUME/PAGES: no.11 p.42-59. DA DATE/YEAR: Nov. 1989. TI TITLE: Symbolic math on the Mac (Mathematica 1.0). JN JOURNAL: Byte. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.14, no.1 p.239-42, 144. DA DATE/YEAR: Jan. 1989. TI TITLE: The Hewlett-Packard 28S vs Mathematica (mathematics computing). JN JOURNAL: Access. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.8, no.1 p.8, 10-13. DA DATE/YEAR: Jan.-Feb. 1989. TI TITLE: Mathematica: a critical appraisal (software review). JN JOURNAL: Computer Science in Economics and Management. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.2, no.2 p.171-8. DA DATE/YEAR: 1989. TI TITLE: Mathematica does windows. JN JOURNAL: Byte. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol. 16, p. 128. DA DATE: February '91. (1991). TI TITLE: Computing software. JN JOURNAL: Automotive Engineering. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol. 99, p. 69. DA DATE: April '91. (1991). TI TITLE: Mathematica. JN JOURNAL: American Scientist. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol. 79, p. 474-5. DA DATE: September/October '91. (1991). TI TITLE: Mathematica update. JN JOURNAL: IEEE Spectrum. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol. 28, p. 73. DA DATE: November '91. (1991). TI TITLE: Math package makes equations more visual. JN JOURNAL: Machine Design. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol. 62, p. 119. DA DATE: March 22 '90. (1990). TI TITLE: Math packages multiply. JN JOURNAL TITLE: Mechanical Engineering. VO VOLUME/PAGES: Mech Eng v 112 n 8 Aug 1990 p 32-38. DA DATE: 1990. TI TITLE: The mathematical alternative. (Software Review) (technical graphing capabilities of mathematical software packages) JN JOURNAL: PC Magazine. VO VOLUME/PAGES: P154(2). DA DATE/YEAR: March 26, 1991. TI TITLE: Paint for the pros. (includes related articles on choosing the right color application and a glossary of tools and terms) JN JOURNAL: Byte. VO VOLUME/PAGES: P258(13). DA DATE/YEAR: June, 1991. TI TITLE: Growing up with your software. (plans of Steven Wolfram, designer of "Mathematica," computationalist's software package). JN JOURNAL: Nature. VO VOLUME/PAGES: P437(1). DA DATE/YEAR: June 6, 1991. TI TITLE: Mathematica comes to Windows, brings its own notebook. JN JOURNAL: PC Magazine. VO VOLUME/PAGES: P61(1). DA DATE/YEAR: Oct 15, 1991. TI TITLE: Maple: $695 Math toolbox is worthy competitor for Mathematica. JN JOURNAL: PC Magazine. VO VOLUME/PAGES: P48(1). DA DATE/YEAR: Feb 27, 1990. TI TITLE: The new world of higher math. JN JOURNAL: PC Magazine. VO VOLUME/PAGES: P323(7). DA DATE/YEAR: May 29, 1990. TI TITLE: Wolfram's Mathematica: wonderful, revolutionary and bug-ridden. (evaluation). JN JOURNAL: PC Magazine. VO VOLUME/PAGES: P33(2). DA DATE/YEAR: March 28, 1989. :::::::::::::: symbolic_math :::::::::::::: TI TITLE: Some simple ways to construct and to use formulas mechanically. JN JOURNAL: SIGSAM Bulletin. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.25, no.2 p.28-36. DA DATE/YEAR: April 1991. TI TITLE: Some symbolic computing links to the NAG numeric library. JN JOURNAL: SIGSAM Bulletin. VO VOLUME/PAGES: vol.25, no.3 p.28-37. DA DATE/YEAR: July 1991. TI TITLE: Parametric queries, linear constraints and variable elimination. JN JOURNAL: Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems. International Symposium DISCO '90. Proceedings. VO VOLUME/PAGES: p.164-73. DA DATE/YEAR: 1990.