MathGroup Archive 1992

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Macs, memory and mma

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: Macs, memory and mma
  • From: cro at (John Cromer)
  • Date: Fri, 29 May 1992 00:40:00 GMT

I'm running Mathematica on a Mac IIsi with 9Mb of RAM, and I'm new to both
the Mac and Mathematica.  And, I'm confused about why it is so easy to 
crash Mma with a ContourPlot.  If I try to get smoother plots by increasing
PlotPoints or if I plot more than 3, Mma exits and I get a message from the 
Mac saying the application exited with an error of type 1.  Sometimes it's
type 3.  

I increased the stack size to 1Mb and that seemed to help some, but not much.
I have enabled virtual memory but that didn't seem to help at all.  I have
Mma running in a 6Mb partition.

What am I running out of?  Stack?  Heap?  Why doesn't Mma use virtual memory
instead of dying?

What is it about contour plots that is so memory intensive?  DensityPlots and
Plot3D plots don't seem to have this problem.

Any infomation about this would be greatly appreciated either via post or

- confused
John Cromer					cro at
Palomar Observatory

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