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Portable notebooks

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: Portable notebooks
  • From: Simon Chandler <simonc at>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Oct 92 18:27:07 +0100

Hi MathGroup,

The portability of Mathematica packages between platforms is a superb
feature.  However, I have some questions about making Mathematica
notebooks portable.

My notebooks contain diagrams to explain my calculations.  I currently
have a Macintosh front-end so the diagrams are pasted-in PICT's from
MacDraw.  However, this is only a stop-gap system since I am waiting
for the release of a full notebook front-end for an HP workstation.

I have just realised that when the workstation front-end arrives my
PICT's will not be correctly displayed on screen so my notebooks will
loose their diagrams.  Similarly, I am not able to share my notebooks
with MS-DOS based Mathematica front-ends since they too will not
understand the PICT's. 

Can anyone suggest a way of making notebooks containing diagrams fully
portable?  For example, is it possible to generate an encapsulated
PostScript diagram in a drawing package, paste the PostScript text
into the notebook and have the front-end render it?  When I try this
with a file created by FreeHand I am told by the mac front-end that
the PostScript contained an error - what is wrong ?

Any ideas ?

Simon Chandler
Hewlett-Packard Ltd (CPB)
Filton Road
Stoke Gifford
BS12 6QZ

Tel: 0272 228109
Fax: 0272 236091
email: at

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