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MMA 2.1 graphics and HP X-terminals: solved

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: MMA 2.1 graphics and HP X-terminals: solved
  • From: harrison at (David Harrison)
  • Date: Mon, 19 Oct 92 10:08:09 -0400

Recently I posted a plea for help in resolving a problem I was having
with Mathematica 2.1 and graphics on an HP X-terminal.  This summarises
the information and help I have received.

The problem is with the interaction between the 'motifps' program
in Mathematica as shipped for at least some UNIX machines and the
HP X-server.  As a result of my posting I have received a beta
of HP's next release of the X-server and graphics now work flawlessly;
I believe this server is due to be released in November.

The following information was sent to me and seems correct, but I have
not personally tested it.

Apparantly, the motifps program performs a "listfonts" with 
"*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" which causes the X-terminal to hang.
This report said that you can also create the problem with:
	xlsfonts -fn "*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
The problem can be fixed by patching the motifps program changing 
(two "*" less !!! )

This workaround is for those who still have access to Mathematica 2.0.
Restore X11.m in ~mathhome/StartUp and x11ps in ~mathhome/Bin*/Display.
Then in ~mathome/StartUp/init.m call X11.m instead of Motif.m when the
environment calls for X.

My advice is to get the new X-server when it is released: it has many
many nice features besides allowing Mathematica graphics to work.

Finally, the "honor roll" of people who helped me with this includes:
	Dave Kelly <kelly at>
	John Cramer <CRAMER at>
	Paul Katula <pkatula at>
	David Jacobson <jacobson at>
	Pierre Mathieu <mathieu at>
	Eddy Reniers <reniers at>
David Harrison                             | "Music is a hidden practice of
Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Toronto         |  soul, which does not know that
Inet: harrison at |  it is doing mathematics."
                                           |      -- Leibniz

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