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XYpic for arrows in TeX

  • To: mathgroup at (Mathematica Discussion Group)
  • Subject: XYpic for arrows in TeX
  • From: Ross_Moore at (Ross Moore)
  • Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1992 18:15:36 +1000

There have several requests for methods to augment Mathematica graphics with
labels and arrows. 
Some suggestions have been to use PostScript-generating applications like
Adobe Illustrator. 
This is fine provided the labels are to be linear text, but not so good for
mathematical expressions.

If the ultimate aim is to use TeX, then there are some useful macros by
Kristoffer H Rose, Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark ( kris at ).

They come with their own fonts for drawing lines and arrowheads at 128
different directions, and quarter circles at a wide range of point-sizes.

The distribution available from []
includes macros, manual, .pk fonts and Metafont sources.

None of  Kris's manual examples deal with the graphics labelling problem
directly, but these macros are indeed well-suited to this problem.

I have just finished preparing Macintosh font suitcases for use with
TeXtures, in a range of sizes for both screen display and laser printing. 

My examples and fonts are now available by anonymous ftp.
The remainder of this posting is the  README file ...


xyPic.README 	 from /pub/maths/TeX/XYpic @

by Ross Moore,                   ross at
Dept of Mathematics
Macquarie University
Sydney, Australia, 2109

Files to be found in this directory relate to the use of  XYpic  
macros for creating labels & arrows to parts of graphics within 
TeX documents. Also there are font suitcases for use with the
TeXtures application on a Macintosh computer.


The  XYpic  macros were written by ...

Kristoffer H Rose                kris at
Univ. of Copenhagen

... they can be obtained by ftp from [].
This ftp site contains two archives containing...
1. macros + examples + .pk fonts in a range of useful sizes
2. macros + examples + Metafont descriptions
the manual is also available as a PostScript file.

The file  xypicready.tar.Z  is a copy of archive 1 above.


There are many maths applications for these  XYpic macros:
 Commutative Diagrams, Graph-Theory, finite State-machines

Another use, which does not appear in the manual, is in labelling
graphics with arrows to indicate special features. There have been
many requests in Internet news-groups for such capabilities, 
in particular for Mathematica-generated graphics.

One of the files here gives an example of how XYpic can be used to 
perform this task most admirably.

Also there are suitcases of font files for use with the superb
TeX implementation  TeXtures, from Blue Sky Research.


Where appropriate files have been archived from a Macintosh using
1. Stuffit v1.5.1		** -> **.sit
2. BinHex'd v 4.0		** -> **.hqx
3. compressed under Unix	** -> **.Z
( hence the file names of the form:  **.sit.hqx.Z )


Description of files:


	is a Stuffit archive containing font suitcases for Macintosh/TeXtures

1. XYfonts  	uncompressed size = 824k
	most of the fonts, design size = 10pt
	screen sizes : 10pt 12pt 20pt 24pt
	laserwriter :  \magstep0 ( = 42pt), \magsteps .5,1,2,3,4,5 

2. xymisc  	uncompressed size = 981k
	font for large circle pieces, design size = 10pt
	screen sizes : 10pt 12pt 20pt 24pt
	laserwriter :  \magstep0 ( = 42pt), \magstep1 ( = 50pt)
		(larger sizes get to be enormous !!)

3. xymetrics  	uncompressed size = 5k
	font metrics for all XYpic fonts, for use with TeXtures.

WARNING (technical, re fonts, Macintosh only ): 
The fonts NFNT resource IDs in these archives have been regularized so 
that different point-sizes of the same font have related IDs:
 ID = 128 * family# + pointsize
except where this clashes with other TeX fonts similarly regularized,
in which case a nearby ID has been chosen.
Check for ID clashes on your system. 
Use ResEdit or some other utility to alter the NFNT and FOND resources.


	is a Stuffit archive containing examples relating to XYpic.

1. xyPicTest.tex	(uncompressed size = 34k, incl PICT graphic)
	TeXtures document containing a PICT graphic with parts labelled
	using arrows pointing in various directions.
	Only the command \picture dependent on TeXtures, the remainder of
	the code is  Plain TeX + XYpic .
	Only the  \special{picture ...} command is specific to TeXtures, 
	so this should TeX on other systems, but without the graphic.
	(The graphic was generated in Mathematica.)

2.		(uncompressed size = 87k)
	PostScript version of the above tex-file: xyPicTest.tex
	generated from TeXtures. This contains the AppleDict, so should
	print correctly if downloaded to any PostScript printer.

3. testxyfonts.tex	(uncompressed size = 22k, incl DVI2 resources)
	TeXtures document which generates tables to view the complete suite
	of xyfonts at a particular \magstep.
	The code is  Plain TeX + XYpic .


	is a unix tar archive containing the XYpic macros + examples + .pk fonts.
This file was created by  Kristoffer H Rose;
it has been copied from the ftp site at [] .


I would be most interested in any novel or elegant uses you find for these
macros and fonts.

Use and enjoy.

Ross Moore.

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