Plot Labeling
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Plot Labeling
- From: Richard Christensen <richard at>
- Date: Tue, 29 Sep 92 14:10:19 -0600
I have asked everyone here who might kno an answer, but none of them do. I hope you can help me. I have been having some problems with labeling plots with the following plotting function. SamplesPlot[f_,fsamples_,num_,extent_] := ListPlot[FFTsamplesdB[f],PlotStyle->Thickness[.00001],PlotJoined->True,PlotRange->{{0,extent},{0,-100}},PlotLabel -> "f1 = 2000, fsampled = "fsamples" , num = "num \n\n"] Input[1]:=SamplesPlot[a,200000,10,100] This is what it give me a fine plot and the title says 200000 f1 = 2000, fsampled = , num = I wnat it to say f1 = 2000, fsampled = 200000, num = 10 What can I do to correct the problem? Richard at