- To: mathgroup at yoda.physics.unc.edu
- Subject: LogLogPlot
- From: Fasol <fasol at tansei.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
- Date: Wed, 7 Apr 93 09:47:35 JST
Dear Mathgroup: I have two questions concerning LogLogPlot[]: (1) is there an update? One problem I found is that the AxesLables/ FrameLabels sometimes change style, i.e. one axis/frame-edge sometimes gets labeled -3 -2 10 10 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.00 which is not very beautiful. Also the FrameLabels sometimes ^overlap the numbering. (2) Convert[] does not seem to work inside LogLogPlot[], while it works inside Plot[], i.e. Plot[ Convert[outputVoltage[x]/Volt,1],{x,0,1}...] works, while LogLogPlot[ Convert[outputVoltage[x]/Volt,a],{x,0,1},...] does not work. This may also be similar for other functions. Does anybody know of a way to make functions such as Convert[] work inside LogLogPlot[]? Sincerely, Gerhard Fasol fasol at tansei.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp -%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \\ Paper (*cross-listing*): cond-mat/9304006 From: kent at hlrserv.hlrz.kfa-juelich.de (Kent Baekgaard Lauritsen) Date: Tue, 6 Apr 93 12:58:40 +0200 Statistical Laws and Mechanics of Voronoi Random Lattices, by K. B. Lauritsen, C. Moukarzel and H. J. Herrmann, 14 pages (figures not included), LaTeX, HLRZ-26/93 \\ We investigate random lattices where the connectivities are determined by the Voronoi construction, while the location of the points are the dynamic degrees of freedom. The Voronoi random lattices with an associated energy are immersed in a heat bath and investigated using a Monte Carlo simulation algorithm. In thermodynamic equilibrium we measure coordination number distributions and test the Aboav-Weaire and Lewis laws. \\ %%--%%--%%--%%--%%--%%--%%--%%--%%--%%--%%--%%--%%--%%--%%--%%--%%--%%--%%--%% %%%---%%%---%%%---%%%---%%%---%%%---%%%---%%%---%%%---%%%---%%%---%%%---%%%--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- for e-mail address database, send To: e-mail at xxx.lanl.gov Subject: help for european users, the database is duplicated as e-mail at babbage.sissa.it ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- submitters should include local preprint# at the END at END at END END END of title/author field, e.g. \\ Recent Seminal Results, by Author One and Author Two, 3 pages, tex dialect (optional), EFI-92-41 \\ abstract \\ body of paper