MathTensor Sale
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: MathTensor Sale
- From: Steven M. Christensen <mathtensor>
- Date: Sun, 18 Apr 93 00:06:49 EDT
************************************ MathTensor Spring Sale! ************************************ MathSolutions, Inc. is offering a one month only sale on MathTensor, its tensor analysis software for Mathematica users. >From April 15 - May 15, 1993, purchasers who order MathTensor and send payment with their orders will receive an extra 5% discount. If you were thinking about ordering MathTensor, now is a very good time. This will be the lowest price offered in 1993. (Please pass this announcement along to interested colleagues.) Note that academic institutions already receive significant discounts over retail pricing, so this extra discount makes MathTensor a special value. This limited time discount does not apply to site license or volume purchases which get their own special discounts. It does not apply to purchases through or by dealers. If you wish to work through a dealer in your country, contact MathSolutions for our dealer sites. For pricing and more details on MathTensor and MathTensor Support services, contact MathSolutions at: MathSolutions, Inc. PO Box 16175 Chapel Hill, NC 27516 Phone/Fax: 919-967-9852 Email: mathtensor at MathTensor is a trademark of MathSolutions, Inc. Mathematica is a registered trademark of Wolfram Research, Inc. All prices and availability are subject to change. 5% discount does not apply to orders received before April 15, 1993.