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Size of files loaded by MMa for Windows 2.1

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: Size of files loaded by MMa for Windows 2.1
  • From: JESUS RIVERO <rivero at>
  • Date: Sun, 18 Apr 93 16:04:13-040

I have several packages and notebooks that can't be loaded by MMa for Windows
v. 2.1. For example, the package combinatorics developed by Skienna or the
recent "Lie Symmetries" package obtainable through MathsSource. However, both
packages ran smoothly on MMa for DOS v. 2.0. What's wrong with the Windows
Version ? Does it need a special adjustment or is a bug ?

Whenever I load one of these big packages,
Mathematica begins to load them, but then it never ends. So, the whole
program gets stuck, and doesn't accept any type of command, being then
forced to reset. It doesn't happen with normal packages, so I imagined
it has something to do with the size of notebooks or packages.
Jesus Rivero

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