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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: Nodal
  • From: srandyt at (Randall Thomas)
  • Date: Sun, 1 Aug 93 09:50:13 +0200

	I just bought NODAL and it looks good if you really want to simulate
	electronic circuits. My purpose, however, was to use Nodal in the same
	way some os us have used PSpice for years, namely as a general purpose
	simulator for generalized flow problems, network thermodynamics, compartmental
	analysis, chemical reaction networks, etc.  It turns out that Nodal is ill-
	adapted for this kind of work, because the key feature that makes Spice 
	(and PSpice is even better) good for this is the possibility to define
	nonlinear voltage- or current-controlled sources with any constitutive
	relation you want. Nodal includes only linear-first order controlled sources,
	which hobbles it completely for our purposes.  Perhaps there's a workaround
	that I haven't found, yet, since I've only had it two weeks.  If so, I'd
	be happy for the help.
	Randall Thomas

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