- To: MathGroup at
- Subject: PLEASE HELP ME !
- From: "Alexander Urintsev" <urintsev at>
- Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1993 18:41:15
Dear Math Group, I wish to use this opportunity to ask you if some of you may propose me an EMPLOYMENT in the area of symbolic/numeric computations and/or their applications in Applied/Pure Mathematics, Mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Computational Physics or Engineering. I would like to get an appointment preferably related to using/extending Mathematica, Maple or Reduce system in business, research or educational purposes. I would be immensely grateful to colleagues for information about possible vacancies, opening positions, any useful advice or for kind assistance. Some information about me. My name is Alexander Urintsev. I am 47 years old and presently work as a Senior Research Associate at an International Research Center of Nuclear Physics, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). I am engaged in developing data-analysis systems and processing the experimental High Energy Physics data by means of various statistical and numerical programs and some sorts of computer graphics. During three last years I extensively used in my daily work the wonderful graphical, numerical and symbolic capabilities of the Mathematica package and the Maple package as well. But now I have rather bad perspectives to continue my work in Russia, as the conditions for scientific work or other serious professional activity in the field of fundamental or applied research are degrading permanently, and there is no hope that the situation will be improved in the nearest future. I would be very grateful to you if you could find an opportunity to answer me if there is a possibility for me to work at your firm/institution on any basis (contract, post-doc etc.). It would be very nice for me to be employed for permanent work (or for several years) to develop new application areas for Mathematica or Maple, or carry out research/business investigations in the field of symbolic/numeric computation, Applied/Pure Mathematics, Mechanics, Hydrodynamics or Physics working as a scientific programmer, researcher or software engineer. Also, I could work as a teacher of Computer Science, Mathematics, Mechanics or Hydrodynamics having an ample experience in teaching undergraduates at the Rostov State University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia). Therefore I enclose here some additional materials pertaining to my request: Resume, List of Publications and two letters of recommendation. I would like to inform you that I have got an experience in Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science during 24 years of work as a researcher at several research institutions. My work is connected with the various problems of numerical and symbolic analysis. I received my Ph.D. in Mechanics of Fluids, Gas and Plasma in 1980. During a long period of time I worked with problems of hydrodynamic stability and appearance of turbulence and acquired an experience in solving the Navier-Stokes equations on computers. I am familiar with modern software, libraries of scientific computer programs such as NAG Fortran Library, CERN Program Library, IBM SSP, Harwell Subroutine Library and with a wide range of computers. Besides I possess the 11-years experience in teaching students at the Mechanical- Mathematical Department of the Rostov State University, where I lectured on Programming in Computer Algebra Systems, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Analytical Mechanics and Theoretical Hydrodynamics. Earlier, during some 9 years, I had used quite actively and with some success the computer algebra system REDUCE, based on LISP, with a research purposes and to teach students of the University to Pure and Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Hydrodynamics. As a result, I have published several scientific papers concerning the application of symbolic computations in magnetostatic optics of charged particle. The Institute, where I work, has bought Mathematica and Maple, and I have used since 1991 these splendid systems: at first I dealt with the Mathematica Version 1.2 and later with Maple V and the Mathematica Version 2.0. My scientific work supported by Mathematica and Maple was a great success and now, as I believe, I am quite experienced in the Mathematica and Maple programming. Particularly, thanks to Mathematica and Maple I succeeded in making a good mathematical model of the ununiform 3-dimensional magnetic field inside the spectrometer with a vertex detector. It was created at the JINR together with the Institute of High Energy Physics (Serpukhov) to solve some urgent and important problems of Particle Physics. Also, I would like to mention that by means of Mathematica and Maple I has successfully investigated the dynamics of the longitudinal motion of charged particles in the TRITRON type accelerator. The fulfilment of these and other scientific tasks resulted in new Mathematica packages pertaining to Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. Apparently, these packages may happen to be of more significance in applications. Mark Moline, the MathSource Administrator of Wolfram Research, helped me to install in the MathSource Collection at Wolfram Research these 7 packages (please see the List of Publication, ref. [38 - 44]). As I hope, the List of Publications (enclosed) will allow you to appreciate my experience in Applied/Computational Mathematics and programming in the field of symbolic/numerical computation. In conclusion of my letter I would like to inform you that during 7 months I am a member of MathGroup and a member of the electronic teleconference sci.math.symbolic as well. It allows me to maintain relations with the specialists in the field of symbolic computation over the world. It should be noticed that this intercourse with developers of computer algebra systems helped me to improve essentially my style and level of programming in this area. If you should require additional information about me: others letters of recommendation, degrees copies, detailed CV, information regarding my work experience, education or personal situation, I would be happy to provide it. Dear Colleague, I look forward to your reply and wish to thank you in advance. I would appreciate any help. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Alexander Urintsev, Ph.D. Senior Research Associate, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia, August 3, 1993 ############################################################################## Dr. Alexander Urintsev | Phone: +7 (09621) 6-20-65 (office) Particle Physics Laboratory | Fax: +7 (095) 975 23 81 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research | Telex: 911621 DUBNA SU Dubna, Moscow Region, 141980 |-------------------------------------- RUSSIA | E-mail: urintsev at | or | urintsev at ############################################################################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESUME Dr. Alexander Urintsev, Particle Physics Laboratory, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region, 141980, RUSSIA Phone: +7 (09621) 6-20-65 (office, Dubna, Moscow Region) Fax: +7 (095) 975 23 81 Telex: 911621 DUBNA SU E-mail addresses: urintsev at or urintsev at Home address: Dr. Alexander Urintsev, Stroiteley Street, 8-506, Dubna, Moscow Region, 141980, RUSSIA FULL NAME: Alexander Leonidovich Urintsev NAME: Alexander PATRONYMIC: Leonidovich SURNAME: Urintsev SEX: Male NATIONALITY: Russian CITIZENSHIP: Russian Federation JOB OBJECTIVE: To obtain a position dealing preferably with business, scientific or academic applications utilizing my background in Computer Science, Programming in languages of Computer Algebra Systems such as Maple, Mathematica, REDUCE, and also in FORTRAN, C, Lisp, my knowledge in Computational/Applied Mathematics, Analytical Mechanics, Theoretical Hydrodynamics and/or my experience in teaching students at the University (programming in Computer Algebra Systems, FORTRAN, C; lecturing on Numerical Methods, Differential and Integral Calculus, Theoretical/Analytical Mechanics, Hydrodynamics and Applied Mathematics). EXPERIENCE: I possess the 24-year experience in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics working at research institutions. During these years I carried out investigations in Mechanics of Solids and Applied Mathematics extensively using numerical methods, Symbolic Calculations and computers. During 11 years I combined the research work with the teaching at the Mechanical-Mathematical Department of the Rostov State University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia). 1971 - 1975 Junior Research Associate at the Research Institute of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics of the Rostov State University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia). 1975 - 1990 Senior Research Associate at the same Research Institute. I worked out problems of Theoretical Hydrodynamics and Applied Mathematics. 1981 - 1982 Post-doctoral work at the Department of Numerical Methods in Mechanics of Solids of the Problems of Mechanics Institute (Moscow, the Academy of Sciences), where I have participated in numerical simulation of nonlinear hydrodynamic processes on computers. 1979 - 1990 Associate Professor at the Computational Mathematics Chair and also at the Chair of Functions and Functional Analysis Theory at the Mechanical-Mathematical Department of the Rostov State University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia). I lectured special courses in the field of Computational Mathematics, led seminars, classes on Programming in Computer Algebra Systems and their application, supervised the diploma thesis papers of the students specialized in Computational/Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Hydrodynamics. 1990 - present Senior Research Associate at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Particle Physics Laboratory (Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia). Responsible for design, creation and development of a data-analysis systems in experimental High Energy Physics. Extensive use of computer systems Mathematica, Maple and FORTRAN 77 as well. SCIENTIFIC DEGREES: 1980 Scientific degree "Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences" (Ph.D. Certificate) by a decision of the Council at the Problems of Mechanics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The title of thesis: "Appearance of Auto-oscillation Modes of the Viscous Fluid Motion under the Stability Loss in Laminar Flows" . 1988 Scientific rank "Senior Research Associate" on the speciality "Mechanics of Fluids, Gas and Plasma" by a decision of the Supreme Certifying Commission at the Council of Ministers of the USSR. SCIENTIFIC 44 scientific papers, a part of them published in scientific PUBLICATIONS: journals of the Academy of Sciences (List of Publications is enclosed). EDUCATION: 1963 Secondary School in Rostov-on-Don (Russia) with honour. 1963 - 1969 The Rostov State University, the Mechanical-Mathematical Department (Rostov-on-Don, Russia), Diploma in Mechanics (Theoretical/Analytical Mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Theory of Elasticity, Applied Mathematics and Programming). 1969 - 1971 Post-graduate course of the Rostov State University, the Mechanical-Mathematical Department, the Chair of Computational Mathematics (Rostov-on-Don, Russia). REFERENCES: 1. Prof. Vasily Zhurakovsky, Vice-Chairman of the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Lyusinovskaya Street, 51, Moscow, 230, GSP, 113833, Russia). Phone: +7 (095) 237-58-34 (office). Fax: +7 (095) 237-83-02. 2. Prof. Alexander Belocon, Rector of the Rostov State University, (Rostov-on-Don, Russia). Phone: +7 (8632) 65-31-58 (Rector's office). Fax: +7 (8632) 64-52-55. E-mail: belocon at 3. Dr. Jacob Erusalimsky, Dean of the Mechanical-Mathematical Department of the Rostov State University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia). Phone: +7 (8632) 22-08-96 (Dean's office). Fax: +7 (8632) 64-52-55. E-mail: dnjme at 4. Dr. Sergei Vorozhtsov, Group Leader, Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, (Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia). Phone: +7 (09621) 6-21-60 (office). Fax: +7 (095) 975-23-81. E-mail: sbv at 5. Prof. Gregory Markman, the Chair of Applied Mathematics and Programming, the Mechanical-Mathematical Department of the Rostov State University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia). Phone: +7 (8632) 22-24-22 (the Chair of Applied Mathematics and Programming). Fax: +7 (8632) 64-52-55. E-mail: markman_G_S at PROFESSIONAL Participation in numerous research projects, programming in ACTIVITIES: different algorithmic languages, teaching Programming, Mathema- tics, Mechanics, Hydrodynamics at the University. PROFESSIONAL Development and application of Computer Algebra Systems such INTERESTS: as Mathematica and Maple both in applied research and for educational purposes, working out new algorithms and programs of symbolic and numerical mathematics, producing special applied software, analysis and solving of differential/integral equations of Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Mathematical Physics, teaching Programming, Mathematics, Mechanics and Hydrodynamics for undergraduates. HARDWARE: IBM PC and compatibles, VAX, IBM 370. OPERATING SYSTEMS: MS DOS 5.0, DR DOS 6.0, Microsoft Windows 3.1, VAX/VMS, OS/JCL. LANGUAGES of PROGRAMMING: Mathematica 2.0, Maple V, REDUCE 3.4, Lisp, FORTRAN 77, C. NATURAL Russian (native), English (spoken, reading and writing), LANGUAGES: German (basic spoken, reading and writing). HOBBY and Computing, hike on foot, swimming, classical music, LEISURE: literature. HEALTH: No limitation as to working conditions. PERSONAL Born in Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, December 27, 1945. INFORMATION: Married, one child (daughter, born in 1970). My wife Ludmila Urintseva was born in Rostov-on-Don, December 27, 1946. Mother - 74 years old, retired physician (oncolog). Father - 77 years old, retired engineer. August 3, 1993. Signed: Alexander Urintsev ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIST of PUBLICATIONS of Alexander Urintsev 1. Auto-oscillations in a Fluid Heated From Below. - In: "Reports at the 2-nd Conference of the Rostov Mathematical Society", Rostov-on-Don, 1968. 2. On the Stability of Thermocapillary Convection in a Fluid Layer under Weightlessness. - The All-Union Conference "Modern Problems of the Heat Gravitational Convection". Report abstracts. Minsk, 1971. (With B.N. Goncharenko). 3. On the Stability of the Fluid Motion Caused by Thermocapillary Forces. - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Technical Physics, 1971, No. 6. (With B.N. Goncharenko). 4. A Study of the Stability of the Central Position of the Shaft in a Fluid Friction Bearing on the Basis of the Linearized Navier-Stokes Equations. - In: "Proceedings of the 4-th All-Union Seminar on Numerical Methods of Viscous Fluid Mechanics", Novosibirsk, 1973. 5. On the Stability of the Steady Rotation of an Unloaded Shaft in a Hydrodynamic Bearing. - News of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Fluid and Gas Mechanics, 1974, No.1. 6. Calculation of the Auto-oscillations Arising under the Stability Loss in a Spiral Flow Between Concentric Cylinders. - News of the North-Caucasian Scientific Center of Higher School. Series of the Natural Sciences, 1974, No. 4. 7. Appearance of Auto-oscillations in a Boundary Layer. - In: "Wall Turbulent Flow. Proceedings of 18-th Siberian Thermophysics Seminar". Part 1, Novosibirsk, 1975. 8. A Nonlinear Problem due to a Rise of the Finite-Amplitude Auto-oscillating Convective Mode Branched out in Thermically Stratified Poiseuille Flow inside a Flat Canal. - The 2-nd All-Union Conference "Modern Problems of Heat Convection". Report abstracts, Perm, 1975. 9. On Stability of the Viscous Fluid Flow on an Inclined Plane. - Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 1975, No. 2. (With B.N. Goncharenko). 10. A Nonlinear Problem of Appearance of Auto-oscillations due to the Stability Loss in the Spiral Flow of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid Between Coaxial Cylinders. - In: "Proceedings of the 5-th All-Union Seminar on Numerical Methods in Mechanics of Viscous Fluid", Part 1, Novosibirsk, 1975. 11. Calculation of the Azimuthal Waves Type Auto-oscillations Arising under the Stability Loss in a Viscous Fluid Flow between Concentric Cylinders Rotating in Different Sides. - Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 1976, No. 2. 12. Calculation of the Auto-oscillations Arising under the Stability Loss of a Viscous Fluid Spiral Flow in a Ring-shaped Tube. - Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 1976, No. 3. 13. Numerical Analysis of the Branching of the Couette Flow Between Concentric Cylinders at Different Wave Numbers. - News of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Fluid and Gas Mechanics, 1976. No.3. 14. Calculation of Auto-oscillating Motions in Hydrodynamic Problems. Report from January 12, 1976 at the Research Seminar for Aeromechanics and Gas Dynamics (under Academician G.I. Petrov). - Moscow University Bulletin, Mathematics, Mechanics, 1976, No. 6. 15. Finite Amplitude Waves on Surface of a Viscous Fluid Flowing along a Vertical Wall. - In: Materials of the 2-nd University School "Nonlinear Problems of the Hydrodynamic Stability Theory". Moscow, Research Institute of Mechanics of the Moscow State University, Moscow State University Publishing House, 1978. 16. Solutions Branching in a Problem of Wave Flow of the Viscous Fluid Having a Free Boundary. - Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 1978, No. 4. 17. Calculation of Convective Flow in the Flat Horizontal Layer Performing High Frequency Vertical Oscillations. - The 2-nd All-Union Conference "Modern Problems of Heat Convection", Report abstracts, Perm, 1975. (With G.S. Markman). 18. On Influence of High Frequency Vibration upon Appearance of Secondary Convective Modes. - News of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Fluid and Gas Mechanics, 1976, No. 2. (With G.S. Markman). 19. On Parametric Excitation of Convective Motion in a Fluid Heated From Above. - In: Materials of the University School "Nonlinear Problems of the Hydrodynamic Stability Theory". Research Institute of Mechanics of the Moscow State University, Moscow, Moscow State University Publishing House, 1976. (With G.S. Markman). 20. Parametric Excitation of the Convective Motion in a Fluid Heated from Above. - News of the North-Caucasian Scientific Center of Higher School. Series of the Natural Sciences, 1977, No. 1. (With G.S. Markman). 21. About the Appearance of the Finite Amplitude Convection in a Vibrating Fluid Layer Heated from Above. - News of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Fluid and Gas Mechanics, 1978, No. 1. (With G.S. Markman). 22. On the Theory of Origin of Dissipative Structures. - The manuscript submitted to and stored at the VINITI from July 10, 1978, No. 2318-78 DEP. (With G.S. Markman). 23. On the Theory of Dissipative Structures Arising in Turing-Prigogine Model. - Biophysics, Moscow, 1980, vol. XXV, No. 1. (With G.S. Markman). 24. The Package of Subroutines for Calculation of Complex Roots of the Algebraic and Transcendental Equations of the f(z)=0 Type. - The manu- script submitted to and stored at the VINITI from January 7, 1980, No. 98-80 DEP. (With A.N. Vedernikov). 25. On the Formation Theory of Dissipative Structures in a Morphogenesis Model. - In: "Mathematical Models in Ecology. Inter-University Collec- tion." Gorky State University, Gorky, 1980. (With G.S. Markman). 26. Appearance of Auto-oscillation Modes of the Viscous Fluid Motion under the Stability Loss in Laminar Flows. Thesis to receive the scientific degree "Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences" (Ph.D. Certificate). - Research Institute of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics of the Rostov State University. Rostov-on-Don, 1979, 357 pages. 27. Appearance of Auto-oscillation Modes of the Viscous Fluid Motion under the Stability Loss in Laminar Flows. Abstracts of the thesis to receive scientific degree "Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences" (Ph.D. Certificate). - Problems of Mechanics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 25 pages, Moscow, 1980. 28. Brusselator as a Methodical Model of Theoretical Biology. - In: "Molecular Biology", Kiev, Naukova Dumka Publishing House, 1982, vol. 30, pp. 82-93. (With V.G. Babsky and G.S. Markman). 29. A Numerical Solution of Hydrodynamic Stability Problems. The report about the research work "Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamic Processes", 381 pages. - The Problems of Mechanics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Moscow, 1983. 30. The Convective Unstability of a Horizontal Layer of Binary Mixture. - News of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Physics of Atmosphere and Ocean, 1984, No. 5. (With V.V. Kolesov and V.I. Yudovich). 31. On Side-Wall Convection in Ocean. - In: Proceedings of the Symposium "On Marine Science in the Western Pacific: The Indo-Pacific Convergence", Townsville, Australia, 1-6 December, 1986. (With L.F. Muratov). 32. Hamilton Equations, Canonical Variables and the Invariants Connected with Aberration Coefficients of Equations of the Charged Particle Motion in Magnetic Fields. - The report submitted to the 5-th All-Union Seminar "Program of Scientific Investigations at the Meson Factory of the Nuclear Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences". Zvenigorod, April 1987. (With A.V. Samoilov). 33. The Program to Obtain the Analytical Expressions for Aberration Calculations. - The report submitted to the 5-th All-Union Seminar "Program of Scientific Investigations at the Meson Factory of the Nuclear Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences". Zvenigorod, April 1987. (With A.V. Samoilov). 34. Complex of Programs for Analytical Simulation of Magnetic-optical Sys- tems. - The 11-th All-Union Meeting on Charged Particle Accelerators (Dubna, 25-27 October, 1988). Report abstracts. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. P9-88-738, Dubna, 1988. (With A.V. Samoilov). 35. Complex of Programs for Analytical Simulation of Magnetic-Optical Sys- tems. - In: "Proceedings of the 11-th All-Union Meeting on Charged Particle Accelerators", Vol. 1, D9-89-52, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 1989. (With A.V. Samoilov). 36. Complex REDUCE-Programs for Analytical Solution of Some Problems of Beam Transport Systems. - In: "IV International Conference on Computer Algebra in Physical Research" (Eds. D.V. Shirkov, V.A. Rostovtsev & V.P. Gerdt). World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1991. (With A.V. Samoilov). 37. Computation with Classical Orthogonal Polynomials in REDUCE System. - In: "IV International Conference on Computer Algebra in Physical Research" (Eds. D.V. Shirkov, V.A. Rostovtsev & V.P. Gerdt). World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1991. (With D.V. Azarov, I.A. Lubyagin, A.E. Borovik, E.V. Kalashyan, V.K. Botsenyuk, Yu.A. Chuprakov). 38. Basic Sets of Polynomial Solutions for the Iterated Laplace and Wave Equations. The Mathematica package submitted to and stored at the MathSource Collection of Mathematica Packages, easily accessible online database. - The MathSource Collection, Wolfram Research, Inc., Champaign, Illinois, USA, December 1992, #0203-724. 39. Data Smoothing with Least-Squares Method by Polynomials of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Power. The Mathematica package submitted to and stored at the MathSource Collection of Mathematica Packages, easily accessible online database. - The MathSource collection, Wolfram Research, Inc., Champaign, Illinois, USA, December 1992, #0203-735. 40. Gram - Schmidt Orthogonalization Procedure. The Mathematica package submitted to and stored at the MathSource Collection of Mathematica Packages, easily accessible online database. - The MathSource Collection, Wolfram Research, Inc., Champaign, Illinois, USA, December 1992,#0203-690. 41. Interactive Program Tutor to Teach Mathematica. The Mathematica package submitted to and stored at the MathSource Collection of Mathematica Packages, easily accessible online database. - The MathSource Collection, Wolfram Research, Inc., Champaign, Illinois,USA, December 1992, #0203-757. 42. Solution of Initial Value Problem for Linear ODE System by Means of Matrix Exponential. The Mathematica package submitted to and stored at the MathSource Collection of Mathematica Packages, easily accessible online database. - The MathSource Collection, Wolfram Research, Inc., Champaign, Illinois, USA, December 1992, #0203-702. 43. Solution of ODE System in a Power Series Form. The Mathematica package submitted to and stored at the MathSource Collection of Mathematica Packages, easily accessible online database. - The MathSource Collection, Wolfram Research, Inc., Champaign, Illinois, USA, December 1992,#0203-713. 44. Stability Analysis of Matrices and Polynomials Based on Routh Criterion and Iteration Method. The Mathematica package submitted to and stored at the MathSource Collection of Mathematica Packages, easily accessible online database. - The MathSource Collection, Wolfram Research, Inc., Champaign, Illinois, USA, December 1992, #0203-746. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REFERENCE I have known Dr. Alexander Urintsev, a senior research associate of Particle Physics Laboratory at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, for three years. We have carried out joint scientific investigations. >From 1991 to 1992 Dr. Alexander Urintsev cooperated with me and other members of the group lead by me on a project of the high-current cyclotron installation of the TRITRON type. In theoretical plan we considered a possibility to apply such kind of accelerators to get the high-current beams of deutrons with energies sufficient for the purposes of the MINGEN project aiming at creating a powerful neutron source. When working on the project as a scientific programmer and researcher Dr. Urintsev carried out symbolic and numerical calculations using the computer algebra system Mathematica, FORTRAN 77 and a series of scientific programs >from CERN Program Library: starting from formulae he successfully realized the mathematical model of the dynamics of the longitudinal motion of charged particle in the TRITRON type accelerator. In studying various aspects of this problem he has shown the independence in realization of the part of scientific project entrusted to him, demonstrated deep knowledge of mathematics, numerical and symbolic algorithms, tricky methods of programming, skilfully used splendid analytical and graphical capabilities of the Mathematica system to provide considerable success in work of the group on the given project. That is why I greatly appreciate the scientific activities of Dr. Alexander Urintsev in our collaboration and believe that he is able to solve involved scientific problems connected with a qualified application of Computational Mathematics and advanced computer systems in the fundamental and applied research. I believe that Dr. Urintsev may be recommended for work at research institutes, scientific centers, laboratories and also in firms producing sophisticated, applied and system's software. Signature Dr. Sergei Vorozhtsov, Group Leader Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research May 31, 1993, Dubna, Russia I, Vadim Bednyakov, the Scientific Secretary of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, confirm the signature of Dr. Sergei Vorozhtsov: Signature Vadim Bednyakov Seal of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Official postal address: Dr. Sergei Vorozhtsov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, Moscow Region, 141980, RUSSIA Fax: +7 (095) 975 23 81 Telex: 911621 DUBNA SU Phone: +7 (09621) 6-21-60 (Dr. Vorozhtsov's office at JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region) E-mail: sbv at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REFERENCE I have known Dr. Alexander Urintsev for a large period of time (about 20 years). During 11 years working as a senior research associate at the Research Institute of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics of the Rostov State University he successfully combined research with teaching at the Mechanical- Mathematical Department of the University where I have the honour to be the Dean. During these years Dr. Urintsev worked as an Associate Professor at the Computational Mathematics Chair and at the Chair of Functions and Functional Analysis Theory of the Mechanical-Mathematical Department of the University. He lectured special courses in the field of computational mathematics such as "Solving boundary value problem on computer", led seminars, classes on calculation methods, probability theory and mathematical statistics, programming in computer algebra systems for students of the Mechanical- Mathematical Department, Applied Mathematics Department, Economics and Philosophy Department at the Rostov State University, supervised students' practice at the University Computing Center and graduates' practice. In fact, he annually supervised and reviewed diploma thesis of the students specialized at the Computational Mathematics Chair and at the Theoretical Hydroaerodynamics Chair. This pedagogical activity took 240 hours per year. In addition, Dr. Urintsev lectured on analytical geometry at the Regional Refreshment Courses for technical college teachers. For a long period of time he took part in the activity of the editorial board of the journal "News of Northern Caucasus Research Center of Higher School" (Rostov-on-Don) as a reviewer of the papers in the field of applied mathematics and hydrodynamics. Dr. Urintsev is a highly qualified specialist in developing and using numerical and symbolic algorithms and programs, as well as computer applications for solving problems of applied mathematics and mechanics. Dr. Urintsev is the author (or a coauthor) of about 40 scientific publications. He pays a lot of time and energy to create the high quality computer programs, applies such programming languages as FORTRAN 77, C, Lisp and also computer algebra, libraries of scientific subroutines (CERN Program Library, IBM SSP, NAG FORTRAN Library, CPC Program Library), computer graphics in the scientific and applied researches. Dr. Urintsev is a persuaded supporter and a skilful popularizer of wide use of such computer algebra systems as Mathematica, Maple and REDUCE both for research and teaching of mathematics, mechanics and physics at Higher School. In 1988 the leadership of the Department asked him to lecture the term course under the title "Programming in REDUCE System" because of possible application prospects of similar computer systems possessing artificial intellect traits. The lectures were prepared at high level and were accompanied by a great quantity of well selected examples. Dr. Urintsev deserves respect and prestige at the University as a researcher and teacher. The colleagues have not forgotten him, though he has not been working for several years there being invited to work at the International Research Center of Nuclear Physics, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, situated in Dubna (Moscow Region). In conclusion, I would like to recommend Dr. Urintsev as a highly qualified specialist and teacher for work at the universities, colleges, research institutes, computing centers and software firms. Signature Dr. Jacob M. Erusalimsky Dean of the Mechanical-Mathematical Department at the Rostov State University Chairman of the Scientific Council at the Mechanical-Mathematical Department June 9, 1993 Rostov-on-Don, Russia Seal of the Rostov State University Official postal address: Dr. Jacob M. Erusalimsky, Dean of Mechanical-Mathematical Department, Rostov State University, Bolshaya Sadovaya street, 105, Rostov-on-Don, 344006, RUSSIA Fax: +7 (8632) 64-52-55 Phone: +7 (8632) 22-08-96 (Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Dean's office) E-mail: dnjme at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE END OF MESSAGE