MathTensor - New Version
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: MathTensor - New Version
- From: Steven M. Christensen <stevec at>
- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 93 13:07:19 EST
********************************************************* * NEW VERSION OF MATHTENSOR RELEASED * * ACADEMIC DISCOUNTS EXTENDED * ********************************************************* MathSolutions, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of MathTensor version 2.1.5. In addition, special academic discounts are being extended into 1993. Included with the new release is a supplement to the manual. For more information, contact MathSolutions at mathtensor at or at: MathSolutions, Inc. PO Box 16175 Chapel Hill, NC 27516 USA Phone/Fax: 919-967-9853 New to this version are: **************** * Ttransform * **************** Ttransform is an easy-to-use function for performing general coordinate transformations on tensorial objects. Here is an example from gravitational physics: Example: General Relativity --- Kruskal coordinates Transform the Schwarzschild metric of a black hole from Schwarzschild to Kruskal coordinates. This transformation does not involve the angular coordinates, so it is sufficient to work in a two dimensional spacetime. In Schwarzschild coordinates r, t, the Schwarzschild line element is ds^2 = (1-(2 M)/r)^(-1) dr^2 - (1-(2 M)/r)) dt^2 . Kruskal gave the transformation X = (r/(2 M)-1)^(1/2) exp[r/(4 M)] cosh[t/(4 M)] T = (r/(2 M)-1)^(1/2) exp[r/ 4 M)] sinh[t/(4 M)] to Kruskal coordinates X, T. Use Ttransform to calculate the form of the metric tensor in Kruskal coordinates. (* Clear any previous assignments. *) In[2]:= Clear[ga,gb] (* Define the dimension. *) In[3]:= Dimension = 2 Out[3]= 2 (* Define the coordinates. *) In[4]:= coords = {r,t} Out[4]= {r, t} (* Define the transformations giving the kruskal coordinates {X,T} in terms of {r,t}. *) In[5]:= trans = {(r/(2 M) - 1)^(1/2) Exp[r/(4 M)] Cosh[t/(4 M)], (r/(2 M) - 1)^(1/2) Exp[r/(4 M)] Sinh[t/(4 M)]} r/(4 M) r t r/(4 M) r t Out[5]= {E Sqrt[-1 + ---] Cosh[---], E Sqrt[-1 + ---] Sinh[---]} 2 M 4 M 2 M 4 M (* Let ga[la,lb] be the Schwarzschild metric for r,t. The independent covariant components of the metric are assigned below. *) In[6]:= DefineTensor[ga,{{2,1},1}] (* Set -2, -2 component. *) In[7]:= ga[-2,-2] = -(1 - (2 M)/r) 2 M Out[7]= -1 + --- r (* Set -2, -1 component. *) In[8]:= ga[-2,-1] = 0 Out[8]= 0 (* Set -1, -1 component. *) In[9]:= ga[-1,-1] = (1 - (2 M)/r)^(-1) 1 Out[9]= ------- 2 M 1 - --- r (* gb will denote the transformed metric. *) In[10]:= DefineTensor[gb,{{2,1},1}] Calculate gb from ga. The transformation of coordinates and metric are in the same direction, from Schwarzschild to Kruskal, so the last argument of Ttransform is 1. The metric components of gb[la,lb] refer to the Kruskal coordinates X, T, but they will appear as functions of r, t, since ga[la,lb] and the right-hand-sides of the transformation equations are given as functions of r, t. In fact, that is the usual way that the Kruskal metric is written, since r and t cannot be expressed in a simple algebraic form in terms of X, T. In[11]:= Ttransform[gb,ga[la,lb],coords,trans,1] Components assigned to gb (* Display the result. *) In[12]:= Table[gb[-i,-j],{i,2},{j,2}] 3 3 32 M -32 M Out[12]= {{----------, 0}, {0, ----------}} r/(2 M) r/(2 M) E r E r This result means that the line element in Kruskal coordinates has the well-known form, ds^2 = 32 M^3 r^(-1) Exp[-r/(2 M)] (dX^2 - dT^2). ********************** * OrderCD * ********************** In previous versions of MathTensor there has been only one function that could be used to reorder covariant derivatives on a tensor object, CommuteCD. A number of users of MathTensor have asked for a function that will reorder all the indices into alphabetical order at once. The new OrderCD function does this. (* Define a two index tensor. *) In[2]:= DefineTensor[A,"A",{{1,2},1}] (* Take several covariant derivatives. In this case they are not in alphabetical order. *) In[3]:= CD[A[la,lb],lf,le,ld,lc] Out[3]= A ab;fedc (* The OrderCD function reorders the covariant derivatives and generates the appropriate Riemann tensor terms. This expression is still equal to A , but now contains A . All derivatives ab;fedc ab;cdef on all terms are put in alphabetical order as well. *) In[4]:= OrderCD[%] p p p p Out[4]= A R + A R + A R + A R + pb;f a cd;e pb;e a cd;f pb;d a ce;f pb;f a de;c p p p p > A R + A R + A R + A R + pb;c a de;f pb;e a df;c pb;d a ef;c pb;c a ef;d p p p p > A R + A R + A R + A R + ap;f b cd;e ap;e b cd;f ap;d b ce;f ap;f b de;c p p p p > A R + A R + A R + A R + ap;c b de;f ap;e b df;c ap;d b ef;c ap;c b ef;d p p p p > A R + A R + A R + A R + ab;p ced ;f ab;p dfe ;c pb a cd;ef pb a de;cf p p p p > A R + A R + A R + A R + A + pb a ef;cd ap b cd;ef ap b de;cf ap b ef;cd ab;cdef p p p p > A R + A R + A R + A R + pb;ef a cd pb;df a ce pb;de a cf pb;cf a de p p p p > A R + A R + A R + A R + pb;ce a df pb;cd a ef ap;ef b cd ap;df b ce p p p p > A R + A R + A R + A R + ap;de b cf ap;cf b de ap;ce b df ap;cd b ef p q p q p q p q > A R R + A R R + A R R + A R R + pq a ef b cd pq a df b ce pq a ce b df pq a cd b ef p q p q p q p q > A R R + A R R - A R R - A R R + pb qfa cde ap qfb cde pb qea cdf ap qeb cdf p pq pq p > A R + A R R + A R R + A R + ab;pf ced pb qadf ce ap qbdf ce ab;pe cfd p p q p q p > A R + A R R + A R R + A R + ab;pd cfe pb qda cfe ap qdb cfe ab;pc dfe pq pq > A R R + A R R pb qacd ef ap qbcd ef ********************** * Components * ********************** The Components function is used to compute the components of the Riemann tensor, Ricci tensor, Einstein tensor, affine connection, and Weyl tensor given the spacetime dimension and metric tensor. The latest version of Components permits you to set up the simplification rules you want to use to put the results of Components into the desired form. You can also treat metrics having a small parameter perturbatively by series expansion. As a simple example, we consider perturbations of flat spacetime using the series expansion feature of Components to perturb about a given metric. For a perfectly general perturbation it is probably simpler to work with symbolic indices within a MathTensor session. But for more special perturbations, it is convenient to use Components. In this example, the most general purely time-dependent perturbation about flat spacetime is considered in the linear approximation. The coordinates are called x1, x2, x3, and t. The ten components of the perturbation of the symmetric metric tensor are called h11[t], h21[t], h31[t], h41[t], h22[t], h32[t], h42[t], h33[t], h43[t], h44[t]. They are taken to depend only on the time coordinate t. The definition of CompSimp, which determines the simplification and other operations done by the Components function, expands to first order in a small parameter q which is introduced as a factor in each perturbation term of the metric. Here is the input file, which is called exIn.m. (* exIn.m *) Dimension = 4 x/: x[1] = x1 x/: x[2] = x2 x/: x[3] = x3 x/: x[4] = t Metricg/: Metricg[-1, -1] = 1 + q h11[t] Metricg/: Metricg[-2, -1] = q h21[t] Metricg/: Metricg[-3, -1] = q h31[t] Metricg/: Metricg[-4, -1] = q h41[t] Metricg/: Metricg[-2, -2] = 1 + q h22[t] Metricg/: Metricg[-3, -2] = q h32[t] Metricg/: Metricg[-4, -2] = q h41[t] Metricg/: Metricg[-3, -3] = 1 + q h33[t] Metricg/: Metricg[-4, -3] = q h43[t] Metricg/: Metricg[-4, -4] = -1 + q h44[t] Rmsign = 1 Rcsign = 1 CalcEinstein = 1 CalcRiemann = 1 CalcWeyl = 1 CompSimpRules[1] = {} SetOptions[Expand, Trig->True] SetOptions[Together, Trig->True] CompSimp[a_] := Together[Series[Expand[a/.CompSimpRules[1]], {q,0,1}]] (* end of file *) Suppose that in a Mathematica session you have loaded Components.m and issued the command Components["exIn.m","exOut.m","exOut.out"] to produce the file exOut.m suitable for input to a later MathTensor session, and the file exOut.out with output in a more human readable form. Here is an example MathTensor session which displays and manipulates the calculated tensor components. (* Load the output of the Components computation above. *) In[1]:= << exOut.m MetricgFlag has been turned off. (* Display the independent Ricci tensor components. *) In[2]:= Simplify[Table[RicciR[-i,-j],{i,4},{j,i}] ] h11''[t] q 2 Out[2]= {{---------- + O[q] }, 2 h21''[t] q 2 h22''[t] q 2 {---------- + O[q] , ---------- + O[q] }, 2 2 h31''[t] q 2 h32''[t] q 2 {---------- + O[q] , ---------- + O[q] , 2 2 h33''[t] q 2 ---------- + O[q] }, 2 2 2 2 {O[q] , O[q] , O[q] , (-h11''[t] - h22''[t] - h33''[t]) q 2 ----------------------------------- + O[q] }} 2 (* Here is the scalar curvature invariant. *) In[3]:= ScalarR 2 Out[3]= (h11''[t] + h22''[t] + h33''[t]) q + O[q] (* Here are three components of the Riemann tensor, namely, R_{1212}, R_{2323}, and R_{3434}. *) In[4]:= Simplify[Table[RiemannR[-i,-i-1,-i,-i-1],{i,1,3}] ] 2 2 -(h33''[t] q) 2 Out[4]= {O[q] , O[q] , ------------- + O[q] } 2 (* Here is the invariant square of the Ricci tensor. *) In[5]:= MakeSum[RicciR[la,lb] RicciR[ua,ub] ] 2 2 2 2 h11''[t] h21''[t] h22''[t] h31''[t] Out[5]= (--------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + 4 2 4 2 2 h32''[t] -h11''[t] h22''[t] h33''[t] 2 --------- + (--------- - -------- - --------) + 2 2 2 2 2 h33''[t] 2 3 ---------) q + O[q] 4 >From the displayed components of the Ricci tensor, it is clear that in vacuum, where all the components of the Ricci tensor must vanish, there is no purely time-dependent perturbation of Minkowski space which is zero at early times and non-zero at later times. On the other hand, there are non-zero vacuum perturbations which are linear in t, but these are not physical. ********************* * Faster Loading * ********************* On some computers with low memory or slow disks, MathTensor can be slow to load. In version 2.1.5, a special loading file called MathTensorFast.m has been added. This loads a smaller version of MathTensor which initially with contains fewer functions. If a function is needed that is not loaded by MathTensorFast.m, it is loaded when used the first time. This system has shown a speedup in loading of about 40% on most computers. ***************************************** * PairSymmetrize and PairAntisymmetrize * ***************************************** The standard MathTensor Symmetrize and Antisymmetrize functions permit symmetrization over a list of indices as in the following examples. (* Define some arbitrary four index tensor. *) In[2]:= DefineTensor[A,"A",{{1,2,3,4},1}] (* With the usual Symmetrize or Antisymmetrize functions, you can symmetrize over two indices. *) In[3]:= Symmetrize[A[la,lb,lc,ld],{la,lc}] A + A abcd cbad Out[3]= ------------- 2 (* You can also symmetrize or antisymmetrize over a list of indices. *) In[4]:= Symmetrize[A[la,lb,lc,ld],{la,lb,lc,ld}] A A A A A A A A abcd abdc acbd acdb adbc adcb bacd badc Out[4]= ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 A A A A A A A A A bcad bcda bdac bdca cabd cadb cbad cbda cdab > ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 A A A A A A A cdba dabc dacb dbac dbca dcab dcba > ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 (* With PairSymmetrize you can manipulate pairs of indices. The resulting expression is symmetric under interchange of the index pair {a,b} with the pair {c,d}. *) In[5]:= PairSymmetrize[A[la,lb,lc,ld],{{la,lb},{lc,ld}}] A A abcd cdab Out[5]= ----- + ----- 2 2 (* PairAntisymmetrize does the expected thing. *) In[6]:= PairAntisymmetrize[A[la,lb,lc,ld],{{la,lb},{lc,ld}}] A A abcd cdab Out[6]= ----- - ----- 2 2 (* Define a new six index tensor. *) In[7]:= DefineTensor[B,"B",{{1,2,3,4,5,6},1}] (* You can manipulate more than one pair of indices. The resulting expression is antisymmetric under interchange of any of the indicated pairs of indices with each other, such as exchange of the pair {a,b} with either of the other two pairs, {c,d} or {e,f}. *) In[8]:= PairAntisymmetrize[B[la,lb,lc,ld,le,lf],{{la,lb},{lc,ld},{le,lf}}] B B B B B B abcdef abefcd cdabef cdefab efabcd efcdab Out[8]= ------- - ------- - ------- + ------- + ------- - ------- 6 6 6 6 6 6 (* These new functions can also work on triples and other sets of indices. *) In[9]:= PairSymmetrize[B[la,lb,lc,ld,le,lf],{{la,lb,lc},{ld,le,lf}}] B B abcdef defabc Out[9]= ------- + ------- 2 2 *********************** * Bug Fixes * *********************** All known MathTensor problems have been fixed in 2.1.5.