interpolation of unevenly sampled points
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: interpolation of unevenly sampled points
- From: Ivan Vesely <vesely at>
- Date: Tue, 19 Jan 93 15:05:36 EST
Hi, I can't seem to get anything from MathSource, so I'll try this group. All I need is a way to resample a set of numbers at specific intervals. Each x has a corresponding y, but the x's are not evenly spaced. I'd like to space them evenly (so I can plot a surface using Mathematica), using some simple interpolation algorithm. I'd write a routine myself, but the problems sounds so common I thought someone may already have written it. However, nothing this simple appears to exist on the Mathematica archive server. Does anyone outhere have a "package" that will do this? --- Ivan Vesely, Electrical Engineering and Medical Biophysics University of Western Ontario, vesely at