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Summary: Performance of numerical functions decreases with time

  • To: mathgroup <mathgroup at>
  • Subject: Summary: Performance of numerical functions decreases with time
  • From: Magnus Nordborg <magnus at>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Jul 93 09:40:58 -0700

Thanks to all that responded to this question, including several staff members at WRI.   
The problem (see original posting below) is caused by a bug in Mathematica 2.1's  
pseudo-compiler (invoked automatically by FindMinimum) that causes symbols to  
accumulate over time.  Five fixes were suggested:

1.)  SetOptions[FindMinimum,Compiled->False]

2.)  Use something like:

        	leftoverCompileNames = Names["Compile`*"];
        	Scan[Unprotect, leftoverCompileNames];
        	Scan[Clear, leftoverCompileNames];
        	Scan[Remove, leftoverCompileNames];

       every loop.

3.)  Compile the function yourself, then use 1.)

4.)  Get 2.2

5.)  Use C/MathLink

I tried 1.) and 5.).  It might be of interest that 1.) finished in less than 10 hours,  
compared to the 20 h I estimated from running 30 iterations with Compiled->True.   
Using MathLink (and still looping inside Mathematica, but using a Brent's minimizer  
from NetLib) as in 5.) was about 40 times faster again.

Again, thanks to all that responded,

Magnus Nordborg
magnus at (NeXT mail preferred)
Department of Biological Sciences		
Stanford University				
Stanford, CA 94305-5020				
+1 (415) 723-4952 (office)

Begin original message:

Date: Tue, 13 Jul 93 13:57:47 -0700
From: Magnus Nordborg <magnus at fisher.Stanford.EDU>
To: mathgroup <mathgroup at>
Subject: Performance of numerical functions decreases with time


	I have a "time-critical" question here.  I want to find the minimum of a simple  

function for many different parameters.  I define something like:
MyFunction[d_,s_,z_,a_,b_,g_,k_] :=
	fn = - 2*(1 - d)*M^z*(1 - M^g)^k*s - 

		 (1 - M^g)^k*(1 - (1 - M^a)^b)*(1 - M^z*s);
	res = FindMinimum[ fn, {M,0.5}][[2]];
	If[ MatchQ[res,{Rule_}],
		M /. res,
  	(* else *)
		res = FindMinimum[ fn, {M,0.1}][[2]];
  		If[ MatchQ[res,{Rule_}],
  			M /. res,
  		(* else *)
			res = FindMinimum[ fn, {M,0.9}][[2]];
  			If[ MatchQ[res,{Rule_}],
  				M /. res,
  			(* else *)

This particular pattern tries several starting points, but everything I say below applies  

equally well to the simplest possible pattern.  Now, I am trying to use "Table" to find  

the minimum for 10^5 different values, say.  I did some small number (like 10) and  

then extrapolated to find that my job would take on the order of 20 hours (this is using  

Sparc 2 and NeXT).  80 hours later the machines are still crunching.  So I did a little  

test.  I timed 35 cases, then redid the same 35 cases, and so on 10 times.  To my  

chagrin, I find that the performance is decreasing over time!

why = Table[ Timing[ Table[
		MyFunction [0.1,0.1,0.1,1.5,5,1.5,k]},
	{k,1.5,10,0.25}] ], {i,10} ];


{23.8333 Second, 26.2833 Second, 28.85 Second, 


  31.6667 Second, 34.5167 Second, 37.0833 Second, 


  39.7 Second, 42.6 Second, 45.5 Second, 48.5833 Second}

It doesn't take the proverbial rocket scientist to see that if time to completion more  

than doubles after doing 300 cases, 10^5 will take a bit MORE than 20 h...

What on earth is going on here?  What is causing this, and is there a work-around?   

We really need these numbers fast, unfortunately.  Time for C...?

Grateful for a quick reply,

Magnus Nordborg
magnus at (NeXT mail preferred)
Department of Biological Sciences		
Stanford University				
Stanford, CA 94305-5020				
+1 (415) 723-4952 (office)

P.S.  I'm using Mathematica 2.1 on NeXT and Sparc.

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