how to disable wrap-around of the printout lines ?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: how to disable wrap-around of the printout lines ?
- From: HYP800825 at
- Date: 21 Jul 93 14:25:05 EDT
I've just started learning MMA. The last line of the following code generates a 9-by-9 multiplication table over Z3. I'm using the Windows version of MMA, the printout of each row wraps around after 5 terms (which occupies the width of the screen) are printed. Since one can scroll horizontally when using the notebook interface, is there a way to tell MMA not to wrap the line around when printing out the rows ? fx = x^2 + 1 gf = 3 n = Exponent[fx, x] a = Table[i, {i,0,gf-1}] b = { } For[i=0, i<n, i++, b = Append[b, a * x^i]] c= Flatten[Apply[Outer, Prepend[b, List]], n-1] d = Apply[Plus, c, 1] e = Sort[PolynomialMod[d, gf]] g = Outer[Times, e, e] {rows, cols} = Dimensions[g] h = g; For[i=1, i<=rows, i++, For[j=1, j<=cols, j++, Part[h,i,j]=PolynomialMod[PolynomialRemainder[Part[h,i,j], fx, x], gf] ] ] MatrixForm[h]