beheading data objects
- To: mathgroup at (Mathematica mailing list)
- Subject: beheading data objects
- From: nachbar at
- Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1993 08:41:23 -0500 (EDT)
i'm sending this again because it apparently got lost: hi, Regression in Statistics`LinearRegression` returns the results of a fit as a list of replacement rules. one of the items can be CovarianceMatrix. i wanted to use this matrix to compute the standard error of fitted values, so i used the following: In[1]:= <<Statistics`LinearRegression` In[2]:= data=Table[{x,3.4+1.7x-5.6x^2+Random[Real,{-1,1}] .3},{x,-5,5}] ; In[10]:= fit=Regress[data,{1,x,x^2},{x},OutputList->{CovarianceMatrix}] ; In[11]:= covar = CovarianceMatrix /. fit ; In[12]:= s=EstimatedVariance /. fit ; when i tried to use covar, i got what looked like unevaluated results: In[13]:= sefit={1,x,x^2}.covar.{1,x,x^2} s 2 Out[13]= 0.0289323 {1, x, x } . 0.207459 0. -0.011655 . 0. 0.00909091 0. -0.011655 0. 0.0011655 2 > {1, x, x } it turns out that the matrix is returned as MatrixForm: In[14]:= Head[covar] Out[14]= MatrixForm i got rid of the Head with: In[15]:= {covar}=Apply[List,covar] ; and got the results i wanted: In[17]:= sefit={1,x,x^2}.covar.{1,x,x^2} s // Expand 2 3 4 Out[17]= 0.00600227 + 0. x - 0.000411392 x + 0. x + 0.0000337206 x my question: is there a "better" way to remove the MatrixForm wrapper? i would like something that would work in the general case of removing any special output form head. bob -- Dr. Robert B. Nachbar | Merck Research Laboratories | 908/594-7795 nachbar at | R50S-100 | 908/594-4224 FAX | PO Box 2000 | | Rahway, NJ 07065 |