MathGroup Archive 1993

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Calculus Laboratories

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: Calculus Laboratories
  • Subject: CALC labs
  • From: Steven M. Christensen <stevec at>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Mar 93 16:32:35 EST

From: William H. Barker
      Department of Mathematics 
      Bowdoin College
      Brunswick, Maine  04011
      barker at
      (207) 725-3571

Date:  March 24, 1993

Subj:  Instructions for FTP receipt of Project CALC Mathematica labs.

It is now possible to obtain the Mathematica labs produced at Bowdoin for 
Duke University's Project CALC program via anonymous ftp.  This document 
tells you how this is done.  If you are unable to use this method and would 
prefer to receive the labs on disks via ordinary mail, send me such a 

Currently Release 6 of our materials has been placed in the ftp area.  
Detailed descriptions of the contents of this release will be found in the 
document rel6-ReadMe.  Release 6 contains the versions of the laboratory 
notebooks that were current as of mid-February.  All are fully compatible 
with Mathematica v2.1 

Laboratories 31 through 37 are currently posted in "preliminary form."  
Revision of these notebooks will be complete by the end of April, and the new 
versions will be posted in the "revisions" directory in our ftp area.  Those 
of you interested in having the most current versions of our labs and 
packages should check this directory on a regular basis.

If you wish to receive information from us on a regular basis, please send a 
request asking to be placed in our "Dissemination Network."  Currently 
printed versions of the first and second semester labs can be obtained from 
D. C. Heath (the publisher for all Project CALC materials) in the form of a 
laboratory manual (preliminary version).  The third semester labs will also 
be available in this form by the fall.

Versions of our laboratories that were current as of September 1992 are 
available for NeXT computers.  (This would be essentially Release 5+.)  These 
notebooks will be found in the "NeXT" directory in our ftp area, along with 
further information on converting notebooks from one hardware platform to 

What follows is a sample ftp session along with some explanatory comments; 
this should enable you to obtain any currently posted file.

I wish to thank my colleague Steve Fisk for designing and setting up this ftp 

Note:  For those of you who need it, the Bowdoin's numerical Internet address 

Log on to a computer with Internet access and enter


You will be answered by the following statements:

     Connected to                         
     220 FTP server: ready.

Now login with the username 'anonymous' and 
your e-mail address as the password.
     Name ( anonymous      
     331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
     230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.

You now can connect to the appropriate directory.  Depending on what you wish 
to receive, the last phrase in the directory name will be either
     release-6, revisions, or NeXT.

     ftp> cd pub/calculus/release-6
     250 CWD command successful.

You now can ask for a list of what is in the directory

     ftp> dir 
     200 PORT command successful.
     150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls (,1186) (0 bytes).
     total 3795
     -r--r--r--  1 801      502         872 Mar 11 09:00 rel6-ReadMe
     -r--r--r--  1 801      502     1391872 Mar 10 15:43 rel6-labs01-25.sea
     -r--r--r--  1 801      502     1276672 Mar 10 15:43 rel6-packages.sea
     -r--r--r--  1 801      502     1384192 Mar 10 15:43 rel6-solns01-25.sea
     226 Transfer complete.
     210 bytes received in 0.17 seconds (1.2 Kbytes/s)

To transfer an individual file use the following command:

     ftp> get rel6-ReadMe      

To transfer all the contents of the current directory use the commands

     ftp> mget *
     mget rel6-ReadMe? yes (you will be asked about each file)

To change to one of the other directories use the commands

     ftp> cdup
     250 CWD command successful.
     ftp> cd ./revisions

To quit:

     ftp> quit                      


Once the desired files have transferred to your Internet-connected computer, 
the ReadMe files can be opened immediately.  The remaining files must be 
transferred to a Macintosh and decompressed:  they are in the form of Self-
UnStuffing StuffIt Archives.  You do not need to have special software to 
perform the decompression.  

At Bowdoin we transfer files of this nature from POLAR (a UNIX workstation) 
to a Macintosh via TCP/Connect.  The settings needed for this transfer are 
'Image' and 'MacBinary'.  Other users have indicated that "Fetch" also works 
nicely.  We have, however, heard of problems when using "MacIP"---for that 
reason we suggest not using this program when working with our files.

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