MapAt complaint
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: MapAt complaint
- From: puglisi at
- Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 15:27:54 MST
Hope this will help ! In[9]:= $Version Out[9]= HP 9000 Series 300 (HP-UX) 1.2 (December 13, 1990) In[10]:= <<Algebra/Trigonometry.m (* in the standard package dotation *) In[11]:= exp=1+Sin[a+b]+Sin[a-b] Out[11]= 1 + Sin[a - b] + Sin[a + b] In[12]:= Head[%] (* NOTE the head is not of "List" type *) Out[12]= Plus In[13]:= TrigReduce[exp] Out[13]= 1 + 2 Cos[b] Sin[a] Alberto Puglisi ITALTEL Central Research Laboratories, DRSC-IS CLTB 20019 Castelletto di Settimo Milanese (Milano) Italy phone: (+39)(2)4388-8299 fax: (+39)(2)4388-7989 e-mail: puglisi at