Mathematica World - February
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Mathematica World - February
- From: smh at (Stephen Hunt)
- Date: Fri, 28 Jan 94 4:58:45 EST
__________________________________________________________________ Mathematica World - Helping You Describe Your World Mathematically __________________________________________________________________ February. Mathematica's Programming Language - Roman Maeder - A discussion of the design decisions taken in implementing the Mathematica language, together with a survey of current methods and recently added features. Other Notebooks - Spherical Harmonic Rotation, Fire!, Interlocking Pieces, Data Patterns, OzMATH Corner. Tutorials - Customizing Mathematica, Understanding Evaluation, Modules and Blocks, Inside Graphics and Sound, Graphics3D Packages, MathLink Fractals. Packages - Classes, Streams, UniformPolyhedra, XTFP Update, Arrow, WireFrame. News - Tip of the Month, Programming Competition, New Book by Roman Maeder, "The Mathematica Programmer" (Introduction, Sample Graphics), solutions to news and mail group problems, and InterCall Q&A. ______________________________________________________________________ Become a continuing subscriber (monthly debit on forwarding), purchase single issues at US$9.95, or subscribe for a year at US$119.40, including delivery by airmail. Name ____________________________ Email ______________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Macintosh/Windows* Visa/MasterCard* Name on Credit Card ___________________________________________________ Card No. _____________________________________________ Expiry _________ Every Month _________________ (US$9.95, debited monthly, on forwarding) Issue(s) - Nov? Dec? Jan? Feb? (US$9.95 each) Annual __________________________________________ (US$119.40 per annum) ______________________________________________________________________ Email. mathematica at, or smh at Postal Address. Mathematica World Ormond College University of Melbourne Parkville Vic 3052 Australia Phone/Fax. +613 349 2001 ______________________________________________________________________ > >