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Re: help number instruction

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: Re: help number instruction
  • From: withoff (David Withoff)
  • Date: Fri, 1 Jul 1994 19:27:45 -0500

> Dave Withoff writes:
> >It is somewhat easier to make sense of these messages if you have
> >the list of pseudo-code instructions handy.  This list is available
> >in various technical reports
> Dave, can you give an explicit reference?  Is there anything
> accessible on line?
> Thanks,
> Will

Here are three items of interest that are available on MathSource.
I got this information by sending mail to mathsource at with
the message

    find Compile



0203-971: Compiling Mathematica Procedures (June 1992)
          Author: Matt Cook
          A tutorial on compiling functions in Mathematica using the Compile
          function.  Reprint from the Mathematica Conference, June 1992,
          Boston.  15 pages.

          0011: PostScript document (June 1992; 112

0205-928: Decompiling Compiled Functions (November 9, 1993)
          Author: Terry Robb
          Decompile[compiledFunction] decompiles a compiled function and
          returns a Function that would evaluate exactly the same as if the
          pseudocompiler were executing op codes. This is useful for seeing
          how the pseudocompiler works.  A simple example is
          Decompile[Compile[x, x*Exp[x]]].  Registers named rB, rI, rR, and
          rC are used for holding boolean, integer, real, and complex
          datatypes. These registers can be traced using On[rI, rR] etc.

          0011:  Decompile.m Mathematica package (November 9, 1993; 8

0201-889: The Mathematica Compiler (Technical Report) (November 1991)
          Authors: Matthew Cook and Jerry Walsh
          Technical report giving details of the compiled code objects
          created by Compile function in Mathematica 2.0.

          0011:  Compiler.txt Plain-text document (November 1991; 9

          0022: PostScript document (November 1991; 53

0204-028: Numerical Computation with Mathematica (June 1992)
          Author: Jerry Keiper
          The area of numerical computation tends to break somewhat 
          naturally into three subareas which, for want of better terms, we
          will call sampling, linear algebra, and theory.  This is a gross
          oversimplification and these terms are not very descriptive, but
          they are useful labels for our discussion here.  This material
          discusses numerical methods that are based on sampling and linear
          algebra.  Reprint from the Mathematica Conference, June 1992,
          Boston.  92 pages.

          0011: PostScript document (June 1992; 993 

          0022: PostScript document (June 1992; 172 

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