Whats New on MathSource
- To: mathgroup at yoda.physics.unc.edu
- Subject: Whats New on MathSource
- From: msadmin (MathSource Administrator)
- Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 14:34:25 -0500
New Materials on MathSource --------------------------- MathSource is an on-line collection of Mathematica notebooks, packages, documentation, and related-materials contributed by Mathematica users around the world and by the staff here at Wolfram Research. It is freely accessible via electronic mail, Gopher, anonymous FTP, WWW, and direct dialup. For more information about MathSource, send an email message containing the line Help Intro to the MathSource server at MathSource at wri.com To obtain a full listing of all materials in MathSource, send an email message containing the line Find * to the MathSource server. The following list contains materials that have recently been added to the MathSource collection or updated with new versions. To have any of the materials in this list sent to you automatically, send an email message containing the command Send XXXX-XXX to the MathSource server at MathSource at wri.com, where XXXX-XXX is the item-number given in the listing. Questions and comments about MathSource should be addressed to ms-admin at wri.com. ============================================================= New materials in MathSource 0206-851: Aliases (June 1, 1994) Author: Jason F. Harris This is a simple package to enable the easy use of aliases in Mathematica. It defines the functions: Alias, UnAlias and ListAliases. These respectively add an alias, remove aliases and list all current aliases. 0011: Aliases.m Mathematica package (May 1994; 6 kilobytes) 0022: Documentation.ps PostScript documentation for Aliases.m (May 1994; 98 kilobytes) 0206-738: Approximate Inversion of Laplace Transform (May 17, 1994) Authors: Alexander Cheng The Laplace transform is often applied to linear partial differential equations to eliminate the time dimension. The analytical solutions thus obtained need to be inverted to the time domain. This package provides the Mathematica utility for approximate inversion of Laplace transform. 0011: NLapInv.m Mathematica package (May 1994; 11 kilobytes) 0022: NLapInvDemo.m Demonstration file (May 1994; 4 kilobytes) 0033: README.txt Authors notes (May 1994; 1 kilobyte) 0205-254: C, FORTRAN77, Maple and TeX Code Generation Package (May 12, 1994) Author: Mark Sofroniou Format.m is a package which extends Mathematica's built-in formatting rules. Examples of the shortcomings of the standard format functions are given, where code generated may not be syntactically correct and of appropriate precision. The package addresses these shortcomings and extends the formatting rules to include lists as data objects and assignments to expressions. Optimized computational sequences are now possible, utilizing the additional package Optimize.m (MathSource item 0206-851). Examples are given to show how the package may be used to considerably enhance and automate code generation. The result is a symbiosis of symbolic-numeric environments built upon the existing Splice communication process. Some examples from applied numerical mathematics are given, where the package can been used to establish a generalised formulation to a problem via the use of a template file. 0011: README.txt Author's notes (May 12, 1994; 2 kilobytes) 0022: Format.m Mathematica package (May 12, 1994; 64 kilobytes) 0033: Format.tex Documentation in LaTeX form (May 12, 1994; 109 kilobytes) 0044: Format.sty LaTeX style file for Format.tex (May 12, 1994; 1 kilobyte) 0055: driver.f Main driver routine (May 12, 1994; 1 kilobyte) 0066: example.mf Simple FORTRAN77 main routine template file (May 12, 1994; 1 kilobyte) 0077: func.mf FORTRAN77 function routine template file (May 12, 1994; 1 kilobyte) 0088: newton.mf FORTRAN77 template file for Newton's method. Uses the LAPACK linear solution routine provided in the file linsolv.f (May 12, 1994; 3 kilobytes) 0099: rksub.mf FORTRAN77 template file for the Runge-Kutta method (May 12, 1994; 1 kilobyte) 0101: sub.mf A FORTRAN77 subroutine template file (May 12, 1994; 1 kilobyte) 0112: linsolv.f LAPACK linear solution and LU decomposition for use with the template file newton.mf (May 12, 1994; 66 kilobytes) 0123: Format.ps Documentation in PostScript form (May 12, 1994; 329 kilobytes) 0206-783: FastBinaryFiles: A MathLink Program for Fast Reading and Writing of Binary Files (May 19, 1994) Author: Todd Gayley FastBinaryFiles is a MathLink program and Mathematica package for fast reading and writing of binary files. It is intended as a replacement for the standard package Utilities`BinaryFiles`, which is slow and cannot be used under MS Windows. A ready-to-run executable is available for Mac and Windows; others will have to build the program from the single source file, binary.tm. Note that there is no separate package (.m) file. If you want to use the program on Mac or Windows, the executable is all you need. If you want to compile it on your own, the C source file binary.tm is all you need. You need Mathematica version 2.2 or later to use FastBinaryFiles (I haven't tried it with v2.1, but it might work). DOS users cannot use it, as MathLink is not available for DOS, and Windows users need either version 2.2.2, or 2.2.1 and the MathLink Developer's Kit for Windows. This program is discussed more fully in Volume 4, Issue 2 of The Mathematica Journal. 0011: README.txt Authors notes and installation instructions (May 1994; 8 kilobytes) 0022: binary.tm MathLink template file containing source code (May 1994; 86 kilobytes) 0033: binary.zip Windows version of the executable (May 1994; 38 kilobytes) 0044: binary.sit.hqx Binhexed stuffit version of executable for Macintosh (May 1994; 115 kilobytes) 0206-660: Furniture Design with Mathematica (April 20, 1994) Authors: Roland Jakschewitz Various pieces of furniture can be specified textually by end users by applying a furniture-description language defined in Mathematica. The description language models a "furniture-specialized 3D turtle". The results are ground plans, 3D graphics of the furniture objects and of their usable space within, and parts and price lists. The software uses interchangeable databases of furniture component systems. Reprinted from the 1994 Mathematica Developer Conference, Champaign, Illinois, April 1994. 0011: Presentation.ma Conference presentation notebook (April 1994; 1056 kilobytes) 0022: moebelsprech.m Mathematica package defining furniture-specialized 3D turtle (April 1994; 34 kilobytes) 0033: trend9000.m Mathematica package containing modular furntiture database (April 1994; 11 kilobytes) 0044: RenderedPicture.ma Mathematica notebook containing rendered image of final construction from Presentation.ma (April 1994; 1879 kilobytes) 0206-794: Groebner Basis Package (May 20, 1994) Author: Garry Helzer This package provides functions for Groebner Basis and Normal form computations in polynomial rings over the rational field and the fields of integers modulo a prime. Unlike the Mathematica function GroebnerBasis, the functions provided will compute Groebner bases with respect to arbitrary term orders and compute bases of submodules of free modules as well as ideals. The extended versions of the functions compute the transformation matrices relating one basis to another. Unlike the Mathematica function AlgebraicRules the normal form functions will compute remainders with respect to arbitrary term orders and the extended versions compute quotients as well as remainders. In addition there are a number of utility functions for computing leading terms, syzygys, and the like. 0011: Groebner.m Mathematica package (May 1994; 31 kilobytes) 0022: GroebDoc.ma Documentation ntoebook for Groebner.m (May 1994; 53 kilobytes) 0204-602: MathGroup Archives 1989: A Moderated Mathematica Discussion List (May 25, 1994) Author: Steve Christensen MathGroup is a moderated forum for Mathematica related topics of discussion. The list is maintained by Steve Christensen of MathSolutions, Inc. This item contains the archives from 1989. 0011: MathGroup.txt MathGroup info sheet (February 1, 1993; 3 kilobytes) 0022: MG-89Q1.txt MathGroup archives, first quarter 1989 (April 1, 1993; 67 kilobytes) 0033: MG-89Q2.txt MathGroup archives, second quarter 1989 (April 1, 1993; 118 kilobytes) 0044: MG-89Q3.txt MathGroup archives, third quarter 1989 (April 1, 1993; 41 kilobytes) 0055: MG-89Q4.txt MathGroup archives, fourth quarter 1989 (April 1, 1993; 86 kilobytes) 0206-806: MathGroup Archives 1990: A Moderated Mathematica Discussion List (May 26, 1994) Author: Steve Christensen MathGroup is a moderated forum for Mathematica related topics of discussion. The list is maintained by Steve Christensen of MathSolutions, Inc. This item contains the archives from 1990. 0011: MathGroup.txt MathGroup info sheet (February 1, 1993; 3 kilobytes) 0022: MG-90Q1.txt MathGroup archives, first quarter 1990 (April 1, 1993; 152 kilobytes) 0033: MG-90Q2.txt MathGroup archives, second quarter 1990 (April 1, 1993; 405 kilobytes) 0044: MG-90Q3.txt MathGroup archives, third quarter 1990 (April 1, 1993; 135 kilobytes) 0055: MG-90Q4.txt MathGroup archives, fourth quarter 1990 (April 1, 1993; 151 kilobytes) 0206-817: MathGroup Archives 1991: A Moderated Mathematica Discussion List (May 26, 1994) Author: Steve Christensen MathGroup is a moderated forum for Mathematica related topics of discussion. The list is maintained by Steve Christensen of MathSolutions, Inc. This item contains the archives from 1991. 0011: MathGroup.txt MathGroup info sheet (February 1, 1993; 3 kilobytes) 0022: MG-91Q1.txt MathGroup archives, first quarter 1991 (April 1, 1993; 359 kilobytes) 0033: MG-91Q2.txt MathGroup archives, second quarter 1991 (April 1, 1993; 188 kilobytes) 0044: MG-91Q3.txt MathGroup archives, third quarter 1991 (April 1, 1993; 15 kilobytes) 0055: MG-91Q4.txt MathGroup archives, fourth quarter 1991 (April 1, 1993; 8 kilobytes) 0206-828: MathGroup Archives 1992: A Moderated Mathematica Discussion List (May 26, 1994) Author: Steve Christensen MathGroup is a moderated forum for Mathematica related topics of discussion. The list is maintained by Steve Christensen of MathSolutions, Inc. This item contains the archives from 1992. 0011: MathGroup.txt MathGroup info sheet (February 1, 1993; 3 kilobytes) 0022: MG-92Q1.txt MathGroup archives, first quarter 1992 (April 1, 1993; 283 kilobytes) 0033: MG-92Q2.txt MathGroup archives, second quarter 1992 (April 1, 1993; 587 kilobytes) 0044: MG-92Q3.txt MathGroup archives, third quarter 1992 (April 1, 1993; 1196 kilobytes) 0055: MG-92Q4.txt MathGroup archives, fourth quarter 1992 (April 1, 1993; 1099 kilobytes) 0206-839: MathGroup Archives 1993: A Moderated Mathematica Discussion List (May 26, 1994) Author: Steve Christensen MathGroup is a moderated forum for Mathematica related topics of discussion. The list is maintained by Steve Christensen of MathSolutions, Inc. This item contains the archives from 1993. 0011: MathGroup.txt MathGroup info sheet (February 1, 1993; 3 kilobytes) 0022: MG-93Q1.txt MathGroup archives, first quarter 1993 (April 1, 1993; 926 kilobytes) 0033: MG-93Q2.txt MathGroup archives, second quarter 1993 (August 1, 1993; 722 kilobytes) 0044: MG-93Q3.txt MathGroup archives, third quarter 1993 (November 1, 1993; 601 kilobytes) 0055: MG-93Q4.txt MathGroup archives, fourth quarter 1993 (January 1, 1994; 418 kilobytes) 0206-840: MathGroup Archives 1994: A Moderated Mathematica Discussion List (May 26, 1994) Author: Steve Christensen MathGroup is a moderated forum for Mathematica related topics of discussion. The list is maintained by Steve Christensen of MathSolutions, Inc. This item contains the archives from 1994. 0011: MathGroup.txt MathGroup info sheet (February 1, 1993; 3 kilobytes) 0022: MG-94Q1.txt MathGroup archives, first quarter 1994 (April 1, 1994; 344 kilobytes) 0033: MG-94Q2.txt MathGroup archives, April 01 -- May 25 (May 25, 1994; 195 kilobytes) 0205-298: Nixpub: Public Access Unix Site Listings (May 27, 1994) Author: Phil Eschallier These files contain a list of 147 public-access Unix sites across the country. The lists are sorted according to area code and contain specific features and service information for each site. Note: The files Nixpub.short and Nixpub.long contain a list of public-access Unix sites that Wolfram Research believes that you may use for the purpose of gaining access to MathSource. Wolfram Research has no involvement in the operation of these sites and does not make any recommendations with regard to their use. 0011: Nixpub.short abbreviated listing (May 25, 1994; 15 kilobytes) 0022: Nixpub.long long, detailed listing (May 25, 1994; 68 kilobytes) 0206-592: A Package For Code Optimization Using Mathematica (June 1, 1994) Author: Mark Sofroniou The package Optimize.m provides an efficient (linear time) means of expression optimization for Mathematica. The term "optimization" is used in the sense of reducing the arithmetic operation count. For the most part only exact, or syntactic, sub-expressions are matched. For example: the x+y in (x+y)*f(x+y) is considered as common, but not in x+y+f(x+y). Code optimization has many applications including speeding up numerics and graphics, improving the performance of canonical simplification and reducing the memory required to represent/store an expression. Optimized procedures and compiled procedures are possible. The procedure Horner factors polynomials in Horner form, an efficient form for numerical evaluation. The procedure Cost gives a count of the operators present in an expression. Optimize.m can also be used in conjunction with the auxiliary package Format.m (MathSource Item 0205-254) to produce optimized C and FORTRAN statement sequences. 0011: Optimize.m Code optimization package for Mathematica expressions (May 1994; 24 kilobytes) 0206-772: Penrose Tiles (May 19, 1994) Author: Lyman P. Hurd A sequence of routines is given which apply the "deflation" operator to a finite collection of Penrose Kite and Dart tiles. This procedure allows complicated tilings to arise out of simple ones. A sample notebook is provided to illustrate the operator, and several sample tilings are presented. Display routines are provided for rendering the tilings which are kept internally in symbolic form. 0011: Penrose.m Mathematica package (May 1994; 6 kilobytes) 0022: PenroseTiles.ma Sample notebook (May 1994; 429 kilobytes) =============================================================