MathGroup Archive 1994

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Mac Mathematica & memory requirement

  • To: mathgroup at christensen.Cybernetics.NET
  • Subject: [mg197] Mac Mathematica & memory requirement
  • From: crawford at (David Crawford)
  • Date: Fri, 18 Nov 1994 07:04:50 (CST)

I want to buy more memory for my new powerbook (520c, 
68040, no FPU).

How much do I need to allocate to Mathematica
non-enhanced ?

If I upgrade this powerbook with a plug-in PowerPC chip, 
and upgrade to the PowerMac native version of Mathematica 
will I require more memory than when using the native 680x0
version ?  How much more?

I am aware that the minimum required memory allocation
for Mathematica is only a _minimal_ allocation to make
Mathematica barely run, and that giving mma more memory
can greatly improve its performance.   Is there
any limit to benefits from more memory ?   Is there a 
point where additional memory will yield no additional
performance ?

So how much memory to allocate to Mathematica ?

680x0 non enhanced:    ___MB
PowerMac Native:       ___MB

Answering these questions will help me decide how much memory to buy.

    .-.                                                               .-.
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-/--David Crawford-----\-----/---\---/-\---/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\--
    crawford at Arizona.EDU\   /     `-'   `-'     \   /       \     /
           \   /         `-'                     `-'         \   /
            `-'                                               `-'

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