Re: subscripts
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg202] Re: [mg155] subscripts
- From: Richard Mercer <richard at>
- Date: Mon, 14 Nov 1994 08:25:34 -0500
> Is it possible to write subscripted text in the graphics? > > Susan Rempe rempe at > Probably Yes. Is it worth the effort? Definitely Not. Not under current conditions, though this may improve in the future. The best way to use Mathematica to prepare publication-quality graphics is to use it for what it does best, then copy the results to a drawing program and add the bells and whistles such as text labels with subscripts. Unless one does large numbers of similar graphics whose differences can be described mathematically and therefore programmed in Mathematica, this is also the fastest way to get things done. The disadvantage is that the results are not necessarily as platform-independent as a Mathematica notebook. ********************************************************************* Richard Mercer 513-873-2191 office Department of Mathematics and Statistics 513-873-2785 message Wright State University 513-429-2179 fax Dayton, OH 45435 NeXTmail welcome! richard at or rmercer at *********************************************************************