- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg248] Question
- From: "Busch, Nick" <NBusch at>
- Date: Tue, 29 Nov 94 08:35:00 CST
From: Nick Busch Internet: NBuschP03.IL50.MICRO.HONEYWELL.COM To: MathGroup I am trying to solve a particular problem in Mathematica version 2.2 for Microsoft Windows. If anyone could provide some direction I would appreciate the help. Following is a description of the problem. Find X that provides the least error in AX=B subject to the constraint that the sum of the elements in X is equal to the sum of the elements in B. A numerical solution is required. A: known and is a (n rows * n columns) matrix with 1's along the diagonal. X: unknown and is (n rows by 1 column). B: known and is a (n rows * 1 column) matrix. Sometimes the sum of the elements in B is equal to zero, or nearly zero.