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Troubles with calculations using HP-UX notebook interface

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg267] Troubles with calculations using HP-UX notebook interface
  • From: Stephen Kramer <kramer at>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Nov 1994 17:44:37 -0500

I have been fighting mysteries with wrong results or problems in 
various calcultions using the HP-UX notebook interface.  Finally in attempting
to make a text file to mail to WRI as a bug I found imbedded "^[" characters
in the text file sometimes in the middle of an arguement or in a list .
This character doesn't appear in the notebook and I assume its a cell 
boundary character of some type.  However, it sure screws up the calculations.
I assume they get there since I develop the notebook commands cell by cell
calculating as I go to make sure things work correctly. Sometimes when they 
don't calculate properly I try another approach in a different cell rather 
than looking for the character and just assuming the kernel could evaluate 
the function I asked it to. The only sure way I found to eliminate the 
character is to cut the entire line or line and retype it. It would be nice 
that sometime this notebook interface would look for and indicate non-printing
characters rather than computing wrong results or complaining about
the Tag times in integration limits.  In the meantime I use this 
plain text output file whenever I get mysterious results or messages I feel
aren't reasonable. It has help a lot .   I also only save bare command files
and have been finally getting some real results out of the notebook interface.
Best wishes Steve Kramer

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