Re: Hypergeometric Function
- To: mathgroup at christensen.Cybernetics.NET
- Subject: [mg208] Re: [mg189] Hypergeometric Function
- From: bob Hanlon <hanlon at>
- Date: Sun, 20 Nov 1994 20:48:20 (EDT)
> Message-Id: <9411180713.AA03873 at> > Date: 17 Nov 1994 13:55:12 -0500 > From: Joel Storch <Joel_Storch at> > Subject: [mg189] Hypergeometric Function > To: mathgroup at > > Subject: Time:1:54 PM > OFFICE MEMO Hypergeometric Function Date:11/17/94 > > When performing the definite integral: Integrate[Sin[a > x]*(Cos[x])^b,{x,0,Pi/2}] , Mathematica returned a result involving the > generalized Hypergeometric function - "HyperGeometricpFq". > When I tried to evaluate the result numerically (for specified a,b), it > returned the symbolic form i.e. it did not produce a numerical value. > What additional steps must be performed to enable a numerical evaluation > ? (Incidently, the second edition of Wolframs text does not contain any > reference to the Generalized Hypergeometric Function). > The generalized hypergeometric function HypergeometricPFQ (3F2 in this case) even with unit argument is not handled very effectively by Mathematica. Cases for which closed forms exist are not reduced; and often those that do reduce are left containing multiple Gamma functions that should reduce further. For example, In[1]:= example1 = (a*Pi*Gamma[1 + b] HypergeometricPFQ[{1/2, (1 + b)/2, 1 + b/2}, {(3 - a + b)/2, (3 + a + b)/2}, 1])/ (4*2^b*Gamma[3/2 - a/2 + b/2]*Gamma[3/2 + a/2 + b/2]) /. {a -> 1/2, b -> 1} // Simplify Out[1]= 1 3 7 9 Pi HypergeometricPFQ[{-, 1, -}, {-, -}, 1] 2 2 4 4 ------------------------------------------ 7 9 16 Gamma[-] Gamma[-] 4 4 It is shown below that this has the value 2(-1 + Sqrt[2])/3. In[2]:= example2 = (a*Pi*Gamma[1 + b] HypergeometricPFQ[{1/2, (1 + b)/2, 1 + b/2}, {(3 - a + b)/2, (3 + a + b)/2}, 1])/ (4*2^b*Gamma[3/2 - a/2 + b/2]*Gamma[3/2 + a/2 + b/2]) /. {a -> 1} // Simplify Out[2]= Sqrt[Pi] Gamma[1 + b] ------------------------------ b b 3 + b 2 2 Gamma[1 + -] Gamma[-----] 2 2 This can be reduced significantly by using the duplication formula for Gamma functions: In[3]:= example2 //. {Gamma[1 + b] -> Gamma[2 + b] / (1 + b), Gamma[2 + b] -> 2^(b + 3/2) Gamma[1 + b/2] Gamma[(3 + b)/2] / Sqrt[2Pi] } Out[3]= 1 ----- 1 + b The method for handling the definite integral of interest is to use known results for special cases and use numerical integration whenever necessary. In[4]:= simplifyCos = { Cos[(((n_ /; EvenQ[n]) + x_) Pi)/2] -> (-1)^(n/2) Cos[x Pi/2], Cos[((n_ + x_) Pi)/2] -> (-1)^((n+1)/2) Sin[x Pi/2] }; In[5]:= g::usage = "g[a, b] is the definite integral of (Sin[a x] Cos[x]^b) on the interval {0, Pi/2}."; g[a_ /; N[a] == 0, b_] := 0; g[a_, b_ /; N[b] == 0] := (1 - Cos[a Pi/2])/a //. simplifyCos; g[a_, b_] := (1 + b g[a - 1, b -1])/(a + b) /; IntegerQ[a] && a > 0 || IntegerQ[b] && b > 0; (* Gradshteyn & Ryzhik, 2.537.1 *) g[a_Integer, b_] := -g[-a, b]; g[a_, b_] := Module[{n = (a - b - 2)/2}, (-1)^n Sum[Binomial[n, i] (-1)^i 2^i / (b + i + 1), {i, 0, n}] ] /; EvenQ[a - b] && a - b >= 2; (* Gradshteyn & Ryzhik, 3.632.3 *) g[a_, b_] := Module[{ intgrl = (a*Pi*Gamma[1 + b] HypergeometricPFQ[{1/2, (1 + b)/2, 1 + b/2}, {(3 - a + b)/2, (3 + a + b)/2}, 1])/ (4*2^b*Gamma[3/2 - a/2 + b/2]*Gamma[3/2 + a/2 + b/2]) }, If[ NumberQ[a] && NumberQ[b] && !NumberQ[N[intgrl]], intgrl = NIntegrate[Sin[a x] Cos[x]^b, {x, 0, Pi/2}] ]; intgrl ]; Examples: In[14]:= Table[StringForm["g[``, b] = ``", n, g[n, b] // Simplify], {n, 0, 3}] // TableForm Out[14]//TableForm= g[0, b] = 0 1 g[1, b] = ----- 1 + b 2 g[2, b] = ----- 2 + b 2 b 1 + ----- 1 + b g[3, b] = --------- 3 + b In[15]:= Table[StringForm["g[``, b] = ``", b + 2n, g[b + 2n, b] // Simplify], {n, 3}] // TableForm Out[15]//TableForm= 1 g[2 + b, b] = ----- 1 + b b g[4 + b, b] = ------------ 2 2 + 3 b + b 1 4 4 g[6 + b, b] = ----- - ----- + ----- 1 + b 2 + b 3 + b In[16]:= Table[StringForm["g[a, ``] = ``", n, g[a, n] // Simplify], {n, 0, 3}] // TableForm Out[16]//TableForm= a Pi 2 2 Sin[----] 4 g[a, 0] = ------------ a a Pi a + Sin[----] 2 g[a, 1] = ------------- 2 -1 + a 2 a Pi -2 + a + 2 Cos[----] 2 g[a, 2] = --------------------- 3 -4 a + a 3 a Pi 7 a - a + 6 Sin[----] 2 g[a, 3] = ---------------------- 2 4 -9 + 10 a - a For the first example above (example1): In[17]:= g[1/2, 1] // Simplify Out[17]= 2 (-1 + Sqrt[2]) ---------------- 3 When necessary, the numerical integration is applied: In[18]:= g[3.4, 2.1] Out[18]= 0.416192 ------------------------ Bob Hanlon hanlon at