Math on Sun..Help!
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Math on Sun..Help!
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 15:06:56 -0400 (EDT)
Hello Mathgroupers, Our Dept. has bought recently a new SUN station and installed Mathematica in it. I am using Mathematica's GaussQuadratureWeights[...] to numarically integrate a function of several variables( 6-9 variables). It takes Mathematica 3 hours approximately to integrate over 7 varialbles and almost a day to plot the result versus the eighth variable. The manager of the workstation asked me to try to run the notebook in the background so as to let other people use the machine. The question is : How can I run a notebook in the background? and is it possible to put the plot in an output postscript file so that when I login later the plot would be easily accessible? Mike Amer MAMER at UTKVX.UTK.EDU Dept. of Nuclear Engineering The Univ. of Tennessee/Knoxville P.S. Steve, Thank you very much for getting Mathgroup back on line again.