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Re: Word - Mathematica connection

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg678] Re: Word - Mathematica connection
  • From: glgesm at (Gary L. Gray)
  • Date: Sat, 08 Apr 1995 16:03:33 -0400

In article <3m564k$gm7 at>, tgayley at (Todd
Gayley) wrote:

> In article <3m4qeo$e47 at> Richard Mercer 
> <richard at> writes:
> > 
> > In the latest issue of The Mathematica Journal (vol 5 no 2) there is a
> > brief note indicating that WRI is developing an interface between
> > Mathematica and Microsoft Word 6.0. The note leaves the impression that
> > version 6.0 is required and the interface will not work with earlier
> > versions.  While the possibility of using Mathematica from within a
> > word processor is very interesting. But why select a bloated,
> > undesirable product like Word 6.0?!  There are many, many Word users
> > ho have decided not to "downgrade" to Word 6.0, and the prospect of
> > paying for 6.0 PLUS the product being prepared by WRI is not very
> > appealing.  Perhaps there are technical reasons why Word 6.0 is the
> > only possibility, but otherwise PLEASE consider doing something
> > compatible with Word 5.x or Word >Perfect.  How do others feel about
> > this?
> > 
> > Richard Mercer
> Richard,
> This product requires Word's macro language, WordBasic, which debuts on
> the Macintosh in Word 6.0. WordBasic was present in pre-6.0 versions of
> Word for Windows, but it was not sufficiently powerful.
> We are aware of the user community's general distaste for Word 6 for
> Macintosh, but this product simply could not exist in any earlier
> version. We are assessing the prospect of doing a similar link with
> WordPerfect (and Ami Pro), and this may exist in the future. For now,
> let's face it, Word has a huge market segment, especially on Windows,
> and this link is a cross-platform product.
> Our MathLink technology makes creating these links a relatively
> staightforward project. It is only required that the word processor (or
> any application) has a sufficient macro language. The bulk of the Word
> link is written in WordBasic, not C.
> We appreciate user input on issues like this. A show of support for
> WordPerfect could be very influential on our development plans.
> Todd Gayley
> MathLink Applications

I would like to add something to this.

The MathWorks has recently added the option of using Word 6.0 as a
front-end to MATLAB (I am using a Mac). The front-end is actually rather
nice, but still not as nice as the FE for Mma on the Mac. In addition, it
is painfully slow. It is so slow, that I don't even consider using it for
everyday work -- I still use MATLAB the "old-fashioned" way. The only time
I use it is when I am preparing a presentation for a class. I hope that if
Wolfram is considering replacing the current FE with Word 6, they make
sure that it responds as fast or faster than the current FE. I would hate
to see Mathematica become a dog the way MATLAB is with Word.

Best regards,
Gary L. Gray                     |  (814) 863-1778
Assistant Professor              |  (814) 863-7967 (fax)
Engineering Science & Mechanics  |  glgesm at
Penn State University            |  AOL: GLGray

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