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Re: How do you input a solution from FindRoot into another equation?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg747] Re: How do you input a solution from FindRoot into another equation?
  • From: j-guyer at (Jon Guyer)
  • Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 11:59:29 -0500
  • Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

In article <3mfauj$l4o at>, rdack at
(Robert Dack) wrote:

>Can someone tell me how to take the output from the FindRoot
>cammand and input it into the next command line?  The output
>comes out in the form { x -> 2.435 }, so the usual [%] command on
>the next line won't work.

x /. % 

(substitute appropriate variable name for 'x')

Jonathan E. Guyer                        j-guyer at

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