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Re: Calling functions before loading the package

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg770] Re: [mg684] Calling functions before loading the package
  • From: Richard Mercer <richard at>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 01:04:14 -0400

>  This is an old problem that keeps coming up for me:

>  I want to use a function like "Mean" from the statistics
>  package but I forget to load the package first. Now the
>  dummy expression "Mean" obscures all operations. The only
>  solution I am aware of is to kill the kernel and start
>  all over again. There must be a more elegant solution...

>  Thanks for the patience, --- Gottfried Mayer-Kress

In spite of its lack of elegance, this may the best solution,
both in terms of simplicity and speed, once the problem has occured.

On my Macintosh,
I can switch to the kernel, kill it, go back to the front end,
and execute any command. This automatically starts a clean kernel,
and I'm back in action in less than 60 seconds.
In spite of supposedly being a Mathematica "expert",
when I try to use more elegant means to straighten out the Contexts,
more often than not I goof things up. Not surprising since I'm in a hurry and  
my mind is on something else.

To prevent this from happening in the first place,
place in your init.m file commands to load various Master packages,
such as "Statistics`Master`" in your case. Then when you invoke Mean (or any  
other statistics command) the correct package will automatically load.
(I plan to take my own advice on this, any day now!)

Richard Mercer

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