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LinearSolve precision quirks (Was: Re: Lyapunov Equation)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg878] LinearSolve precision quirks (Was: Re: Lyapunov Equation)
  • From: danl (Daniel Lichtblau)
  • Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 01:50:41 -0400
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.

In article <3n9t8r$poj at> Allan Hayes  
<hay at> writes:
> I have been looking over the recent postings about the solution of  
> the Liapunov equation
> p . a + Transpose[ a ] . p == -q	(1)
> for p; where a is a matrix,  p is a symmetric matrix and q is  
> symmetric positive definite matrix.
> In mg[729 ] Paul Rubin uses Solve to find the entries  in p (he has  
> q on the right instead of -q);
> In mg[713] Bernd Cebulski obtains a  nice formula for the solution.
> I wondered whether it would be better to substitute LinearSolve for  
>  Solve in Paul's solution.
> The investigation turned up some questions that I had not expected  
> to have to deal with
>  (a) an apparent bug in LinearSolve;
>  (b) a query about reliability of solutions.;
>  (c) can we allow the precision estimates use in arbitrary  
> precision arithmetic to be influenced by the algorithm being used.
> I apologise for the length of the following account
> The following picks out the working part of Pauls's code ( with q  
> changed to -q)
> In[1]:=
> 	LpSolve[a_,q_]:=
>      		Flatten[
>      			p/.
>         		Solve[
>               			p . a + Transpose[a] . p ==  -q,
>              			Union[Flatten[p]]
>            		],
>         		1
>      		]
> Here is my LinearSolve code
> In[2]:=
> LpSolve2[a_,q_] :=
> 	p/.Thread[(Union@@p) ->
> 	LinearSolve[
> 	 		Outer[Coefficient,
> 	 			Flatten[p.a + Transpose[a] . p],
> 	 			Union@@p
> 	 		],
> 	 	Flatten[-q]
> 	] ]
> Test inputs are generated by
> In[3]:=
> test[n_] :=
> 	( SeedRandom[1];
> 	p = Array[ Sort[e[##]]&,{n,n}];
> 	q = IdentityMatrix[n]; (*could be arbitrary positive definite*) 
> 	a = Table[ 2 Random[] - .5, {i, n}, {j, n} ]
> 	)
> (the technique for constructing the symmetric matrix p might be of  
> independent use)
> Try the codes with n=2.
> In[4]:= test[2];
> In[5]:=
> 	LpSolve2[a,q];
> 	LinearSolve::nosol: Linear equation encountered
> 	which has no solution.
> This is presumably due to some test used in LinearSolve.
> Work round:  use arbitrary precision arithmetic.
> In[6]:=
> 	LpSolve2@@SetPrecision[{a,q}, $MachinePrecision +1]
> Out[6]=
> 	{{-0.1485960799538594, -0.3531050582315298},
>   	{-0.3531050582315298, 0.357157867314548}}
> The following table shows that
> 	* LpSolve2 is faster than LpSolve for n = 2 to 9
> 	* the advantage decreases,
> 	* the precision of the solution, steadily decreases.(for n  
> = 9 it is zero).
> The last is to be expected from arbitrary precision arithmetic,  
> which gives only the precision that can be conservatively  
> guaranteed.
> In[7]:=
> data =
> TableForm[
> 	Table[
> 		test[n];
> 		{n, Timing[s[n] = LpSolve[a,q]][[1]],
> 		  Timing[s2[n] =
> 		  	LpSolve2@@SetPrecision[{a,q}, 			 
> 			$MachinePrecision +1]
> 		  ][[1]],
> 		  Precision[s2[n]]
> 		},
> 		{n,2,9}	
> 	],
> 	TableHeadings ->
> 	{	{},
> 		{"n", "LpSolve\ntime\n", "LpSolve2\ntime", "Precision 
> 		of \nLpSolve2"}
> 	}
> ]
> Out[7]//TableForm=
>    n   LpSolve           LpSolve2           Precision of
>        time              time               LpSolve2
>    2   0.116667 Second   0.0666667 Second   15
>    3   0.45 Second       0.183333 Second    14
>    4   1.3 Second        0.633333 Second    13
>    5   2.96667 Second    1.45 Second        10
>    6   6.01667 Second    3.3 Second         8
>    7   10.7667 Second    7.18333 Second     7
>    8   18.4667 Second    12.9333 Second     3
>    9   30.4167 Second    26.0833 Second     0
> The same degree of loss of precision shows up if we use arbitrary  
> precision with LpSolve ,also the speed goes down quite a bit..

  The LpSolve2 code works fine in our development version. Note, however,  
that the mix of overdetermined systems and machine precision will often  
fail; the only reason it works at all is that the redundancy in the eqns  
is in the form of identical eqns (rather than nontrivial linear  
combinations that reduce to 0==0). Small bugs in version 2.2 probably  
account for the fact that these obviously consistant eqns failed.

> If this loss of precision represents the true precision of the  
> algorithm then prsumably the machine arithmetic we used in the table  
> above for LpSolve gives a n unreliable answer.
> However, when we substitute s[9]  for p on the right side of (1) we get
> <omitted > 
> <omitted > 

  The estimated precision loss is often excessive. If you can call  
LinearSolve with a square system of full rank, you are likely to do much  
better, at least in our development version. This is because we will now  
make better use of special case code. For example, if I change LpSolve2 as  
below (I'm sure this can be written more cleanly, but you'll get the idea)

LpSolve2[a_,q_] := Block[{mat, newmat, newq=-q, len},
	mat = Outer[Coefficient,
	 	Flatten[p.a + Transpose[a] . p], Union@@p];
	len = Sqrt[Length[mat]];
	newmat = Table[Table[mat[[j]], {j, k*len+1, (k+1)*len}], {k, 0,  
	p/.Thread[(Union@@p) ->
	LinearSolve[Flatten[Table[newmat[[j, k]], {j, 1, len}, {k, 1, j}],  
		Flatten[Table[newq[[j, k]], {j, 1, Length[q]}, {k, 1, j}]]
	] ]

then the precision of the result is much better. There is a corresponding  
price paid in speed, though (for the bignum version).
  I should mention that a hefty part of the timing of LpSolve2 (for these  
examples) is in extracting the coeff matrix rather than in actually  
running LinearSolve. Thus one might try to speed this up by finding it  
without explicitly calculating p.a + Transpose[a] . p and then extracting  
coeffs w.r.t. the vector p.

> Allan Hayes
> hay at

  Daniel Lichtblau, WRI

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