MathGroup Archive 1995

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Mma in Calculus Workshop

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg890] Mma in Calculus Workshop
  • From: barker at polar.Bowdoin.EDU (Bill Barker)
  • Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 00:47:50 -0400


Sunday, July 30 --- Thursday, August 3, 1995
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine 

Supported by the National Science Foundation, 
Wolfram Research, Inc., and Bowdoin College.

*********PURPOSE *********

Several NSF supported projects have produced Mathematica materials for 
reformed calculus programs.  This workshop will explore issues raised by 
incorporation of Mathematica into the calculus curriculum and provide 
guidance to participants who are considering the use of Mathematica in 
their own calculus courses.  

Four Mathematica-based NSF-supported projects will be featured at the 
workshop:  the Bowdoin College Mathematica laboratory development 
project for Duke University's Project CALC, the Calculus&Mathematica 
program from the University of Illinois and Ohio State University, the 
Knox College Mathematica laboratory development project, and the 
Calculus using Mathematica program from the University of Iowa.  All 
these programs cover topics in both single- and multivariable calculus.  

Information about other Mathematica-based calculus reform efforts will 
be distributed.  Representatives of such projects may also be present at 
the Workshop.

Participants will arrive in the mid-afternoon of Sunday, July 30, and 
will leave after lunch on Thursday, August 3.  

The registration fee will be $125 for the four day Workshop.  

********* PROGRAM *********

The four featured projects will be represented by:

William Barker (Bowdoin College) and Anita Salem (Rockhurst College)
    Project CALC Mathematica Labs:  Duke University & Bowdoin College

William Davis (Ohio State University)
    Calculus&Mathematica: University of Illinois & Ohio State University

Dennis Schneider (Knox College)
    Mathematica Laboratory Development Project:  Knox College 

Keith Stroyan (University of Iowa)
    Calculus Using Mathematica:  University of Iowa 

A presentation will be given for each project, followed by computer 
workshops.  Over fifty Macintosh computers, divided among 4 labs, will 
be available for the use of Workshop participants; the materials from 
each featured projects will be accessable from each lab. 

Panels will also discuss various issues raised by the incorporation of 
Mathematica into the calculus curriculum and provide advice for 
participants who are considering the use of Mathematica in their own 
calculus programs. 

Features of upcoming versions of Mathematica may also be demonstrated.

********* HOUSING *********

All participants without families who request campus housing will be 
given a room in Coles Tower, a sixteen story residence hall arranged for 
single occupancy in suites of four.  There are no private bathrooms; 
however, facilities are segregated for male/female use.  The charge for 
a room in Coles Tower for the four day Workshop is $225---this includes 
full board.  Meals begin with dinner on Sunday and end with lunch on 

A limited number of College apartments are available for participants 
who bring family members.  Apartments consist of one double and two 
single bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen & dining area, and a living room.  
The charge for such an apartment is $275---this does not include meals.  
Any Workshop participant staying in an apartment will also be charged a 
Commuter Fee of $25.  The Commuter Fee includes lunch for all four days 
of the Workshop and provides access to a variety of College facilities.

Participants are free to make their own off-campus housing arrangements; 
information on local housing options will be provided upon request.  
Because of the summer tourist season, early reservations are necessary 
in the Brunswick area.  Any Workshop participant staying in off-campus 
housing will be charged the Commuter Fee of $25.

Detailed travel directions will be sent to accepted workshop 
participants in late May.

********* DINING *********

The cafeteria--style meals at Bowdoin are exceptionally good for an 
institutional food service.  A salad bar is set up at lunch and dinner 
each day, and vegetarian alternatives are available at each meal.  It is 
not possible to purchase cash meals at the dining facility used by 
Workshop participants who are on the meal plan.  However, cash meals may 
be purchased at other dining facilities on campus.  There will be a 
Lobster Bake on Monday night (steak for those who prefer it).  The 
Lobster Bake is covered by the $225 Coles Tower Housing Fee; non-Coles 
Tower residents can purchase Lobster Bake tickets for $20.

********* FINANCIAL SUPPORT *********

The National Science Foundation has provided funds for a modest amount 
of local support (i.e., excluding travel costs) for Workshop 
participants.  If you do not have other sources of support, please check 
the appropriate box on the Application Form.  Decisions on the 
allocation of support funds will be announced near the end of May.

********* PAYMENT *********

A summary of fees:
     $125  Registration Fee
     $225  Coles Tower Room and Board ($50 deposit)
     $275  Apartment rental for families ($100 deposit)
     $ 25  Commuter Fee (non-Coles Tower residents)
     $ 20  Lobster Bake Fee (non-Coles Tower residents) (optional)

The registration fee plus a deposit for on-campus housing (if such 
housing is desired) is due with the Application Form by Friday, May 5, 
1995.  The balance of the fees will be due upon arrival on Sunday, July 
30.  Checks should be made payable to Bowdoin College.

Please mail your completed application form and your payment to:
     Mathematica in Calculus Workshop
     c/o Prof. William Barker 
     Department of Mathematics
     Bowdoin College
     Brunswick, ME  04011
     (207) 725-3571
     barker at


Submission of the application document given below may be done either 
electronically or in printed form.  If submission is electronic, payment 
must still be sent via the U. S. Mail, but the deadline for receipt of 
such payments is extended to Wednesday, May 10, 1995.


Bowdoin College is committed to making its campus accessible to persons 
with disabilities.  However, all areas of the campus are not yet fully 
accessible.  Individuals who have special needs should contact Mia 
Karvonides, Events Office, at (207) 725-3706 or via electronic mail at 
karvonides at

************************* APPLICATION FORM **************************

Sunday, July 30 --- Thursday, August 3, 1995
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine 

Supported by the National Science Foundation, 
Wolfram Research, Inc., and Bowdoin College.

Application Deadline:  Friday, May 5, 1995.

********* REGISTRATION *********

____ Please register me for the Mathematica in Calculus Workshop. 
     My registration fee of $125 is due with this application.
     Should space be unavailable the fee will be refunded immediately.

Family Name: __________________________________________
First Name: ___________________________________________
Title (Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms.): ____________

Institutional Affiliation: ____________________________
Electronic Internet Address: __________________________
Mailing Address:  
     Office: __________________________________________
     Home: ____________________________________________
     FAX: _____________________________________________

Please briefly address the following questions:

1. How much experience have you had with Mathematica?

2. Have you used a computer algebra system in calculus instruction?

3. Have you taught a "reformed" calculus course?  
   If not, are you planning to do so?

4. What specific goals do you have for this Workshop?

********* HOUSING RESERVATIONS *********

____ I wish to reserve a room in Coles Tower for the Workshop.
     The cost (which includes all meals and the Lobster Bake) is $225.
     First meal:  Sunday dinner.  Last meal:  Thursday lunch. 
     A deposit of $50 is due with this application.
     If space is unavailable the deposit will be refunded immediately.

     _____ Male  _____ Female   (Essential for housing assignment.)

     Suite mate preferences 
     (We cannot guarantee that all preferences will be honored:

____ I wish to reserve a College apartment for my family and me.
     The cost --- which includes no meals --- is $275. 
     A Commuter Fee of $25 will be charged.
           (Provides lunch and access to College facilities.) 
     A deposit of $100 is due with this application.
     If space is unavailable the deposit will be refunded immediately.

     Expected number of occupants: _____

____ I intend to arrange for off-campus housing.
     A non-resident Commuter Fee of $25 will be charged.

     _____ Please send information regarding off-campus housing options.

     _____ I already know my off-campus housing address.  It will be:

____ I wish to apply for financial support for local expenses.

     Please indicate other possible sources of funding:  
********* PAYMENT *********

$ 125  Registration Fee

$____  Coles Tower Housing & Dining Fee (Deposit: $50)

$____  Apartment Rentals (Deposit: $100)

$____  TOTAL (payable to "Bowdoin College")

Please mail your completed application form and your payment to:
     Mathematica in Calculus Workshop
     c/o Prof. William Barker 
     Department of Mathematics
     Bowdoin College
     Brunswick, ME  04011
     (207) 725-3571
     barker at

Electronic submission of the application form given above is acceptable.  
If an electronic application is submitted, payment must still be sent 
via the U. S. Mail, but the deadline for receipt of such payments is 
extended to Wednesday, May 10, 1995.

____ I am submitting my application electronically.
     My payment will be sent separately, to arrive by May 10.

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